
[AI] the EU Parliament robot Summarize the concept of and should be borne by the social security costs to the owner positioned as "electronic human beings,"

( '-`) .. OO (likely to be confusing if the good in robot tax to me ... electronic human ...)

1: Shuguang  2016/06/23 (Thursday) 10: 53: 09.09 ID: CAP_USER9
Munich 21 (Reuters)

Positioned to engage robot to work with the "electronic human beings", the owner should be borne by the social security costs ──. The European Union (EU) of the European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee is a summary of these initiatives.

May draft resolution dated 31 days the committee has been created, pointed out intelligence improvement and autonomy of the robot, given the widespread use, with any problem up to the legal liability from the tax system is forced to rethink. The European Commission, has been asked to consider "at least for the most sophisticated high degree of autonomous robot, give the status of electronic human beings with inherent rights and obligations" possibility.

Resolution also, for such a robot to create a registry, proposed a plan that you want to associate with the funds to promote the legal responsibility one by one body.
To disclose the savings of social security costs through the use of robots in such companies, also showed thought tied to tax revenue.

In contrast, a comprehensive engineering company Siemens (SIEGn.DE) and industrial German machinery industry Federation robot leading Cuca (KU2G.DE) is affiliated (VDMA) is, on the proposal is too complex, and rebound to be too ahead of ourselves ing.

VDMA robot and automation department of the chief, Mr. Patrick Schwarzkopf told reporters in the robot industry show held in Munich, such as making the legal framework of the "electronic human, Madashimo if after 50 years, within 10 years is not likely to achieve. is very bureaucratic, he said to inhibit the development of the robot. "

Although draft resolution shows the concern that employment is taken away by the robot and artificial intelligence (AI), countered that Schwarzkopf Mr. correlation between the robot and spread unemployment rate is not seen. From 2010 through 2003, the stock of industrial robots in the German automotive industry has been expanded by 17%, employment was pointed out that an increasing number of 13%.

The draft resolution likely to struggling to support the acquisition of in this conference. In addition, since the European Parliament has no authority to propose a law, it does not even have the legal binding force as was passed.


38: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 01: 29.80 ID: g9togFfG0
>> 1
I wonder if you want to state that "the cheaper person who hired the human line factory than to the assembly work to the robot."
It sounds awesome to think of people who have been using the traditional slave

59: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 05: 51.51 ID: 7 + HYyh5C0
>> 38
It dispatched Jan ......

326: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 12: 20: 03.25 ID: VsL35LoZ0
>> 1
Weight Re tut.
Automatic washing machine and automatic dishwasher wonder if entering the sophisticated robot?
Or one of the Even automobile assembly Lobo If they enter (but just arm) category ,,,
It became the balloon likely to read articles.

381: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 12: 38: 58.18 ID: aWO4Z25c0
>> 1
Well this would be necessary
Haphazardly spread is the difference between the rich and poor and to promote artificial intelligence and robots to demand dies

438: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 13: 02: 14.60 ID: 5wJLifdy0
>> 1
No, it's located in the ordinary.

We are conveniently called car "running for the robot"
We are paying the "car tax", "weight tax".

The car has been multiplied by the "convenient guy," So taxes.
Robot not strange also been multiplied by the tax if "handy guy".

618: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 14: 45: 26.74 ID: CbL4Fizd0
>> 1
You will want to also EU withdrawal United Kingdom After doing this I

797: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 18: 11: 50.74 ID: 8DgLbQTw0
>> 1
I laughed w
Whether to pay one million doses Once the 10,000 medical nano-robot put into the body (゜Ro゜;

9: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 10: 55: 08.05 ID: GN3NBp520
Robot Restaurant

12: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 10: 55: 59.64 ID: FvVaYJUn0
w human rights in the industrial robot

22: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 10: 57: 06.56 ID: Sf8bRyXG0
>> 12
24-hour operation is illegal!
Yukyu also without was the 24 hours of hard labor

39: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 01: 39.86 ID: bYRTjKR + 0
>> 22
This world, it was faster than I thought
But the human handling to taxation

17: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 10: 56: 16.78 ID: TwWX7TSa0
Did you mean to or can marry a rice cooker in Europe?

244: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 48: 35.31 ID: EBtjB / b / 0
>> 17
To outs woman had married the Eiffel Tower

502: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 13: 46: 36.59 ID: TE / xpM1q0
>> 17
Flirt with vacuum cleaner

557: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 14: 10: 36.93 ID: FVLE1Upl0
>> 17
Also in the East, Taiwan can be married to a ghost woman.
w that can not be cheating because it is monitored for 24 hours instead ghost

20: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 10: 56: 39.64 ID: OA6giPZs0
Guy you have rumba and Robohon, watery eyes

32: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 10: 59: 43.16 ID: d9z / GxBf0
In the next, out I say that the robot has the right to behave as LGBT, 1 Oku Yuro

35: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 00: 15.67 ID: c3OGUZPD0
Next That's unemployment insurance.

47: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 03: 44.71 ID: xsEVUdF60
I will not shed a tear

48: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 03: 56.13 ID: + rULTwSL0
Whether the pension is paid to the broken robot? Ridiculous.

75: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 08: 13.47 ID: bYRTjKR + 0
>> 48
But I want pension?

When I think myself and Once died earlier

58: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 05: 47.53 ID: Lcwgk1EaO
If Do this can take tax from Japan vending machine when you hear the world of Standard w

64: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 06: 30.91 ID: + jJkZHCtO
You doing with something like that NHK

65: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 06: 38.90 ID: 9qyhNsHg0
> From 2010 through 2003, although the stock of industrial robots in Germany automotive industry expanded 17% 
Is Future Diary?

242: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 48: 19.98 ID: TM5FztTN0
>> 65
Writing from the past, it is the cheers for good work

67: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 07: 08.04 ID: G1 / JeFoT0
You can marry Meidorobo?

81: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 08: 58.48 ID: TC + EZCgk0
Officials: man is 8 hours I'm working robot take 3 servings because 24-hour work! !

83: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 11: 09: 32.92 ID: u6XXRrR + 0
>> 81

There is some truth. Of course, but the tax on remuneration is another

756: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 17: 22: 32.24 ID: 4dHB72AUO
Do not get the work if the robot pretend
It teamed up with someone

760: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 17: 34: 41.43 ID: Cmx3P7Tu0
>> 756
You will be prompted for the same production capacity as the robot, but ......

783: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 18: 04: 29.89 ID: eAyKuc5x0
Paying wages to the robot, welfare Toka put out when it is no longer able to work?

789: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 18: 07: 33.90 ID: D2oLPEsg0
>> 783
It was paid a pension to the dilapidated robot
I guess to repair in the health insurance system

796: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 18: 11: 33.80 ID: qMbrx9s80
>> 783
They've got is vague presence and expose every part, it has been found
Of course, part of the AI ​​program that hits the personality'll put in a new machine, I was rejuvenated

819: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 19: 10: 22.48 ID: H1pBlQmw0
Zhuge Liang Do not end the human race When the robot is available on the mass

855: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 21: 27: 04.56 ID: Kb0IGB2x0
Tamineta "I'm licking a robot."

896: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 22: 30: 33.36 ID: y3aTgWcc0
What is likely to make robot tax introduced by the such like international robot use frame like a CO2 emissions trading from Europe

909: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 23: 06: 25.78 ID: fuPEWR4c0
The robot purchase will be in human trafficking?

912: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 23: 08: 39.30 ID: Q / o2ugS90
Ishinomori's still great
It has presented an e-man tackle on more than 40 years ago

923: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 23: 16: 12.30 ID: RaPMT1Nf0
>> 912
Ichiro "Giraud'm you are too nervous. Robot such the do not need to. ... So I I originally'm a happy person who had heard only the human instruction"

927: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 23: 25: 50.22 ID: Pg / tlpCu0
This is the robot is also paid

929: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 23: 27: 41.88 ID: L8a6RZ / h0
Wow a
Let's go with this is also Japan 's only this

[Used] e the Human Future / Tetsuo Kokawa [Author] [pre] afb
[Used] e the Human Future / Tetsuo Kokawa [Author] [pre] afb 

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