
[Military] US government, the largest in history of Israel with respect to the implementation of the military aid of 40 billion dollars in foreign aid by the United States

( '-`) .. OO (I wish I wonder also intervention in some cases, because I'm doing the public a military aid, unlike the biggest one ... Japan ...)

1: Niraikanai φ ★ 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 19: 50.20 ID: CAP_USER9
◆ US government, the largest ever in the military aid of 40 billion dollars in foreign aid by the United States and to the implementation against Israel

Against Israel the United States government is to become the largest as a foreign aid that has been conducted so far, 40 billion dollars (about 4 trillion yen) military aid implementing the plan and it has 13 days of, Susan Rice has become clear in the statement by (Susan Rice) National security advisor.

Military aid totaling $ 40 billion and is scheduled to be implemented over the next 10 years, Israel is scheduled to proceed with the modernization of air power and defense for the missile to be held through this military aid.
The Government of the United States, 3.1 billion dollars in 2015 to Israel, is scheduled to be carried out the military aid of even $ 4 billion for the 2016 fiscal year.

Hillary Clinton, who becomes the Democratic presidential candidate, expressed the opposite of the intention for the settlement of the West Bank by Israel.
In addition, Donald Trump said of the Republican candidates but can also indicate a negative attitude to the aggressive military deployment to overseas from the standpoint of protectionism, the Israeli government is, by the change of government, the US government Middle East strategy for fear that a change occurs in, seeking to implement as early as possible about the military aid of $ 4 billion 2016 years.

Susan Rice presidential aide, among the lecture went on Monday, the policy of the United States of Israel-oriented, rather than those of the political party level, such as the Democratic Party and Republican Party, after a consensus by the Americans, for this policy in the future he said that would not also change occurs.

Photos: Http://Business.Newsln.Jp/biztech/images/201606170709120000.Jpg

BusinessNewsline 2016/06/18

118: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 18: 03: 13.15 ID: j2ro9Hen0
>> 1
This become the issue of the presidential election?
Or Are resulting in forced before the president change?

2: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 22: 59.07 ID: JPv5HwYs0
Nobody at this time is that this would trigger war

3: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 23: 20.51 ID: pKSZ9m720
For example and ~, who was I the President who was Toka won the Nobel Peace Prize?

23: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 42: 12.01 ID: mOC21sZ30
>> 3
This Arab side motivation disappeared, peace visit
So, it may be got once again place

206: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 23: 17: 16.88 ID: nrLpWXrJ0
>> 23
Willingness disappearance?

Thats did in fight bare 911 terrorism against the world's most powerful super-huge national home country the United States

6: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 27: 15.85 ID: cN5PZVQR0
※ In fact, Japan has to bear.

10: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 30: 10.07 ID: GAmMingC0
Israel for 30 years, the birth rate 3

29: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 47: 35.30 ID: rcKqlems0
>> 10
However, the birth rate of white system is low, I'm Arab birth rate is high
So, were from southern Russia and Ukraine at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, until resettled Russian Jews

The same trend has continued even now, the Arab system is dominated Israel, the birth of the time not too far away

13: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 32: 51.40 ID: pKSZ9m720
Well, most of the weapons are not buy from the United States of military industry
I would like a Mon Japan's ODA

18: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 39: 40.23 ID: Am89Z1pt0
Why Trump is either not referred to as a "pay in full" against Israel?

153: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 19: 26: 47.75 ID: yk68wCBM0
>> 18
Daughter, Nikki became a Jew married to a Jew.

21: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 40: 31.19 ID: UxXmRBk10
Whether the United States is the intention of expiation of Iran and arbitrarily agreed that

34: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 50: 42.83 ID: GO6UZ2Ls0
It would be a reasonable decision because the Islamic countries are on the rise

42: gamblers  lXlHlH1WM2 2016/06/18 (Sat) 14: 57: 18.15 ID: IvikoEuf0
Even good relationship right now, it It might be Saudi and Egypt resulting in a sudden change someday with a strong army

70: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 15: 49: 49.01 ID: FHcQop + O0
That's strange news
Would be Clinton, but would be playing cards, but the wonder is visible that the abort
The substantially only $ 4 billion aid of a single year
Why, you wonder put an anti-exaggerated headline?

107: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 17: 28: 06.88 ID: jof1hTE90
I wish has been much snub me Israel under the Obama administration.
I wonder was how suddenly.

130: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 18: 36: 07.02 ID: h9AOsPJ50
Just the other day, how Russia and the reaction to Israel in the Mediterranean that was announced the joint military exercises?
So far the Obama administration has been cool to Israel, because the rebound was Netanyahu was Moscow pilgrimage to state that something is plotting with Putin in
I guess I was moving I realized that it is absorbing it bad flow

137: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 19: 06: 50.74 ID: C1O + kwN60
I'm talking about is not like Obama
It Sakai Tanaka Obama had said he has placed Israel and the distance
In fact, Obama's far But it's was a kind of feeling comparatively

I do may return to Hillary support to Jews, it should be up there?
Somehow there is a back likely

165: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 19: 40: 34.13 ID: W68eIiWT0
America is ready, willing and able to dominate the Middle East with Israel Do w

169: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 19: 48: 14.11 ID: IvAcNNrd0
w Naa different to handle the Japan is a strong alliance in the world

174: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 19: 57: 09.43 ID: / TSX8xC80
Hillary is in favor of the construction of Israel's apartheid wall.

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%92%E3%A9%E3%AA%E3%BC%E3%BB%E3%AF%E3%AA%E3%B3%E3%88%E3 % B3 # .E5.A4.96.E4.BA.A4.E6.94.BF.E7.AD.96
Has taken consistently pro-Israel position, in 2005 has been supporting the construction of the apartheid wall in the West Bank,
As Jerusalem is Israel's eternal capital, from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv and supports the transfer movement to Jerusalem [29].
While and seek a cease-fire on both also with respect to Gaza invasion by the Israeli army, it is to be the result of provocation committed by Hamas against Israeli side

175: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/18 (Sat) 19: 57: 43.26 ID: dJ4mkmlu0
To Saudi Arabia began to runaway
There is only Israel put out influence in the Middle East the United States

223: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/19 (Sun) 07: 14: 06.17 ID: NULZ / NEs0
It will do a super-rich of the country What Israel?
Why ask for help? It's strange.

Whether the United States will come the day forsake Israel
Whether the United States will come the day forsake Israel 

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