
[International] Russia attempt, such as the realization neuron type interface and Quantum computing teleportation until 2035

( '-`) .. OO (Do not easily realized by unlike clone has been said from the corresponding before I teleportation ...)

1: Hiroshi ★ life woven cotton \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net 2016/06/22 (water) 23: 32: 24.76 ID: CAP_USER9
Now no longer teleportation (teleport), rather than in the world of events of fantasy, in the near future have been considered for reachable progress.

In the future strategic initiatives agency was created 20 years of the "road map" by delegation of President Putin,
Russia in 2025, in addition to the 5G mobile standard for infrastructure, a set of development has been stated that must be made.

Also in the "Guide Map" is, in Russia in 2035, neuron-type interface, quantum computing and teleportation,
Further be utilized something like a natural phenomena to convey information, and the like there is a need to be introduced.

Founder Alexander Garitsukii Mr. of Almaz Capital Partners, in the "Stanford University, in an interview in the newspaper" Kommersant ",
Teleportation experiment of molecular level at close range was successful. 20 years ago what was the product of fantasy movie is, now that many have pointed out, "it has become a reality.


125: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 51: 42.89 ID: G2ickA2R0

376: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 01: 58: 24.99 ID: wQCxS8Mt0

378: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 02: 00: 25.68 ID: wQCxS8Mt0

210: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 00: 16: 29.72 ID: LCKPpDQ00
>> 1
It will just be realized because it is a short distance and is a moment.
Long distance if the Earth to it mean that even moving galaxies pinpoint dynamic coordinate not such thing as teleportation.
I think also that it is the same time machine.
1 year ago into the space that was occupied by the Earth is just a space.

475: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 03: 30: 01.85 ID: JzrQJdP90
>> 1
I do not too much detail, I somewhere University of Tokyo had to realize quantum teleportation.
It would transfer the person Toka Well equivalent destination.

111: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 48: 05.77 ID: DAFuLolz0
For Ken Star Trek of the transfer device has been completed

113: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 48: 14.04 ID: j14eQLMI0
↓ was not just now listening to this


252: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 00: 29: 31.73 ID: 3 + G9B04J0
>> 2
To teleportation enabler here

17: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 34: 34.92 ID: 2G6XdBvs0
The boson jump requires a physical optimization in nanomachines

435: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 02: 53: 37.63 ID: giI / Aj2U0
>> 17
Class A jumper

19: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 35: 03.46 ID: Ya73TyxJ0
wait! Let them do earlier in India!

Zangief is with nitrous space screw pile driver Once you've been teleported
Nobody will not win!

25: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 35: 52.89 ID: 2ohONb550
Although the fly flies and humans had fused, even without the fly,
After transferring while wearing clothes, why not but feel like I fused to the clothes are?

664: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 08: 44: 25.15 ID: d8EZp3bq0
>> 25
Fused to the surrounding air be transferred naked
Going to be a sponge man full of bubbles

41: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 37: 49.26 ID: mihnZqEA0
Trying to compete in Japan also Terehodai

629: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 08: 01: 30.24 ID: F7T88tJc0
>> 41
You can only correspondence night

44: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 38: 02.32 ID: fMrGvm6s0
Jelly Man's report error Human Is Dead mismatch ...

63: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 40: 21.00 ID: KI28MA7P0
amazon is I wonder if so send me the goods directly in the teleportation

97: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 45: 03.60 ID: mKtRkoa00
But people of teleportation would not normally do because it is Russia who have played the replacement surgery of the head Wakaran

106: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 46: 37.97 ID: oqJk2hrN0
Probably better, but could be energy even if it has been moved obediently is good efficiency

118: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 49: 48.31 ID: cS94L4ky0
I would I like crazy to make cloned human Toka also secretly

156: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 59: 17.94 ID: AQGogFkN0
Yeah, you and information and communication at the speed of light or more?


600: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 07: 06: 21.45 ID: XRSOjbXQ0

More advanced version of this feeling?

602: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 07: 12: 21.43 ID: ggNYOrxr0
Busy Putin boss can go to stifle their own target.

606: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 07: 27: 35.81 ID: X0Koq1Sk0
The same person Will make two if replicate data when teleportation?

607: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 07: 28: 11.26 ID: 6 + zLHMMA0
It has been hanging around a long ago alien if this mon can

608: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 07: 36: 20.96 ID: W668SQFY0
Not the guy passing a different space, if the move after re-configuration type, so should can fix the over fell ill at the time of reconstruction hospital is not needed w

Do not go if the original does not disappear in the place that contains every time stick w

661: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 08: 43: 37.59 ID: 3pF2tTNN0
Really wonder back and forth Mars in something the United States.

669: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 08: 47: 09.28 ID: lfUPUDpZ0
That reminds dentist does not have to be the technician at the other 3D printer era

672: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 09: 05: 03.06 ID: 4vg1sO / z0
It's against the index finger and the middle finger to the forehead

676: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/23 (Thu) 09: 16: 38.22 ID: ebuoEB2j0
Teleportation nuclear bomb

13: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 23: 34: 13.04 ID: cq + J6Y9G0
Teleport to your heart

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