( '-`) .. OO (I consent that bear get angry After taking almost bamboo shoots ... After all, bamboo shoots contents of the stomach ...)
1: lower body is pro @ Shikorian ★ 2016/06/14 (Tue) 01: 57: 00.28 ID: CAP_USER9
Late last month and later, after another with 4 damage believed to have died after being attacked by a bear in the forest of Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture, to dismantle the bear one animal that has been cleaned in the near field results were examined in detail, some of the human body I was found. Experts, it is "a series of damage is likely due to this bear."
In the forests of Kazuno Towadaoyu, through this month from the end of last month, four people went to the mountain have died one after another because of the bamboo shoot picking, it has been seen as either was attacked by a bear.
Site in the vicinity of this month 10 days, Asiatic black bear one animal body length about 1 meter 30 centimeters of the female has been disinfected. To dismantle the bear, 13 days afternoon, where Akita Prefecture were examined in detail, is part of the human body, it is that it was found.
Toshiki Aoi Professor Emeritus of detailed Iwate University to bear ecology "to eat hit the black bear a person is unusual, a series of damage, likely due to this bear is high," You are.
Akita Prefecture, as a plurality of bear are other in the vicinity of the site has been inhabited, we continue to call so as not to go into the mountains around.
NHK 6 May 13, day 18 hour 05 minutes
Before attrition (★ 1 of a standing date and time: 2016/06/13 (Mon) 18:10: 27.34)
In the forests of Kazuno Towadaoyu, through this month from the end of last month, four people went to the mountain have died one after another because of the bamboo shoot picking, it has been seen as either was attacked by a bear.
Site in the vicinity of this month 10 days, Asiatic black bear one animal body length about 1 meter 30 centimeters of the female has been disinfected. To dismantle the bear, 13 days afternoon, where Akita Prefecture were examined in detail, is part of the human body, it is that it was found.
Toshiki Aoi Professor Emeritus of detailed Iwate University to bear ecology "to eat hit the black bear a person is unusual, a series of damage, likely due to this bear is high," You are.
Akita Prefecture, as a plurality of bear are other in the vicinity of the site has been inhabited, we continue to call so as not to go into the mountains around.
NHK 6 May 13, day 18 hour 05 minutes
Before attrition (★ 1 of a standing date and time: 2016/06/13 (Mon) 18:10: 27.34)
4: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 01: 58: 11.06 ID: Sca / lP6x0
7: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 01: 59: 19.84 ID: fzknoZVG0
Rather than the orange Toka conspicuous clothes I watched this video
I thought I mean, the more mind are people of beige clothes Hunter.
I thought I mean, the more mind are people of beige clothes Hunter.
9: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 00: 29.11 ID: Gyc4lvQK0
>> 7
Because Ya not Ayamai allies
Because Ya not Ayamai allies
11: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 02: 22.35 ID: GDO7w8710
>> 7
You will find the bear cannibalism After Orange Toka wear
Hey Think
You will find the bear cannibalism After Orange Toka wear
Hey Think
231: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 05: 42: 19.34 ID: D8uRoPu70
>> 11
Just to be sure, but I think I probably have to say in the story
There is a sense that was properly the so-called hunter orange
Mammal except the primates there are many species that red can not be determined by two-color color vision
Inconspicuous in orange animal distracted to the surrounding brightness so conspicuous looks black in the red but the animals
It is selected as a color that stands out to people
Just to be sure, but I think I probably have to say in the story
There is a sense that was properly the so-called hunter orange
Mammal except the primates there are many species that red can not be determined by two-color color vision
Inconspicuous in orange animal distracted to the surrounding brightness so conspicuous looks black in the red but the animals
It is selected as a color that stands out to people
260: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 05: 57: 24.78 ID: qjWFVmhY0
>> 231
To prevent the Ayamai from stand out among people.
Because not met in person also wore camouflage that it is the United States
I'm all right, that's Japan rather dangerous.
To prevent the Ayamai from stand out among people.
Because not met in person also wore camouflage that it is the United States
I'm all right, that's Japan rather dangerous.
8: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 01: 59: 31.95 ID: Sca / lP6x0
12: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 02: 27.41 ID: TkfwRADH0
19: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 06: 04.06 ID: oSbBPNBQ0
Is I'm dead were remembered taste of the people
Coexistence is difficult
Coexistence is difficult
26: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 08: 34.89 ID: DdX + 2m0R0
>> 19
Finally in search of Reamono is dominated humanity ...!
Finally in search of Reamono is dominated humanity ...!
72: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 52: 09.25 ID: VnMHsmoY0
>> 19
But I'm omnivorous me people but it almost likely to feel
But I'm omnivorous me people but it almost likely to feel
80: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 59: 01.14 ID: qeSBXzXtO
>> 72
To more than taste good or bad
Wildlife importance that that kill on simple
To more than taste good or bad
Wildlife importance that that kill on simple
85: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 03: 04: 58.54 ID: o4VnNRq9O
>> 72
You'll be hungry bear when I uprooted take the wild plants that had been in the bait
You'll be hungry bear when I uprooted take the wild plants that had been in the bait
24: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 07: 36.98 ID: 0dh / zblj0
Asiatic black bear is to had heard in the potato Toka real herbivorous meat is that it is a degree that Tashinamu ...
30: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 10: 03.96 ID: oSbBPNBQ0
>> 24
I'm no longer anything to the mountains because it devours the deer too increased ahead
Bear had to remember the human taste before I do may be good to eat deer
I'm no longer anything to the mountains because it devours the deer too increased ahead
Bear had to remember the human taste before I do may be good to eat deer
63: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 39: 29.81 ID: LC4SxPkv0
>> 24
3rd of the victims I had been eaten by Beams skeletonized corpse!
3rd of the victims I had been eaten by Beams skeletonized corpse!
27: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 09: 05.22 ID: Lyd0YGJg0
"What differents, attitude, such as eating the people!"
"That it is not Kumar, mumbles ..."
"That it is not Kumar, mumbles ..."
33: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 11: 28.29 ID: ZKH3BD6U0
∩ ___ ∩
| Roh ヽ
/ ● ● |
| (_ ● _) Mi
彡, | ∪ |, met to bear in the forest one day `
/ No :::: \
/ / :::: | _ /
\ / :: |
| ::: | Bear
i \ ::: / bear
\ | :: /
| \ _ //
\_ /
| Roh ヽ
/ ● ● |
| (_ ● _) Mi
彡, | ∪ |, met to bear in the forest one day `
/ No :::: \
/ / :::: | _ /
\ / :: |
| ::: | Bear
i \ ::: / bear
\ | :: /
| \ _ //
\_ /
43: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 16: 48.11 ID: OwyjHGkD0
Probably more Deca Ino is present
Since Anna is there no not eat even 4 people
Since Anna is there no not eat even 4 people
44: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 17: 04.45 ID: yJrNcMYI0
All four people dead or about hatchet is did not can also inflict one wound to the bear she would have been a mobile?
Shiren be different bear was doing four people unless one wound to bear that Shitome
Shiren be different bear was doing four people unless one wound to bear that Shitome
52: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 24: 21.56 ID: 5S5 / Qe3g0
That's a horror movie, actually declined a huge parent bear.
75: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 02: 53: 45.94 ID: CSRL6cZx0
94: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 03: 33: 14.85 ID: yNu7iJoy0
Compared to the real carnivores bear
After all, only a omnivorous biased to herbivorous
● brown bear
Calico another incident ... seven ← This is the history of the world's largest bear damage
Ishikarinumata Horoshin incident ... 4 people
● tiger
Most record of murder by a man-eating tiger ... 436 people ← 1 animals of Champawat
Ganges downstream Delta ... 129 people
Delta Sundabansu (1975-1982 years) ... Every year an average of 50 people
● Lion
Tsavo of man-eating lions (two horses) ... 9 months for a total of 28 people (135 people in one estimate)
Rufiji Prefecture of mine ... 35 people
Tumor retention old lion ... 35 people of southern Tanzania
Man-eating lions of the Sangha (the entire herd is cannibalism of) ... 84 people (most people one animal of the damage that killed), 44 people (another one animal)
Ndjolé district Niyasa Hubei coast of Tanganyika (3 hit villages across the generations) ... 1500-2000 people
Thousands of people in the Kruger National Park (Pride) 10 years
Near Tanzania Selous National Park (90 to 2004) ... 563 people
● leopard
Kumaon of man-eating leopard (two horses) ... 525 people
Kahani ... 200 people more than
Panar ... 400 people more than
Rudraprayag ... 125 people
Bhagalpur ... 82 people (in fact is said to be 350 people there are official or more of the damage)
After all, only a omnivorous biased to herbivorous
● brown bear
Calico another incident ... seven ← This is the history of the world's largest bear damage
Ishikarinumata Horoshin incident ... 4 people
● tiger
Most record of murder by a man-eating tiger ... 436 people ← 1 animals of Champawat
Ganges downstream Delta ... 129 people
Delta Sundabansu (1975-1982 years) ... Every year an average of 50 people
● Lion
Tsavo of man-eating lions (two horses) ... 9 months for a total of 28 people (135 people in one estimate)
Rufiji Prefecture of mine ... 35 people
Tumor retention old lion ... 35 people of southern Tanzania
Man-eating lions of the Sangha (the entire herd is cannibalism of) ... 84 people (most people one animal of the damage that killed), 44 people (another one animal)
Ndjolé district Niyasa Hubei coast of Tanganyika (3 hit villages across the generations) ... 1500-2000 people
Thousands of people in the Kruger National Park (Pride) 10 years
Near Tanzania Selous National Park (90 to 2004) ... 563 people
● leopard
Kumaon of man-eating leopard (two horses) ... 525 people
Kahani ... 200 people more than
Panar ... 400 people more than
Rudraprayag ... 125 people
Bhagalpur ... 82 people (in fact is said to be 350 people there are official or more of the damage)
400: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 23: 22.80 ID: 6vsPCsaQ0
>> 94
If this is taken annual statistics ↓
Ranking of the creatures took a human life in one year
# 1 mosquito 725,000
Second place human 475000
3rd snake 50,000
# 4 dogs (rabies) 25,000
5 tsetse fly 10,000
6 of Assassin bug (Reduviidae) 10,000
7 of freshwater snails (freshwater snail) 10,000
8th roundworm 2500
9 tapeworm 2000
10th crocodile 1000
11th hippopotamus 500
12th elephant 100
13th Lion 100
# 14 wolf 10
# 15 shark 10
↑ For now the dog is that the holocaust. Say Even if something rank outside of the bear.
If this is taken annual statistics ↓
Ranking of the creatures took a human life in one year
# 1 mosquito 725,000
Second place human 475000
3rd snake 50,000
# 4 dogs (rabies) 25,000
5 tsetse fly 10,000
6 of Assassin bug (Reduviidae) 10,000
7 of freshwater snails (freshwater snail) 10,000
8th roundworm 2500
9 tapeworm 2000
10th crocodile 1000
11th hippopotamus 500
12th elephant 100
13th Lion 100
# 14 wolf 10
# 15 shark 10
↑ For now the dog is that the holocaust. Say Even if something rank outside of the bear.
408: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 29: 48.50 ID: mqtox23g0
>> 400
I sense some statistics that do if are kept crocodiles and lions in each home, but I
I sense some statistics that do if are kept crocodiles and lions in each home, but I
99: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 03: 40: 05.12 ID: y7ZkW + lU0
101: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 03: 44: 29.30 ID: iBrdnbU80
※ Gros Caution
This damage also in Asiatic black bear body length 130cm
4 cases of bear trauma
This damage also in Asiatic black bear body length 130cm
4 cases of bear trauma
162: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 04: 58: 01.97 ID: 0UeAkX3t0
>> 101
I first example is terrific. Reading I tried that bear to come aiming to center the basic head, that defense instinct is the center, It looks like back teeth are so-called flat-shaped, that tearing eating is rare because the eating habits of the plant center.
After, the example attacked by bacteria of tetanus, etc. also seems nil.
But people of the first example is a truly sorry
I first example is terrific. Reading I tried that bear to come aiming to center the basic head, that defense instinct is the center, It looks like back teeth are so-called flat-shaped, that tearing eating is rare because the eating habits of the plant center.
After, the example attacked by bacteria of tetanus, etc. also seems nil.
But people of the first example is a truly sorry
117: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 04: 24: 23.65 ID: NdNZ2YGy0
Actively on the radio
"Bear ↑", "bear ↑"
Tired of being pronounced me
Not a "bear ↓"
"Bear ↑", "bear ↑"
Tired of being pronounced me
Not a "bear ↓"
132: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 04: 38: 01.43 ID: RPfvcyjD0
>> 117
136: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 04: 41: 24.86 ID: RPfvcyjD0
>> 117 >> 133
Bear ↑ is'll think accent Do not use in the sense that the bear (live Kanto
Bear ↑ is'll think accent Do not use in the sense that the bear (live Kanto
131: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 04: 37: 45.45 ID: LC4SxPkv0
Ostrich club "Do not go, not go."
134: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 04: 40: 51.18 ID: LC4SxPkv0
994 Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 03: 44: 46.92 ID: I4pQeXea0
584: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary: 2016/06/13 (Mon) 21: 52: 07.21 ID: lp3p0ilE0
It has come out in the morning sun.
The officials, from the fact there was a part of the human body, was the upper part of the stomach,
In Female struck this bear, three men that were victimized in late May
Possibility of another bear is seen as high.
I was involved in the extermination officials
"There is no possibility of that eating attacked the people heard in the prefecture bear.
In addition to there is a high possibility that there are bears that struck people as well. Blockade the peripheral site
Can not be but are talking with, please do not stay away. "
584: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary: 2016/06/13 (Mon) 21: 52: 07.21 ID: lp3p0ilE0
It has come out in the morning sun.
The officials, from the fact there was a part of the human body, was the upper part of the stomach,
In Female struck this bear, three men that were victimized in late May
Possibility of another bear is seen as high.
I was involved in the extermination officials
"There is no possibility of that eating attacked the people heard in the prefecture bear.
In addition to there is a high possibility that there are bears that struck people as well. Blockade the peripheral site
Can not be but are talking with, please do not stay away. "
176: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 05: 05: 30.38 ID: 4n1CRWbk0
I can not live unless taken bamboo shoots up at the risk of local residents
Net residents swearing and self-responsibility of the victim
Beast of the forest is increased spread
It ends Japan is gradually
Net residents swearing and self-responsibility of the victim
Beast of the forest is increased spread
It ends Japan is gradually
224: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 05: 39: 24.36 ID: I4pQeXea0
I did eat struck part of the human body from the stomach of the extermination of the bear Akita
Because this bear is not known whether the hit man, Akita Prefecture and the prefectural police, the city is a member of the emergency meeting to make, etc.
13 days afternoon, was examined the stomach and intestines of the bear, part of the human body from the inside (body hair and meat) is found.
In the future, we examine in more detail.
The contents of the stomach is almost a bamboo shoot, there was a part of the human body at the top close to the mouth. Intestinal digestion proceeds contents of the
It was little. Clothes that leads to a specific victim is not found.
Officials, there was a part of the human body, since it was the top of the stomach, in the women's this bear is struck,
3 men who were victimized in late May have seen that there is a high possibility of another bear. I was involved in the extermination officials
"Bear there is no possibility of that eating attacked the people heard in the prefecture. There is a high possibility that in addition to also there are bears that hit people.
It is impossible to seal the peripheral site, but he said I do not want to approach. " (Saito ShigeruHiroshi)
Because this bear is not known whether the hit man, Akita Prefecture and the prefectural police, the city is a member of the emergency meeting to make, etc.
13 days afternoon, was examined the stomach and intestines of the bear, part of the human body from the inside (body hair and meat) is found.
In the future, we examine in more detail.
The contents of the stomach is almost a bamboo shoot, there was a part of the human body at the top close to the mouth. Intestinal digestion proceeds contents of the
It was little. Clothes that leads to a specific victim is not found.
Officials, there was a part of the human body, since it was the top of the stomach, in the women's this bear is struck,
3 men who were victimized in late May have seen that there is a high possibility of another bear. I was involved in the extermination officials
"Bear there is no possibility of that eating attacked the people heard in the prefecture. There is a high possibility that in addition to also there are bears that hit people.
It is impossible to seal the peripheral site, but he said I do not want to approach. " (Saito ShigeruHiroshi)
229: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 05: 41: 31.61 ID: NG1NmfyJ0
Ferocious bear that attack humans in the mountains of fog
325: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 06: 45: 21.34 ID: LC4SxPkv0
It's not a story that requires only this self-responsibility.
Well I no problem if you just die in self-responsibility to go here to edible wild plants picking,
Since it's also over a period of trouble after death to increase the man-eating bear.
Well I no problem if you just die in self-responsibility to go here to edible wild plants picking,
Since it's also over a period of trouble after death to increase the man-eating bear.
329: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 06: 48: 30.17 ID: C2xEjUn80
>> 325
If it is correct man-eating bear in the crime of the captured bear is, at present only one head that.
Hey I think too dramatically the Tteyuu increase people-eating bear?
Possibility but it does not deny
If it is correct man-eating bear in the crime of the captured bear is, at present only one head that.
Hey I think too dramatically the Tteyuu increase people-eating bear?
Possibility but it does not deny
334: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 06: 50: 58.22 ID: c + hzs43G0
>> 329
To begin with is funny I "man-eating bear."
What had been eaten by three people in front of the aunt?
To begin with is funny I "man-eating bear."
What had been eaten by three people in front of the aunt?
341: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 06: 52: 08.91 ID: LC4SxPkv0
>> 334
First and third victim has been eaten.
Of particular was terrible a third.
It is eating pillow.
First and third victim has been eaten.
Of particular was terrible a third.
It is eating pillow.
348: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 06: 58: 29.36 ID: C2xEjUn80
>> 341
The possibility that other animals were vandalism the bodies? ?
It is even as I bear, hey because rather not you eat and hit the people who are living as roughening the body different
But concern is worry, but ...
The possibility that other animals were vandalism the bodies? ?
It is even as I bear, hey because rather not you eat and hit the people who are living as roughening the body different
But concern is worry, but ...
362: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 02: 32.49 ID: LC4SxPkv0
>> 348
Rather than other animals vandalism the bodies,
It is believed that the bear ate.
Although the third victim had been pillow eating,
The growl of a bear from nearby at the time of the bodies recovered had been.
Although the was in its time side I do not know what dogs eyes of bear of the,
When the bear is not Let Me Hear glare on their food in buckwheat,
It will not be Ha other animals.
Rather than other animals vandalism the bodies,
It is believed that the bear ate.
Although the third victim had been pillow eating,
The growl of a bear from nearby at the time of the bodies recovered had been.
Although the was in its time side I do not know what dogs eyes of bear of the,
When the bear is not Let Me Hear glare on their food in buckwheat,
It will not be Ha other animals.
384: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 17: 14.65 ID: Xlw7Fwwf0
>> 336
The contents of the stomach of dissected Mesukuma is, bamboo shoots a lot, because it is a little human flesh in the person of the above, it seems to feel that I had spilled us.
Murder bear, Toka seems large male that has been witnessed.
The contents of the stomach of dissected Mesukuma is, bamboo shoots a lot, because it is a little human flesh in the person of the above, it seems to feel that I had spilled us.
Murder bear, Toka seems large male that has been witnessed.
350: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 06: 58: 38.74 ID: xglt89x50
It would turn the shooting star silver
461: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 10: 37.72 ID: Oj / 74p9i0
>> 350
Yesterday, is this also the dogs of my house ,,,
And received a "red (helmet) paper", it was convened www
; _______
| Draft card |
| ---- |
/ Contact ask to you / __
/ Haha / //
/ (^ Ω ^) / / /
/ ---- / / /
∠ silver ____ / /
/ __ L /
Yesterday, is this also the dogs of my house ,,,
And received a "red (helmet) paper", it was convened www
; _______
| Draft card |
| ---- |
/ Contact ask to you / __
/ Haha / //
/ (^ Ω ^) / / /
/ ---- / / /
∠ silver ____ / /
/ __ L /
358: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 00: 26.98 ID: bl5IFaB10
Monsters / new species invasion - mortal combat with the bear from around movie trailers and 48 seconds
ttps:? //www.youtube.com/watch v = Q9oOfyF4k00
ttps:? //www.youtube.com/watch v = Q9oOfyF4k00
402: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 24: 14.30 ID: LC4SxPkv0
Of advance ring around the moon
403: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 24: 30.84 ID: vcNAT1sS0
Wonder mother bear kept the cubs
Cubs "Should Prefer Harasa this grudge"
Cubs "Should Prefer Harasa this grudge"
502: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 47: 46.07 ID: I4pQeXea0
Kyokushin America
Willie Williams Branch
In the movie "the ground strongest karate Part2"
It defeated the bear
Kyokushin America
Willie Williams Branch
In the movie "the ground strongest karate Part2"
It defeated the bear
Willie Williams Branch
In the movie "the ground strongest karate Part2"
It defeated the bear
Kyokushin America
Willie Williams Branch
In the movie "the ground strongest karate Part2"
It defeated the bear
503: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 49: 53.93 ID: aa + q4ANT0
I have been victimized of Rogai to bear
464: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 13: 37.46 ID: + BzIFaw30
I would not want the No. 1 I die been eaten alive in animal
467: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 14: 31.78 ID: XVOF / 7610
I'm coming down on the beaten track because the food is not enough, you Mako acorns to everyone in the mountains in order to bear
500: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 45: 01.31 ID: Iyb58ymo0
As the view of the Japanese black bear Institute
The dissected this time it seems to survived the large original in bear participatory feeding damage yet
The dissected this time it seems to survived the large original in bear participatory feeding damage yet
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