
[United Kingdom] tabloid Sun, "when the cause Now action" endorsement to the UK of EU withdrawal

( '-`) .. OO (I wish'm likely to rest a considerable grudge later'm fifty-fifty also in the referendum ...)

1: manner well Keiichi ★ [special serious news] © 2ch.net 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 54: 11.54 ID: CAP_USER9 BE: 511393199-PLT (15074)
sssp: //img.2ch.net/premium/1051729.gif
LONDON (Reuters) - British tabloid Sun is 13 days, expressed support for the motion calling for the European Union (EU) withdrawal of the United Kingdom.
In the UK referendum asking the pros and cons of the withdrawal from the EU is carried out in 23 days.

The newspaper called for a withdrawal "It's the last chance we have to get out of a non-democratic Brussels of the organization. It is time to cause what action now," an editorial of one side.

British tabloid Sun, the United Kingdom of endorsement to the EU withdrawal | Reuters 2016 June 14 7:27 AM JST

■ reference image

■ related them
[International] the British people vote in the poll. EU breakaway faction of 55%, the residual faction 45% [Unauthorized reproduction prohibited] © 2ch.net

2: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 54: 59.79 ID: CbllBgrn0
Domo, the British tabloid Saint

168: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 12: 49: 38.69 ID: dULTI0KI0
>> Have dwarf heads in two grass

192: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 21: 25: 27.71 ID: a2v3lzda0
>> 2
I thought to come

3: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 55: 02.20 ID: dG2qRpko0
Sanzuke white!

4: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 55: 15.22 ID: JA8v1WKE0
But Thats Ne using the euro even you guys now

6: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 01: 16.52 ID: yl3OC8h10
It looks like came Lehman class of disaster that has been said of Abe's
Abe had foresight

27: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 21: 09.59 ID: h0G5QIp90
>> 6
I agree, I think we did not even mouth a word it also nobody Europe summit.
Should of shock pretty Once you have achieved.

7: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 02: 27.20 ID: EGQThK3 / 0
Not a like a mon east sports I Sun?

163: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 12: 33: 32.73 ID: IU2LHwbl0
>> 7
Fuji Evening and Nikkan Gendai and the same, tabloid

8: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 05: 07.07 ID: S5yrGNyP0
It might be a good leaving
It need not come Toka strange immigration

10: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 07: 30.88 ID: OeMjEAV70
>> 8
I see
Whether immigration is to dismantle the EU

9: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 06: 27.96 ID: FL / 7jEC40
Oh, for a while or the yen.

12: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 11: 38.50 ID: cq1yz4sp0
Poor Nanoha immigration also poor Eastern Europe reject
And right to self-determination without any than superpower
MUST NOT have to support for Greek debt which have their own times the pension supply and demand
Austerity ... by cutting welfare to leave is said
It's framework for the part with a focus on Germany country I EU

15: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 12: 57.44 ID: / J8 + MuAu0
Shirenzo be British advances yen until about dividing a stretch 100 After withdrawal

17: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 14: 48.92 ID: Maddri + s0
Also'll came become the deployment of worldwide stock prices ...

At the summit I do not know whether to become the Lehman shock class
w of Even the United Kingdom that of you that wore Ichamon

64: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 45: 33.91 ID: j9u5bhXG0
>> 17
Different from Lehman
That time, CDS is spark that has been dusted in a wide financial products.
This time, but extensive and more complex, it is likely that the influence is diluted.
Rather than a recession to spark a particular cluster, the whole is likely to be gradually recession at the same time pattern.
Scary is when you see the deflationary trend in the EU dangerous.

18: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 15: 53.02 ID: w / MjLwgt0
It said the position also stood Japanese media
Do I say

23: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 18: 52.61 ID: Maddri + s0
>> 18
I not palm to hear what say from the actual outside Do not ...
In the most recent opinion polls to have turned into dominant towards the breakaway faction

What real intention of the breakaway faction is multiplied by the dignity of the British culture and traditions
Did not another severe It has come is also the aspect?

22: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 18: 11.39 ID: zm / BJKE / 0
Incidentally once also separate and independent Scotland
British Empire dismantling

24: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 20: 10.95 ID: y + j0yZbi0
It's This withdrawal decision
EU also end, when it comes only in Germany
No economy itself, and forced to do Toka ideal
After all bad, the first place on EU, made from Nazi remorse
I would have had enough remorse, good at dissolution, back to everyone the original currency

85: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 12: 45.31 ID: qZVoh5mQ0
>> 24
ECSC is was possible from the reflection of the war.
The purpose is the same as from there to gradually regional integration, many organizations began to develop into a EC → EU coalesce.

133: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 10: 26: 40.64 ID: j9u5bhXG0
>> 85
EU from the EC in France of speculation
It was a wedge with respect to the East-West integration of Germany

104: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 39: 16.16 ID: Ot9haX7K0
>> 24
Do not do a thing.
It ends the EU if not There are Germany, but not big deal also gone the United Kingdom.

137: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 10: 36: 58.41 ID: lc84gJON0
>> 104
Ignite the withdrawal theory also in other countries

31: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 25: 17.07 ID: ae9OWP + p0
Composition of ww2. Germany dominated the non-United Kingdom. Not only in the difference between whether armed or economy.

32: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 25: 22.01 ID: / pZuOWdq0
Scotland is independent Once the EU withdrawal? But rather to do let me decline the national power? Laughing grinning behind China? I'm an idiot? Guys that said there resurrected British Empire. Anachronism yan w

67: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 46: 24.93 ID: 42WOdEVdO
>> 32
I because sufficient EU has been poisoned in China even now.

American media also show the European discomfort to Abe to stir up a sense of crisis in the global economy of the G7, to Europe has not been as much as stable say, I have to say but rather the financial crisis Even now.

It is also in the United States of television coverage, but is visible to the eye is the collapse of the Chinese economy will lead to a financial crisis in Europe, but Cameron something had accused that had been saying there are signs of recovery.

71: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 49: 58.35 ID: j9u5bhXG0
>> 67
If the position of Cameron, you'll only have to do so speak.

83: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 11: 07.27 ID: 42WOdEVdO
>> 71
so. So I, for the crisis of the world economy on a par with Lehman that the Japanese media was interested, the commentator in the American news program,

"France and Italy, in accordance with the well pace in the last minute of diplomacy,
Although Germany has talked about the financial crisis in Europe by changing the attitude at the last minute,
Cameron did not say only withdrawal of the problem. It had been completely isolated. "
I because I have opposed EU with a such predictions America. Even Japan and the United States by cladding the tilt in the European financial crisis, it can to minimize the wound.
The United States is whether there is also the election, has been one after another contract discard the transactions with Chinese companies.

132: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 10: 24: 53.15 ID: j9u5bhXG0
>> 83
Well, France, because Italy has a weak economic base to support the EU compared to Germany it.
Even Germany, more than experiencing the push-up from the public at the time of the Greek crisis,
Insertion of the extent possible will to go.

After all, I guess France'm EU limit launched in snap decision.
And to remove the emotion theory if launch of the European Economic Area, virtually the German economic zone of Germany the main shaft
I wonder only real solution is not.

43: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 30: 45.98 ID: bJK9LREi0
Gonna it disintegrated inevitable missing and the Nordic Toka also Waresaki When you want to leave but I'm so British EU Scottish independence w

47: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 34: 37.70 ID: FpheU4Ce0
But I Am the, would not want After pouring refugees from the Middle East Africa? 
It also would not want Germany to behave like selfish. 
I know comfortably of the United Kingdom. 
This is a leaving Ya ne.

49: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 34: 58.81 ID: y + j0yZbi0
Would split because anger to the country that rely on Germany and the UK economy,
Reality to immigration problem is getting worse,

London If you have left there is also a statement of the mayor that the development,
Spain, Italy also still useless
Exchange moves more than 5 yen, Nikkei fall more than ¥ 3 thousand, this will come

60: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 39: 51.06 ID: Maddri + s0
And it will not do leaving to say for the time being Somehow
Snare the optimism has disappeared ...

I do not know If you do not see how I do fall at the end of the last
Huh fact has become a dangerous situation ...

66: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 46: 24.34 ID: / XCDtfOc0
It does not come except in the United Kingdom. We're not lose the EU5 billion people in the market.
But the UK is some impact because it is the second largest country in the EU

69: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 48: 06.45 ID: tF80hnxe0
I'm giving decided by national referendum on important matters, such as those suffering from the country of fate I Europe
And what the Congress of the for

97: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 32: 22.15 ID: o8yuX2SYO
>> 69
Along the lawmakers and the party's intention and leave it to Congress
Because the entire nation of problem I wonder idea Even it should be considered in every one capita

175: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 13: 44: 28.77 ID: 64HID7c10
>> 69
Unlike the Japanese rights and democracy from the top came down
The final responsibility for democracies wonder recognition What people own

74: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 53: 05.16 ID: lhf3gxc00
Switzerland and Norway that are not in the EU would have done normally high economic level country?
United Kingdom also not changed much is.
But rather to the growing voices of the anti-EU in Europe, I think this is that there is a high possibility that become a precedent is more of the EU to collapse.

78: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 02: 47.49 ID: b8O1ltzs0
Abe-chan, Naa be that consumption was a tax deferral to the correct answer.

86: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 14: 42.80 ID: fP8mWyFR0
The "Berlin Wall" is the collapse of the EU

92: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 24: 41.84 ID: snzjBvDJ0
Wonder becomes throat over over at Trump president born in the EU withdrawal

105: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 39: 32.36 ID: AbmPb0Y90
Would this immigration measures?
Are the United Kingdom became severely what suddenly though it was tolerant of immigrants until now?
Wonder if because I rapidly increasing at 's because of Merkel

109: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 43: 35.81 ID: fP8mWyFR0
>> 105
And frequent terrorist attacks in the opposite shore of France
France has come by feeding the bothersome immigration to the United Kingdom

112: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 49: 27.88 ID: n5ley8Ls0
UK young people are leaving the other hand, people on the age it seems withdrawal favor
Was somehow reverse of the image, it is the person who took the year policy becomes to extremists

116: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 52: 40.25 ID: fP8mWyFR0
>> 112
Generation that knows the United Kingdom of non-EU wants a regression

121: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 10: 05: 34.26 ID: fRH5FOn1O
>> 112
EU is obvious that young people are not out to choice Nante withdrawal.

Because even if there is no EU know that there is a country, we can agree to the withdrawal.

129: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 10: 20: 20.46 ID: n5ley8Ls0
In research it said there was antagonism at around 50%
I'm this in a state that does not have Toka American shootings
It feels like there is a high possibility of withdrawal
It looks like an old man to have the votes there are many of leaving, but I do not think is turned over so easily

177: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 13: 47: 24.64 ID: AlgRsuUO0
Shut up boy!
You to Sun or can save!

186: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 15: 24: 13.96 ID: G46Ru8dq0
Uzzah of the EU is abnormal.
Ya came to say gudaguda up to the patrol car of color want.
Moreover, democracy is not like intervention in the decision-making process.

Making sloppy suck, Sorya.

59: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 39: 16.04 ID: Kx6eB5Da0
Passed by many San voice

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