
[China] Shanghai Disney Opening children pee to the outside from the restaurant. 2 hours waiting gate. meal is waiting high-bad-in

( '-`) .. OO ( just opened yesterday I think kun calm various now ... out ...)

1: slime ★ \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 13: 40: 15.25 ID: CAP_USER9
Parent to be errand to children in Shanghai Disney opening of the park near the entrance gate suddenly among the light rain also

"I'm proud and be mainland China's first Disneyland". Shanghai Disneyland Opening Date
16 days morning, Chinese tourists made a column to the entrance gate were the expectations and joy in the mouth. Column made from early in the morning
I am 8 to hundreds of scale in (Japan time at the same 9) too. Of people and Mickey Mouse to sit down on the ground
Foreigners figure wearing a hat. Then get off the light rain, tourists waited for admission to an umbrella.

Male teacher who came from Guizhou Province (27) spending power and the economic development of "Disney was able to China
He spoke in testimony he "and smile of improvement.

Disney fans from Japan is the next garden. Nagoya company employee, Ayako Yamada (35) morning
4 o'clock arrival. "Made with the huge money, there is also a vehicle was not up to this. Do what
How I was excited and came doing it want to see. "

On the other hand, cage also parents to added together to use the boys at the implantation of near entrance gate, manners improved in problem
I was suggesting that there is. (Joint)

Sankei WEST 2016.6.16 12:41 update

[Economic] Shanghai Disneyland, today open
[Shanghai Disney] Moulin appeared on the 16th opening of the park parade

157: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 14: 08: 47.83 ID: g4rJyKw20
>> 1
This is assumed in the wwwwww
Beautiful state I wonder if subsequent years?
It was or was many months

690: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 17: 54: 11.12 ID: rW5LbQxY0
>> 1
That's generous

14: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 13: 43: 08.58 ID: K95snkBO0
Is not 's way

But Seriously, will'm this Chinese culture is really nothing manners?
Be allowed to put up When the child is hosting bad, I guy
Sounds a little laugh from anyway if foreign you doing in the country pointing finger

435: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 15: 08: 57.86 ID: hvF26ElB0
>> 14
Basically, the customer's people of the country, will come many also Disney fan from overseas
Walt Disney is pride over the quality of would like to uniform normal, part of the walking landscape even service
Surely the case wishing to disturb the fairy tale view of the world in the scattering of Tachishon and dust

349: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 14: 49: 15.42 ID: / 83pNpNv0
I have laughed if you guys manners of
'm Japanese I was side by side to the top of the opening of the park date matrix
They are really embarrassing is more of a cultural standard of Jap to wrest I was looking forward

357: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 14: 50: 31.73 ID: XJxVsTya0
>> 349
Even alongside early Japanese people
No problem because the interrupt to

363: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 14: 50: 59.22 ID: rXbaWcIf0
>> 349
Do not blame so much the Chinese people to monopolize crazy Alongside hear and bags

605: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 17: 03: 34.20 ID: z8auc / aZ0
Shanghai is it because direct management of the US Disney
Oriental Land is But I'm upstream than the Tokyo Disney Resort only has a contract rice Disney and license
But eyes from above you and colleagues for some reason

621: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 17: 11: 39.85 ID: a5PCL32R0
>> 605
Management of the joint venture

625: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 17: 14: 18.99 ID: xOGXYvBB0
>> 605
In other words
Tokyo Disneyland is an independent country
Shanghai Disneyland colonial
I thing I.

652: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 17: 24: 54.97 ID: b + DEao9b0
>> 605
I do not know what perpetrate and monitoring role is not

889: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 36: 56.31 ID: 5IHhavSl0
Immediately after cultural enlightenment that it would be what kind of country would have a lot I would like this

891: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 39: 36.53 ID: tSWRnpm90
>> 889
It's after many years from Olympics
At that time, Thats but apparently was equivalent thorough nothing has changed

903: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 52: 11.96 ID: eTknnzFu0
>> 889
World 4 is a corner of the large civilizations> <

892: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 39: 55.31 ID: JbdgJH7M0
There is also likely to Toka boast people in the Mickey is in the SNS

899: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 48: 04.37 ID: W6Pc4iTs0
'd Gladly processed in if Disney's staff of about "found a star!" Momentum

993: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 10: 23: 38.13 ID: 9qzQow8N0
Buns Kke It is about 560 yen in Japanese yen

I want to see to see what's going well in such a bullish price setting

1: ◆ HeartexiTw chest crush φ ★ \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net (★ 99b9-YuwK) 2016/06/16 ( Thursday) 23: 23: 35.86 ID: CAP_USER9 BE: 348439423-PLT (13557 )
When I eat "lunch, soon 2 adults near the seat is holding a small child,
I had to pee towards the restaurant's garden. "
Shanghai Disneyland Opening the first day of the 16 days, the Chinese version of Twitter "BiHiroshi (Weibo)"
Posted pictures and articles, will be reproduced in here and there in the blink of an eye.

* + * + Sankei News + * + *
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: default: vvvvv: 1000: 512: ----: EXT was configured

11: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 1854-qS7w) 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 26: 33.25 ID:RQTPPRB80
>> 1
I dare say it
If it is chaos

27: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W b16f-qS7w) 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 32: 39.98 ID:O6RYkLSA0
>> 1
I well-ish than I thought

281: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 56ae-Vatj) 2016/06/17 (gold) 10: 03: 40.80 ID: vjUZlwvs0
>> 1
Because the layers that truly go to Disneyland, I'm was added together to use toward the outside not 's store

5: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Oppeke Sr55-qS7w) 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 24: 43.90 ID: HEP1VzjPr
Shanghai Obuzadetto

6: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 8be1-b4vF) 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 25: 28.71 ID: YFc4F69w0
Interrupt is likely to w in 100 person unit before you are side-by-side with their own

18: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W ced7-qS7w) 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 28: 45.74 ID: zPthi4vW0
There is a storage, such as people were often too much to handle and bring lunch and a Japanese

20: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W c41b-fb3y) 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 30: 36.70 ID: WnbMB2i20
But old man who had come to the pre-open had been abandoned Tabakopoi to implantation "such that grow trees, Is the was doing nutrition" I had Notama' me. You can swallow or ww When was

21: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Auau Sa31-ntlg) 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 30: 48.08 ID: n8QKCLB1a
I more China Ppoku if if anyway
Cinderella Castle crimson
Mickey also bright red
Minnie is China's clothing standard (no costume sort)
It gufi change to the Dragon
Donald change to the panda
Ryubashira installed in each location
Bronze statue of Walt Disney is changed to Mao Zedong
Goods also Mao Zedong attached to the side of the whole Mickey (red)

26: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 58d7-a / KP) 2016/06/16 ( Thursday) 23: 32: 29.81 ID: R6DNqgA30
It 's Dream Island state without' s country of dreams

28: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4b88-j4mG) 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 33: 56.65 ID: DFliv3xR0
Mickey also a movement of the Chinese Do not w

36: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 21d0-E4Ci) 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 37: 28.53 ID: H4xXJv4l0
Country of a sense dream

39: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 2488-0VD /) 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 38: 21.00 ID: SYoT1gQz0
In a sense Wonderland

75: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4b88-Glyl) 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 00: 55.82 ID: 8W1Wc6wB0
Likely Toka impersonate the characters bring stuffed toy made with myself.

81: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Sasakuttero Sp55-ntlg) 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 06: 12.26 ID: HdzBjoM2p

99: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 638a-qS7w) 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 38: 49.90 ID: XwW9s51p0
>> 81
Remember me theme park Doraemon and Pikachu had?

256: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (spooling Sdf4-qS7w) 2016/06/17 (gold) 09: 29: 07.39 ID: ZRCtWHR + d
>> 81
It is not the eyebrows of the countryside Yankee

88: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (spooling Sdf4-qS7w) 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 16: 05.30 ID: + tAP7ZBhd
Afraid to feel likely out talking to selfishly people in the Mickey
Wonder if one shot out Once hired is because the side softening Yarakashi

97: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 36f9-ntlg) 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 32: 42.70 ID: McdYf7zo0
Higher the bad would be together even Tokyo but

111: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Eimo SEba-qS7w) 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 17: 33.70 ID: 7eiBS + WnE

100: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 18d7-ntlg) 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 39: 35.17 ID: raBMRkPM0
Disney run etc. to me is
Do not fit only to Japanese also do not say one complaint alongside four to five hours

103: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 24bc-4fuR) 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 53: 51.85 ID: ipuHOv9p0
I hope the scene faced Mickey of the head under his arm

120: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (spooling Sd05-QXz0) 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 47: 18.09 ID: LVN6oYaqd
Premonition like Donald backflip or Minnie or swordsmanship showcase

121: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi c092-4fuR) 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 48: 10.48 ID: VBZHOvxJ0
A certain degree of localization not Shah ( '· ω · `)

124: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi c092-4fuR) 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 50: 07.37 ID: VBZHOvxJ0
I thought when I went to Beijing, but there are many odd without the number of public toilets
Increasing the toilet in the Park ( '· ω · `)

132: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Auau Sa31-ntlg) 2016/06/17 (gold) 02: 14: 54.40 ID: wmFO1ZQaa
I want you to work hard on people of China because really interesting
I want to see what can keep the country of dream Disney world is far

146: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 899b-4fuR) 2016/06/17 (gold) 03: 35: 53.29 ID: ZeiLt9m30
I much clean and do peaceful than this even park outside

165: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Auau Saed-IT / o) 2016/06/17 (gold) 05: 39: 13.98 ID: 1TkfQKH / a
Because Anan even Chinese who have economic power of only able to come to Japan it home country is a guy I Oshiteshirubeshi

210: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 9e57-9XgZ) 2016/06/17 (gold) 08: 14: 52.52 ID: UhhAlC590
Admission fee is 8000 yen in Japanese yen, the average monthly income of Shanghai is 90,000,
Wonder about admission 30,000 and say in Japan of sense?
Come in the local human guy is probably the home of the middle class - or more?
So ,,,, mon's this cultural standard
I do not want to go absolutely here nor in China ,,,

241: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KKba-TgZM) 2016/06/17 (gold) 09: 14: 29.26 ID: qyPbNwlPK
>> 210 
It would be nice to love unlimited 30,000 also because I'm paying rather? I'm feeling

213: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 3857-ntlg) 2016/06/17 (gold) 08: 19: 39.19 ID: YY3w4k6y0
As seen on TV a little while ago. It had been ignored even if it is carefully're up to like a telephone pole. Staff also amazed face me I'm dead.

234: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi e1d7-9NgT) 2016/06/17 (gold) 08: 59: 58.87 ID: PipzbwGA0
I saw in this news
I was desperately seen Toka Chinese of image you are trying to interrupt the column

It's very likely something ...

240: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 8999-4fuR) 2016/06/17 (gold) 09: 13: 13.28 ID: 2X53AkKX0
We're now travel companies have begun Shanghai Disney tour
I do want to go? ? ?
I heard arrive at 20 minutes from the airport, it would Crowded towards Tokyo from good to the better

247: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 2452-9XgZ) 2016/06/17 (gold) 09: 23: 08.14 ID: BQlPrBFF0
China huh What 4 ★ in anticipation of the following when the hotel room price list of equipment to be is put'm often but are stolen.
It was last year for the first time attack me 60 times more than China are. Woman of the 20s, which was trying to check out was back taken out of the dryer is said to staff from the bag.
China pay depot to show identification at the time of check-in, it's back depot gold from sure of the room at the time of check-out

Rat Gardens also stolen equipment

248: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi e1d7-9NgT) 2016/06/17 (gold) 09: 23: 26.00 ID: PipzbwGA0
Video of Nippon Television have also been seen
It was amazing·····

Or Fumitsubushi flowers penetrate into the flower beds
Or eat peeled apples with a knife sitting in a line in front of the restaurant
Smoked cigarettes sound of smth. Floating at the non smoking, or cigarette butts poi
Far from flower beds of implantation, it has lined up in the column of attraction
As it is a child that can no longer be toilet put up on top of the concrete
Or started to pee

I was feeling like hell than say a dream of country

254: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi e1d7-9NgT) 2016/06/17 (gold) 09: 27: 27.45 ID: PipzbwGA0
Or climbing any person on top of the trash can or climb any person to pillars as Let the parade
Through not ask to say at all, even if the staff is aware

This would be dangerous ... pretty
No But this even still just the beginning of feeling

271: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Auau Saed-qS7w) 2016/06/17 (gold) 09: 46: 58.20 ID: TFZVo8bka
Staff also probably the Chinese?
But normally it fights likely and customers.
Staff and customers do not want to go I want to take a look at Toka fight at Disneyland.

276: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W b116-NbpQ) 2016/06/17 (gold) 09: 54: 33.55 ID: jEnbNiBA0
Or by it, surprised the Japanese in this opening that is doing ten thousand near

309: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi c405-4fuR) 2016/06/17 (gold) 10: 40: 15.90 ID: wfWTzNYb0
>> 276
Disney Professor like a guys is not funny even if much that

280: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi e1d7-9NgT) 2016/06/17 (gold) 10: 01: 23.23 ID: PipzbwGA0
But, do not really even for me pale in buns one 500 yen

284: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi e1d7-9NgT) 2016/06/17 (gold) 10: 09: 51.02 ID: PipzbwGA0
Oia diaper the child can not take'm such restrictions are in intense attraction, but ...

Infant Toka Dumbo Toka It's A Small World, of the merry-go-round system
It only sits vehicle
Waiting time not so long it was over there system

288: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 5839-gXnJ) 2016/06/17 (gold) 10: 17: 27.03 ID: M60g + snu0
I this Disney is a large possibility that does not work. Revenue of Disney
Entrance fee, and accommodation food and drink, and goods sold. Food & beverage It will bring,
So I would rather get into trouble. It also It would imitations are rampant goods.

Admission is ordeal may initially earn, but if there is no improvement of service,
It It would not be expected also repeater. Such leisure facilities in China
Would still impossible.

318: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi fd0c-mXBf) 2016/06/17 (gold) 10: 52: 17.96 ID: G4RX / LGU0
Original Disneyland itself is about opening of the park 10 years because it is said to have been black history retention was black admission ban
No wonder China of state

326: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 6346-ntlg) 2016/06/17 (gold) 11: 01: 32.00 ID: oes179xU0
Chinese's suits is Shijingshan Amusement Park

317: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Beimo MMea-0VD /) 2016/06/17 (gold) 10: 52: 01.65 ID: jPEbzaHpM
2 hours waiting ...
Diet high bad ...
There, Chiba's also held true

275: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi bd88-4fuR) 2016/06/17 (gold) 09: 51: 04.55 ID: KLg6CFT30
It entered the township According to township
We should not complain should suit the way of China in Shanghai Disney

D23 Expo USA 2015 WDI Shanghai Disneyland Mickey & Minnie silhouette cast limited pin
D23 Expo USA 2015 WDI Shanghai Disneyland Mickey & Minnie silhouette cast limited pin 

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