
[Metropolitan] Masuzoe said "Rio Olympics and the (election) it is inconsistent with the public interest that overlaps. This time with grace" also expressed intention of the salary in full decline

( '-`) .. OO (to have hung over Tokyo Olympics itself is dark clouds ... there ... I wish it quite historic ... even for me this governor is going to flag receipt)

1: Eri Nyan  2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 41: 05.67 ID: CAP_USER9
Tokyo Yoichi Masuzoe governor 13 days, to speak to the conclusion of intensive discussion of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Affairs Committee, about the no-confidence motion in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly is about to be submitted, "Rio Olympics and the (election) overlap that the public interest unsuitable for. I have you grace this time, if I have to the Metropolitan Assembly the decision to not suitable as the Governor said, would like you to submit a no-confidence motion. " Intention to full decline the salary was also expressed.

Asahi Shimbun at 2016 June 13, 19 02 minutes

Before attrition (★ 1 of a standing date and time: 2016/06/13 (Mon) 19:15: 31.67)

300: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 12: 18.93 ID: TK3SKkKC0
>> 1
It's okay, because the President of the host country's absence of corruption w
Ome also get outta.

2: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 41: 44.55 ID: + ZKEbZ7l0
Also it would feel to go to the Rio Olympics watching tour in the family

4: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 43: 01.31 ID: wHGhjnFT0
What in the trouble that come out to the election After the Olympic Games held in Japan in Rio?

14: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 45: 11.51 ID: IoYZp1lj0
>> 4
Not that you want to receive the flag in the closing ceremony?

987: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 09: 07: 30.36 ID: 0DmkOghI0
>> 4
There is a takeover expression between the next venue

5: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 43: 17.19 ID: lfBO41iQ0
Because it is not necessary to overlap with the Tokyo Olympic Games time in 2020 if the no-confidence motion is passed in June, Masuzoe is so as to overlap with the Tokyo Olympic Games, has orchestrated a stretch.

6: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Imperial City Chuo-ku) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 43: 31.84 ID: AkDtqxnd0
Rio deputy governor of the flag 7 days a week, unpaid (including bonus, severance pay) until the Olympics be good if the conditions to go to receive.

35: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 47: 46.02 ID: LIi6RZDw0
>> 6
If Isuware one month later, to hand the right to Nowak is expensive pension permanently from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
For Masuzoe, even if the full amount return the salary, killing

927: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 59: 22.41 ID: pItHEVk + 0
>> 35
Would this lie
I think Toka pension entitlement is changed in such a timing

466: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 24: 35.30 ID: T7B + PBgr0
>> 6
Is it to keep by fraud?

507: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Imperial City Chuo-ku) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 27: 13.20 ID: AkDtqxnd0
>> 466
Indeed would not illegal to read air?

45: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 49: 00.26 ID: K / dScRo50
I want you to quit with peace of mind because it is not always Nante do to be out governor rule in the Olympic Games
Kke husband salary was do not need

47: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 49: 14.03 ID: lKfLocB5O
President In that Brazil has received the interrogation of police

56: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 50: 22.58 ID: UTJXrPfy0
Rio Olympic, but said there was Paralympics, Are you going to have much in the holding of this fellow Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio?

72: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 51: 47.95 ID: be + Teri10
No problem ask them quit because there are Vice Governor

Tokyo Vice Governor

Assist the Governor of Tokyo, to oversee the affairs homeroom teacher of the auxiliary institutions serving staff, as defined in the Local Autonomy Law
In Tokyo and staff of the special service, a deputy governor of Tokyo. 4 people constant.

The deputy governor mutual there is no hierarchical relationship, but when there is an accident on the governor, or governor of duties when the governor is missing
Surrogate sequence has been determined by the rules, and this is a substantial order. In addition, it will be responsible to each of the sub-governor
Station and mission matters has been assigned. Of deputy governor salary is a monthly 1,209,000 yen.

Usually, deputy governor HR is a once in four years of gubernatorial election at the same time, be appointed from such as director-general level officials of the capital. Central government ministries and agencies
Seconded is almost no from, deputy governor of the former city officials after the resignation, it has parachute such as the Tokyo subway and the Metropolitan Expressway.

Incumbent (3 people)
Tatsumi Ando (before Finance Bureau, June 2012 -)
Toshiyuki Akiyama (former Governor of the Director-General, June 2012 -)
Nobuhiro Maeda (former governor this director, 10 May 2013 -)

81: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 53: 13.59 ID: tI232JDj0
Masuzoe "baser Ya Do ~ is making another souvenir list."

84: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 53: 49.48 ID: GZNbNaBV0
I went got to Inose?
By bid at the time of the Governor

118: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 07: 57: 43.81 ID: be + Teri10
Without any problem even quit the Governor

Outlook of submission Olympics full-time in four capital Vice Governor also the people matter to the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly
June 14, 2016 7:00 05 minutes

Increase the Vice Governor of Tokyo, to four from the current three, the deputy governor of the new Olympic and Paralympic full-time
HR draft was provided became expected to be submitted to the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly.
Currently, the deputy governor of Tokyo is a three system, but Tatsumi two deputy governor and Toshiyuki Akiyama Vice Governor Ando up to this month 20 days
It has become a term of office.

After four years towards the Olympic and Paralympic but a new system of deputy governor has been studied, a new tournament
HR draft was increased to four the deputy governor from 3 people were unity by providing a deputy governor of the full-time hit to prepare for.

In humans cases, in addition to appoint Takashi Yamamoto Director-General of Trade and Industry Department of Labor as deputy governor of the Olympic and Paralympic full-time,
Want to reappointed Ando, ​​deputy governor along with the newly appointed Nakanishi charge and director of Toshifumi Kawasumi Director and General Affairs Bureau of the Policy Planning Bureau
It has been, is expected to be submitted to the plenary session of 15 days. Nobuhiro Maeda deputy governor is going to retire. The HR plan is scheduled to Masuzoe governor is described in the parliamentary committee of 14 days.

210: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 05: 25.46 ID: tzsUzwat0
Masuzoe is but natural should quit
There is some truth in what you say Masuzoe
Rio is a problem of do gubernatorial election somehow just before the Tokyo Olympic Games
If legally impossible that to do the metropolitan government until September at the deputy governor agency
The Yes thinking calmly be that that do grace and September resignation is committed to Masuzoe

227: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 06: 27.50 ID: zjP65YoD0
>> 210
Need unexpected worry
Not necessarily be the next Governor has 4 years

238: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 07: 16.00 ID: fH2v1og10
>> 210
The new governor should I resigned a year before his term.
If it the pledge should be noted that good.

273: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 09: 49.61 ID: 3Klax8QE0
>> 210
In the first place but stupid at the time we are dealing with the Olympics and politics on the same level
To the term of office of the Governor can be changed with the ordinance in the first place the next governor four years maturity
I do not know prove to be
Tonkin who is also white now of worry than worry after four years
This is why Tonkin people Masuzoe consecutive pitching support 29% (survey by Seki Tele)
Out the results of a startle that

213: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 05: 40.86 ID: go + ziiJk0
Because I have a mascot in the Olympic Games, the popular anime character is good to receive flag abroad.
However, rat man is not allowed.

308: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 12: 49.19 ID: G3eJXjKq0
- The end of the valve 3:00 time of yesterday's Masuzoe governor

Masuzoe "salary and full give up."
Congress "Wahahaha is ww"
Chairman "quietly"

This descent laughed

494: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 26: 26.05 ID: Hva89ile0
Normally I wonder I can Toka meal in Tokyo of the restaurant in the family quit

549: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 30: 19.34 ID: 0A20L4Gm0
Wind-up to TV Masuzoe in Rio the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games has received the tournament flag.
Super chill time would this ww

562: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 31: 31.18 ID: WZsR5huP0
This guy, with a dedicated machine charter, along with the family
Do Rio Olympics go going?
Air Force One affectation?
For only much, Kondake do my best guy of nerves
At all Wakaran.

569: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 31: 49.52 ID: s0ymxVzw0
Rio Olympics, Yareyo even backpacker at his own expense if you want to continue to until there

579: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 32: 37.02 ID: R53Bqpuf0
The role of the Rio mayor of the London Olympics closing ceremony
(2 hours and 35 minutes about ~)

Oke to play taiko even to this the deputy governor

903: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 57: 30.07 ID: uJDWAvA90
It will not forced to quit truly be this guy If you get articles of accepting bribes from foreigners during this week

911: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 58: 08.44 ID: kf6QkLpb0
>> 903
Hey arrested projects rather than quit

907: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/14 (Tue) 08: 57: 40.16 ID: QbgjBoJu0
Satsuki (masuzoe's post wife) "stingy! too stingy!"
 ↑Purchase 1900 copies her book with political funds

Rio Olympic medal (Valley) (f-55) (about 7g)
Rio Olympic medal (Valley) (f-55) (about 7g) 

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