
[Hokkaido] Hokkaido Okhotsk drift ice Science Center, criticized last year's grand prize in the photo contest stop

( '-`) .. OO (Wow ... Why of all things chose this ... I can not believe it ...)

1: ◆ HeartexiTw chest crush φ ★ \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net (★ 996b-VSqO) 2016/06/14 ( Tue) 20: 42: 34.52 ID:CAP_USER9 BE: 348439423-PLT (13557 )
Hokkaido Okhotsk sea ice Science Center (Monbetsu) is,
Had counted 25 times in the 2015 fiscal year, "Okhotsk of the Four Seasons" Photo Contest
I decided to abort.

This spring, a lot of criticism around the selected works to the highest award of the year 2003
In response to the asked, the continuation of the determination difficult.

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6: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 8f2f-7xHu) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 44: 26.33 ID: V6w3h + Iq0
>> 1

Okhotsk of four seasons 2015 Grand Prize "conquest"

11: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi ffd0-iLHn) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 47: 26.26 ID: HM6atS6t0
>> 6
Even I do not have any prior knowledge, I think it strange that termed conquer this, do not know where even as a photograph is good

17: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 23e2-iLHn) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 49: 50.99 ID: 4i2oEwny0
>> 6
It was kind of selection I kind of is chosen Grand Prize

26: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 3f88- + 9M3) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 59: 06.44 ID: Avu0cLuR0
>> 17
Because it is a rare photo,
But I guess was chosen at one point that

85: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi dfd7-DvND) 2016/06/15 (water) 02: 37: 10.98 ID: hU5TGa020
>> 26
I guess it was very peace is among the chosen people of the head

"Amazing Nante is riding on top of the OH DEAR whale Wow"
Wonder it was such a sense of

It common sense, "Do the photos that are decided pose on top of the corpse of you doing springs Best Toka head." 

8: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 8b57-DvND) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 46: 10.18 ID: 2Ts4 / fkF0
>> 6
Do this for was not so much not worth mentioning photo enough to be selected

13: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 33d1-DvND) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 48: 58.23 ID: ngMZxc8y0

19: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Buimo MM47-jNGR) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 50: 11.49 ID: aEOJawzfM
>> 13
Others also including, useless conquest is the best.

20: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 932d-7xHu) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 50: 59.63 ID: ZPW7xd5a0
>> 13
It was not a problem if Re Elect because normally elaborate
I Why all things do I like that the chosen

36: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W d71b-oU5x) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 21: 55: 04.98 ID: uBmnLKzZ0
>> 13
Suitable to the like of it in the specialties with the best taken with a smartphone, high amateurish the'd feel like winning the blind

44: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W c7f9-oU5x) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 22: 16: 00.29 ID: aET / O3Ha0
>> 36
Haiama in Haiama, I because you get no interest in a safe only

5: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 8bf7-oU5x) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 44: 18.14 ID: wsZQIa680
It was chosen as the best prize of fiscal 15, titled "conquest", works that man riding on top of the whale seen the corpse is the guts pose.
Center March, and to publish the winning result home page, etc., criticizing "It's blasphemy to life," and the like around the Internet were numerous.
Grand Prize finally applicant is declined in the "not applicable".
Center was also apologized as "lacking in consideration and recognition".


23: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4fe1-iLHn) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 53: 30.72 ID: O3AUR / j40
I'm not there with the theme life of blasphemy previously

24: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi cf4c-7xHu) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 20: 57: 41.61 ID: c8api61G0
I do not know is whether this is blasphemy to life
That's why I feel I chose this as long as the view other works

28: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi d742-DvND) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 21: 00: 26.69 ID: PZL + AXTo0
Photos Road exhibition examination member Keiko Fujii "the whale was thought to be alive. It was thought that there is a courage Nante Hmm on it, I chose because I was impressed."

70: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 13a0-oU5x) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 30: 18.87 ID: mlr09eRq0
>> 28
Atamaaku we're likely to comment

33: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 57d0-iLHn) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 21: 51: 08.98 ID: QQ6FuWby0
It's photos Michiutsushikyo of judges choose, sense like going on the diagonal.

37: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W d71b-oU5x) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 21: 57: 35.30 ID: uBmnLKzZ0
Photo it "excitement is called the" I also pretty awful
It's severity different from the whale

38: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Sasakuttero Sp9b-oU5x) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 21: 57: 49.43 ID: 0OW9 / KHrp
Unreal Kke'm bad photos were selected.

39: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 22: 08: 03.93 ID: yWiGqmAPK
>> 38
Hup like a guts pose to have pictures Best Picture was O'to ride on top of the carcass of the whale last year

Stop is a pity to photos of fur seal to escape desperate bloody from fishermen that have bar with a spear had I think the best work this year

42: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 22: 14: 32.06 ID: yWiGqmAPK
It because the feeling of residents
Residents are not fur seal Toka seal is thought only with vermin

When viewed from the residents I was doing Goma-chan Toka news old seal
Why do not you disinfect? So (^^;)

57: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 8b52-7xHu) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 22: 58: 45.92 ID: 3C14n / qK0
>> 42
White hair to children's seal of bushy
It seems to kill and hit with a stick
Or something because break the fishing net when he grows up

59: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 10: 22.47 ID: yWiGqmAPK
>> 57
It will not pardon to entangled seals in fishnet (^^;)
Hokkaido fishermen of whether it is probably not attributable to the sea alive in both the short one animal information ...

Since Prepared to deal damage to fisheries by seals is a matter of life and death

46: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 22: 18: 35.43 ID: yWiGqmAPK
Residents dislike the three major vermin
First place sika deer
The second largest seal
Third largest whale

Sense of Toka cute is no deer to residents!
I think I do not know the people of the mainland (^^;)

49: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 22: 24: 53.85 ID: yWiGqmAPK
Residents are past vermin regarding sika deer
Not only in hatred of the subject (^^;)

Vegetables that I also cans be exhausted eat the damage is tens of billions of

51: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 22: 30: 12.27 ID: yWiGqmAPK
Residents guess because I think the disaster the sika deer (^^;)

Not quite the damage is reduced have been disinfected near every year 200,000 animals

53: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 22: 40: 53.33 ID: yWiGqmAPK
Because residents is a mite = cockroach = sika deer

Whether the carcasses of disinfection has been sika deer are residents think poor look for are stacked like a mountain are (^^;)
Maybe many people of residents think Zamaa

Because this is so Yu feeling is the reality of Hokkaido
Criticism and discontinuation of mainland people to residents is gibberish for the current Best Picture

61: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-UJdW) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 15: 01.79 ID: WCgkWNf5K
>> 53
You That's fake. Why have a pretend of Hokkaido people?
Your best 3 is also funny. Hokkaido of vermin is a red fox, do not enter something whale. It also sika deer
In Although predation is not maybe there is also a region that is happening not it the region would have been said that sika deer are cute rather
You're who? Why have a pretend of Hokkaido people?

64: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 20: 48.88 ID: yWiGqmAPK
>> 61
Fox guess but we are hated because the echinococcus

Since the feeding damage is not so much
It is not a vermin

Guess because not easily able to whaling of the Well whale was placed in a vermin
Sika deer is also I'm not disinfected cute if 20 years million head?

It troubled also is said to pretend in the flurry knowledge of the people of the mainland (^^;)

54: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 22: 46: 58.47 ID: yWiGqmAPK
Well, Australia has also earnestly extermination kangaroos and koalas but

Japan'm I'm not a position to be able to criticize Australia (^^;)

55: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 22: 50: 39.04 ID: yWiGqmAPK
But now discontinued criticism towards Do !! and the mainland to poor this contest life

You think I do not eat of course, vegetables and fish of the future Hokkaido If you criticize?

60: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi c3d1-7xHu) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 14: 47.45 ID: KInxfHLi0
I guess the wrong personnel selection of the jury
Although excellent photo to winning that it is National Geographic,
That's a photo contest to come out in the newspaper, there is a not know what in the one-seat of the

62: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 9351-7xHu) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 15: 09.82 ID: w3YofSOQ0
Since the Okhotsk there is a four seasons ...

65: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi c757-7xHu) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 21: 55.95 ID: GF3lwZAC0
Is Jap likely thinking to real to eliminate the genius type with an emphasis on side-by-side

67: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 0bef-7xHu) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 25: 30.72 ID: 8BKPbZRq0
Brown bear'm not hated
But I who here seems to violent

72: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 34: 54.86 ID: yWiGqmAPK
>> 67
Brown bears damage so familiar with Remedy for the longer the Great just Hokkaido people fear brown bear of whether lighter than the black bear of mainland

Brown bear, so sensitive to sound
Put the radio to give the bell when entering the mountain
Once if unfortunately encounters
It does not match the eye absolutely
Pretend not interested
Not run away does not move fast

If you still come closer are interested in bear
Rather than pretend dead last resort
It clings to the belly of the bear

73: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-ytVQ) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 41: 25.40 ID: yWiGqmAPK
Well Hokkaido but mountain to Masu or would like to know if people who've entered

I warning sign of the bear infested attention has put a lot

We do not have a little to the mainland of the mountain
It has caused deterrence of damage of bear by Hokkaido

80: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 8fcb-grt7) 2016/06/14 (Tue) 23: 59: 42.41 ID: iD3N9i6U0
Hokkaido Shimbun Press Kke's guy is are you selection of relationship ❓
I think it's on purpose

83: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4f4f-GRXY) 2016/06/15 (water) 00: 33: 23.40 ID: + FPoN1ez0
Jan good as a heartwarming "storm of Kiss" is the most <guy that has been kissed seals us

84: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK53-0TJU) 2016/06/15 (water) 02: 34: 15.58 ID: TBnnvN3jK
Soy sauce to Okhotsk 
[Used] soy sauce to FC Hokkaido chain murder Okhotsk (Soft Only)
[Used] soy sauce to FC Hokkaido chain murder Okhotsk (Soft Only) 

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