
[International] arrested the Chinese captain was trying to smuggle seahorses 8 million animals to China from Peru

( '-`) .. OO (ecosystem becomes strange I 8 million animals ...) 

1: Follow storage.  2016/06/22 (water) 08: 24: 38.91 ID: CAP_USER9

According to reports from Peru, the country's police is 20 days, seahorse was dried
About 8 million animals Chinese ship that tried to leave smuggling seized in the capital Lima of the harbor,
It announced that it had arrested the Chinese captain.

The Peru northwest there is a habitat of seahorses.

According to the local newspaper Comercio, the market value of the seized seahorses
400 million 10 million yen worth, called the largest ever.

82: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 14: 50: 28.83 ID: xjo1enQv0
>> 1
> Seahorse about 8 million animals being dried

Or eat the? I thought for a moment and, whether it was Chinese herbal medicine material.

3: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 26: 34.88 ID: 6qVtd0Xh0
Because Chinese medicine raw materials ( '· ω · `)
Those guys would desperately.

8: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 29: 14.08 ID: 9YVlJYvu0
The Big Boss

14: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 35: 05.81 ID: VaqrKj / m0
>> 8
Who is good at it though and ww
Heck to dead www

11: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 33: 07.06 ID: zDlVy / zD0
I thought whether to watch the swim, also or Kampo
The world of organisms is a fit with guys of Chinese heat

39: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 01: 45.28 ID: BkI6T6PO0
>> 11
Seahorses raw materials in Chinese medicine tonic
I'm not used gold is stable supply Toka Toka in this kind of farming

I want you to raw materials alien species turtle, such as green turtles and alligator snapping turtle that trouble to dispose of in Japan if tonic

73: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 12: 27: 58.80 ID: gO79dQ + 30
>> 11
In ancient times all the way it because the country had been brought back or mummy to go until Egypt

15: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 36: 23.07 ID: PHopd0Z60
Also Kubareru calculation one person head 8 animals to soldiers of Cao Cao army millions facing the red wall

19: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 37: 45.82 ID: OE2nlgex0
I'm more of South America's has to work w
When the red coral uprooted is, it differs from the Coast Guard believes Vocational on Yubi咥E ww

22: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 39: 17.85 ID: G4T7XdcL0
Well I counted

27: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 46: 05.53 ID: U1QVJgkPO
>> 22
Will the total weight only divided by the weight of one animal.

24: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 42: 07.94 ID: PHopd0Z60
It is not stupid Once you price break me so much at once with

26: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 43: 58.96 ID: S + xbUfRS0
So take the one w I Horsea

29: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 46: 57.80 ID: + PLfd / un0
I Seahorses I was I think the creature was creation of Osamu Tezuka up to 30 years of age

32: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 55: 10.32 ID: KPdWxK9y0
Would in any case not something Dried seahorses effect if such plants, including medicinal ingredient
Really Toka fossil corner Toka dinosaur Atosai dullsville

33: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 56: 38.98 ID: jJ6bZCg2O
Or intend to deploy a dragon rider troops to the People's Liberation Army!?

34: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 58: 31.55 ID: ybQIX0qR0
Come out in droves as this week of surprise Shot Mecha

35: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 58: 51.15 ID: 7T5Ar / H60
I because guys to eat up baby

40: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 02: 16.71 ID: KjcUBpzW0
Medicine to ruin all of the organisms of the soil in order to heal the human slightly I Kampo

41: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 03: 16.20 ID: MeVZNQPr0

42: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 05: 14.20 ID: 5NOkNa + q0
Well, the seahorse that Peru was seized if Kashikokere
New export to China.
Fool is to incinerate the seized ivory.

43: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 07: 03.56 ID: ApXwYibe0
I had thought it unusual I seahorse organisms, Toka 8 million animals ...

44: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 21: 58.77 ID: g2VDNWrg0
Seahorses I'm deposit eggs on the male belly
Was born the moment, I laughed have been eaten by the parent w

108: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 16: 42: 23.13 ID: 4l2LiFWv0
>> 44
Somehow fish reminded the females lay eggs had been eaten desperately!
Do because it is stupid Aitsura

45: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 21: 59.05 ID: 2t9J95og0
I want to enter the live seahorse bath

46: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 24: 09.02 ID: RjC9YRXm0
I wish I did not Wakan if to do if powder to Chinese medicine?
You mon not allowed to buy the Well no form?

47: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 24: 11.34 ID: UFlgJJPU0
Wits sell at Toka one 20,000 yen as a herbal medicine

50: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 26: 34.29 ID: HA / fPqid0
Rhino horn, ivory, wild animal skins, tusks, bear bile, anything smuggling

52: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 27: 51.81 ID: tEivjQsx0
Sea Dragon ... Laos of poppy ...

53: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 28: 40.35 ID: + YppkcEe0
I would sting
Swoop uncover a route dare sink
It now Ae arbitrarily crushed in the illegal trader and mafia is internal strife that has suffered a big blow ww

54: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 28: 44.96 ID: Au8Lxmwt0
Yeah, I mixed the whitebait occasionally?

56: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 30: 27.62 ID: 2t9J95og0
>> 54
I hope I never only eh Takoika another kind of small fish encountered

60: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 47: 54.63 ID: kkxCQRDf0
Wonder to how dry
Kana rotary outdoor dried squid dryer like a the there of?

63: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 10: 38: 44.02 ID: Ufi3AuXD0
That's terrible overfishing
Or all right?

64: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 11: 32: 05.65 ID: 4687oqra0
Oh it's whack carp to Mecha visible I seahorse
Once I Do not find little bitty guy in the beaches,'m disappear on Pyu' I was trying to catch because I swim drifting fluffy w

65: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 11: 38: 16.61 ID: pJ1Ha5VL0
I'm so also Toka old mummy, is bad Karatachi to find an effect in this kind of thing rare

66: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 12: 03: 37.08 ID: vIMmImJf0
Surprisingly it cheap Are either one animal 50 yen

68: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 12: 18: 34.58 ID: hISNFJ5Q0
One animal 0.5g Assuming 4000kg
Also very Ya ne a lot smuggling

69: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 12: 19: 29.82 ID: d1 / P3owsO
Huh aphrodisiacs.
Have you ever eaten. I did not have this and that because it is a woman
I could not sleep at the high tension.

72: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 12: 23: 54.88 ID: DpYcBVI / 0
Oh, what was caught in Peru
Are protection animal?

75: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 13: 54: 28.45 ID: tyjJRNFn0
>> 72
Since Chinese is too Catching, it seems that the subject of the Washington Convention is currently.

74: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 13: 03: 24.34 ID: dDCbRB + d0
Yakuza underling, Tatsuno Oshigoto

77: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 14: 06: 56.76 ID: 9KSKkBR10
Peruvian prison harsh Yade.
I guess you do get out are alive.

92: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 15: 15: 16.22 ID: aPHEbj4Z0
Unusual thing about is it's become Chinese medicine.
Sai of Toka horns.

93: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 15: 19: 21.48 ID: u0qFNVnS0
>> 92
Rhino is extinct here and there
Mere proteins that are not efficacy on the corner of rhino
All it because of the Chinese and the Viet Cong
Whale shark also I also African elephant
Animal will not have from the earth and not destroy the China

100: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 15: 53: 26.69 ID: d + 23tg1 / 0
>> 93
I It 's not something that has accumulated in the side to be killed in Purashibo effect expectations of the Chinese people
Do not you believe that there is an effect as rare thing?
Well I do not know, but I say to be extinct seahorse, but ...

95: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 15: 24: 09.28 ID: 6jsc2fwD0
I'll big impact with the 1 billion people who have eating habits, such as similar to like China has at once gold

101: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 15: 54: 41.68 ID: 3bGhQPQ70
It is that I can also be prepared 8 million animals whether aquaculture technology has been established
Or from being caught in sardine average in South America?

102: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 16: 10: 15.25 ID: KGnd + RoD0
>> 101
A place that is solidified in habitat, I think I went whole ton in the dragnet?

106: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 16: 25: 46.01 ID: oDtmPgPJO
I was Toko that seahorse aquaculture in Kagoshima ...

110: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 16: 48: 14.38 ID: tFc / oNlk0
It's one animal 500 yen

111: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 16: 53: 13.55 ID: tyjJRNFn0
>> 110
I guess a 5000 yen when you sell.

113: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 17: 19: 56.40 ID: KGnd + RoD0
>> 111
It is that 4320 yen including tax came in that's Japan store two dogs (7 ~ 8g).
Store called Webiya.

112: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 17: 02: 38.15 ID: K24yzeXI0
Once it is eaten by Okuma cat!

114: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 18: 17: 37.10 ID: CuK4CWLw0
Chinese in terms of doing anything to become gold
Very easy to understand behavior patterns.

If Shikakere a trap placed the bait,
I guess it is easy to fit it.

115: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 18: 32: 30.42 ID: FMBjvmCh0
I think they sell the dried fish well and a little into the back road per Hong Kong.
Cute Speaking of cute.

118: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 18: 41: 39.46 ID: ZAFwbWPb0
Thing and killed this I 8 million animals poaching to?
I Ja got to extinction Once was true
I think the 800 animals of mistake

119: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 19: 34: 10.66 ID: VR88DL1o0
Sell ​​high in China
In Chinese, "hippocampus" Dakke

121: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 22: 24: 02.07 ID: ZP7sqO1D0
If the number of extinction are not animals,
Westerners also most likely Ya.

13: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 08: 34: 34.37 ID: ZlloeWjn0
Tatsunoko smuggling professional

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