
[Military] "I can not even call" to the smartphone security measures in the function restriction like "child's toy" state of President Obama

( '-`) .. OO (the call is limited to secure VoIP ···that meancan call .... not that inconvenient to would be no time to have ... game is tentatively ) 

1: Chikuzen TetsuTaro ★ \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 21: 09: 45.89 ID: CAP_USER9
Obama the President, which has been a favorite of the "BlackBerry" in the special edition, but now are carrying around a different smartphone. However, it limited most of the function as a security measure, but things that have become like a "children's toy".


1/3 November 10, 2010, President Obama, which was filmed in Indonesia. Are using in private limousines, security enhanced version of "BlackBerry 8900". Photo: Pete Souza (White House Photo)

02-gdedgeparts-640x388 (1)

"Sectera Edge" of General Dynamics, Inc., DISA has been approved as a two-thirds secure mobile devices. In the "Windows CE" based PDA, the price is 4,750 dollars. Image: General Dynamics


3/3 Samsung President Obama is seen to be currently using "Galaxy S4". Photo: Samsung

When US President Barack Obama came into power in 2009, we worked hard as tries to continue to have the "BlackBerry" favorite.

From security issues, for a while, usually of BlackBerry and secure "Sect? Ra Edge" was forced two retention of (see image gallery at the beginning) (Japanese article) is, ultimately to the president , the United States National security Agency (NSA) is a special cryptographic techniques to certify is mounted "BlackBerry 8830 World Edition" has been paid.

President Obama thus but continue to have the BlackBerry, then, technological change in the mobile industry seems to not extend up to the White House.

President Obama recently, appeared on the talk show "The Tonight Show Stirling Jimmy Fallon", rather than the BlackBerry is now, has become like a toy phone for children too is to secure "smartphone" the said're carrying (moving to the end of the sentence: that "to the camera nor to not even call to put out even text messages not even be able to play music").

Although the president did not include the model name in the program, there is only one mobile device is the US Defense Information Systems Agency to provide a communication Savisu to the White House (DISA) is supported. It's "Galaxy S4" of Samsung, which have been "strengthened".

Galaxy S4 is now, the only Devaisu that are supported by the "DMCC-S" (DOD Mobility Classified Capability-Secret) program of DISA. Samsung of the plurality of Devaisu 2014, was approved by the early National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) CSfC National Security Agency at (Commercial Solutions for Classified) program (NSA). This was greater place due to Samsung's security technology "KNOX".

Galaxy S 4 the DISA are layered in a service that manages the connection to the "DOD siprnet Network" classified in the secret has been first approved for commercial mobile phone.

Currently, the highest level of classification that can be handled by commercial Devaisu in DMCC program is a "secret". John Kerry Secretary of State is to quickly introduce a DMCC-S, served as a beta tester of enhanced Galaxy S4.

Galaxy S4 of DMCC-S is at the expense of some of the features for the sake of security. While the biometric authentication is adopted, there is no camera available to the user, can not of course SELPHY be photographed. The Galaxy S 4 of DMCC-S, selection of the "Android" applications, are limited to those by DISA "Mobile Application Store" on (MAS).

Galaxy S 4 standard DMCC-S can be added to secure VoIP use in ordinary domestic and international calls.The Galaxy S4 of DMCC-S, according to the data sheets for the aircraft's DISA, the use of e-mail is provided through a "secure" Outlook Web Access "".

President Obama in Fallon's program, had said, "the phone is not over", "Galaxy S4 of the President" is, calls have been limited to a secure VoIP, it is controlled by a secure switchboard It is seen as.


41: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 41: 31.95 ID: KM6ta2cr0
>> 1
Meaning some of which have such a thing?
What to use to reverse?

47: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 00: 06.31 ID: x6yZ3FEn0
>> 1
Asshole and Kids' PHONE gift from Japan.

72: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 50: 35.32 ID: o / Kurz3I0
>> 1
'm With why w

4: Abe Chung Hunter's 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 12: 16.22 ID: cDS + c8zs0
I wish it very Presidential w

Can not you even Sumahogemu

6: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 13: 54.42 ID: do9zQXn + 0
Grass inconvenient too

7: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 13: 57.72 ID: gWRtGTlF0
Paperweight of

8: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 14: 34.55 ID: hOJCjFw70
What I can? Toka Minesweeper?

10: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 15: 25.69 ID: 8lT + GAUz0
Is there not? Need w with

12: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 16: 04.84 ID: 51DbXhcS0
> Neither the camera to not even call to put out even text messages can not play music

Ja I what can?

27: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 25: 33.75 ID: aB6 + US5o0
>> 12
Wake-up alarm

79: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 23: 46: 27.49 ID: ebiVFAAlO
>> 12
clock. However, the alarm function is not allowed.

81: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 23: 53: 53.60 ID: r9mjSiCV0
>> 79

13: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 16: 44.02 ID: pcGqX4Co0
I have 'em iPhone, Americans probably w

16: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 18: 46.44 ID: iXe + 0Ppi0
Digital refugees

17: ○ 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 21: 19: 02.30 ID: OiUqp2CX0
So is Garake.

18: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 19: 11.71 ID: PfNwU7Bb0

Personal identification number, please answer the secret question and enter the password
Fingerprint, retina pattern, please against the vein pattern
Please send a blank e-mail to the aide-de-camp
Please log in to the presidential site within one hour
Please won in the presidential-only lane shooting score 1500 points or more in more than an hour
Please bombing somewhere within two hours

Call to be able to

20: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 20: 50.34 ID: UqWNI + cV0
No I do not want Ola this smartphone up to here

26: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 24: 44.90 ID: LXtiEa7E0
Abe mobile is or is peep from around five countries

30: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 27: 13.33 ID: g // hxNmS0
I do use only about voice recorder for the autobiography.

34: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 30: 27.20 ID: T5PN1NfG0
Wonder can be the charge but can not call

35: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 31: 15.22 ID: Os1 + lsyH0
Is it likely to make saury modifications of the Meguro

36: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 31: 31.50 ID: 2nJhAJtK0
It not only telepathic in the future

39: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 36: 52.83 ID: j + u6GuG10
Or smart for?

43: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 41: 44.71 ID: wRhIumec0
What it's Obama, Hetare Taka
But I thought that it is BlackBerry fellow.

45: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 21: 55: 36.91 ID: G75ppy + 10
The White House is not a mon such It seems also exchanged paper data

53: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 10: 28.93 ID: 8hO3J1se0
I Ja I made the Well notepad Toka memorandum instead
It It would be Even Toka address book that has been made from before becoming the president, to review

60: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 26: 18.55 ID: 9B02bkoq0
Wonder can be nuclear missiles fired at this terminal?

66: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 39: 52.23 ID: 8YgrdS / E0

Of full keyboard terminal is now the city selling
Blackberry only, there is no

67: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 42: 17.94 ID: OOd95cMv0
... I wonder you did not do is Tokoton in Japan I blackberry

76: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 23: 02: 11.91 ID: 8YgrdS / E0
>> 67
As a result Theory

It is tied me DoCoMo limited
I had to barebone narrow the sales channels

But RIM's business seems to have been much anger shaking

86: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 46: 27.62 ID: zldl2oyjO
>> 67
It has decreased rapidly in the world.
It was just a temporary fad.

73: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 22: 53: 35.70 ID: F3sxe6ai0
The strongest is to contact through the whole secretary without having as former Prime Minister Koizumi

85: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 45: 58.20 ID: + TM2 + kMa0
On the other hand the Minister of the class of Japan is the information in the information Dada leakage mobile was're runaway

91: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 09: 21.18 ID: sVLWSCbU0
Although officials of Japan seems Garake for security

93: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 07: 45: 17.46 ID: fn2tbfal0
Yan yeah the do have smartphone and until there

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