
[IT] Google, start name of a disease and treatment methods search possible in the US, such as in symptoms such as "stomach hurts."

( '-`) .. OO (if different diagnostic and doctors were asked to examination dispute so ...)

1: Lisa and Gaspard ★ \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net 2016/06/21 (Tue) 19: 50: 33.08 ID: CAP_USER9
Google US time on June 20, in addition to the mobile version of the search site, for "iOS", "Android" version app, add a feature that can help in the discovery of information about the symptoms of the disease.
The user instead of to search for in the name of the disease, it is possible to search by entering the specific symptoms such as "My stomach hurts" (stomach hurts).

Google search results as an overview of the disease there is a possibility, the treatment method to be considered, is presented and whether it is sufficient to consult what the family doctor.

When a user searches for symptoms of common diseases, Google will usually, WebMD, Mayo Clinic, to display the link of specialty sites such as Medline Plus.

Google has put together in order to build this new feature, to the list find all kinds of symptoms from the search results, such as "migraine" and "eye bruises around," "low back pain".
After that, the butt of these symptoms and medical information gathered from the doctor, was to create a "Knowledge Graph" own.
Knowledge Graph is, it is an advanced search function that aims to provide and display a more comprehensive data set.

A result of the symptoms that the user search, pop up in one of the "Condition" in the panel, can see all the information centrally.
For the purpose of this new feature, Google was asked to cooperate with a number of doctors.

This new feature has been available only from the Google mobile site and app, not available in the desktop version of the web site.
Further, at least initially, only made available in English in the United States.
After being exposed to the function 20, it will be available within 1-2 days to the user in question.


2016/06/21 13:43

4: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 19: 51: 52.29 ID: 9xiKZzlR0
In Japan, the.

6: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 19: 53: 12.74 ID: ChhBm54t0
It has a sore shoulder from this period, but ......

7: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 19: 53: 58.60 ID: CTr4L + ax0
Such you to SumeragiJun

8: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 19: 54: 19.56 ID: hMkFyZ670
Want surprising

10: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 19: 54: 47.64 ID: B6mY6XzP0
Full of green juice that has saved such a you

11: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 19: 54: 50.78 ID: WASvObs / 0
Thirsty throat ... not Kawaka throat?

13: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 19: 55: 16.94 ID: 4Os4DXt / 0
Abdominal pain only discrimination is impossible

18: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 19: 58: 56.74 ID: + SPumq750
"Gold is not."

19: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 19: 59: 59.18 ID: a6GB / 6w + 0
I have been a fool, in any AI to come a time when the diagnosis is

22: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 01: 58.70 ID: T5ZYsE6R0
Bruno Bruno
Roh 彡 Bruno
Nono Mi
γ¯ ヽ ~ 彡 ⌒ Mi rattling
r '-' | O | ~ (· ω · `;) Innovation" hair pluck "
` 'Over ゝ _ Roh ~ _ | ¯¯ ||) ___
|, | ~ / Dan | - || / □ / |
,, - / ¯ |, | ¯¯¯¯¯ | ¯ | |.
ヽ __ Shi | _____ | three | /

23: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 02: 02.56 ID: JX / p75Om0
Dr.Google: please do at your own risk

24: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 04: 26.68 ID: yOMXkb2D0
Patient, "but I was out such disease name When you search on Google, do you not wrong?"
Doctor "Your name of the disease is a cyber con Doria ( '· ω ·`) "

42: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 57: 15.53 ID: Ig + zawR20
>> 24
It was said anymore I thought going to say
I think was said Toka Google disease from quite a few years ago

49: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 21: 25: 33.71 ID: // TeiRCH0
>> 24
Patient "teacher, or my name of the disease is not a cyber con Doria?"

Teacher "N ...?"

25: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 04: 45.97 ID: QReBldqs0
Thin hair

26: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 05: 44.42 ID: XY4Y7tiL0
Likely out doctors who use it in pretend you are writing medical record

27: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 07: 52.49 ID: i3545PkV0
Most likely depression Toka hysteria Toka said likely

28: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 08: 20.85 ID: RGfgNWkE0
Stomach hurts → Please give up is a cancer

30: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 09: 55.82 ID: OL9HS + a10
All of the answer is it is unified to "go to the hospital", you know.

34: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 21: 30.43 ID: l / zfkdjfO
Maybe this will be the medical community of the Amazon
Become overwhelming presence be seen only in that it is diagnostic of a special disease in the long tail match

36: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 22: 24.29 ID: TYctkaEV0
If Machiisha level probably here for the better
Full of just the feeling pharmacy doctor

37: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 23: 43.65 ID: BHpbF85GO
In the Google bankruptcy After doing such a thing in litigation kingdom of Damerika ( '· ω · `)

38: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 24: 58.67 ID: 8TAkCLeD0
I do what I do is bad head and face?

39: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 27: 03.70 ID: IorIbeql0
Bald as do is I

40: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 28: 31.24 ID: UADp7GXa0
┃ bald ┃ search ┃
Did you mean: you

/ \
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_,, _ ° ∴\ / /
(No゚ Д °) Bruno | /
/ /

43: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 20: 57: 38.23 ID: 1CpewH9w0
"How to crush the google"

45: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 21: 21: 02.98 ID: + KCUoNbM0
Head from during this time I've been to sound of air leaking

48: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 21: 24: 06.74 ID: jpC1kz / r0
It is frostbite. Do not worry. I hope you get well.

50: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 21: 25: 54.75 ID: pCxYWOGx0
There is no hair

54: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 21: 33: 04.02 ID: guz7wglT0
Stomach headache

55: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 21: 34: 07.25 ID: Her4FyQm0
I because it is suitable Toka doctor of a large hospital
It is decorated with lightly Without out serious illness symptoms
This it is to a large extent rely on will likely w

57: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 22: 30: 31.43 ID: Yt6owB0v0
Old search it and disease clinic of Homupe, doctor of the blog has been hit
However, due to stupid amateur began to do a blog,
Amateur When you search for a name of the disease and symptoms has become just to the page that describes

58: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/21 (Tue) 22: 51: 30.41 ID: z0qI5UNc0
I guess give the site to direct so as to buy Yara medicine Yara supplicant on a priority basis.

62: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 33: 34.95 ID: vcmkcpIW0
If you heard that "headache hurts" in the ass
And I do not know well

63: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (Wed) 09: 35: 55.85 ID: Doc3RXTe0
The bad food of the daughter-in-law

66: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 10: 39: 10.03 ID: diupN0ln0
Do you pay then to abdominal pain → 600 yen? Are you sure you want to put up? I do would survive If you tell me to w
In the insurance the symptoms that your subscription, is outside the scope, until.

55,000 dollar bill

72: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 11: 24: 25.41 ID: 6qVtd0Xh0
I do get looking for the name of the disease head in the bad

73: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 11: 58: 00.99 ID: etiiMixz0
Google's aims in God's omnipotent?

79: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 16: 00: 29.27 ID: 66cR6k010
>> 73
Is was was written with the conquest of space on the white board saw

74: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 12: 26: 36.25 ID: Bd4H + djD0
So me of them prescription also out
Internal medicine doctor Owakon

76: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 12: 35: 37.20 ID: OXQuUoDB0
→ hurts stomach

→ wills, hospice, funeral-euthanasia

78: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 15: 56: 09.42 ID: I53g8RLG0
Yan yeah medical home

91: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 21: 40: 29.68 ID: AnuXtOYF0
I have not seen the real thing, there is a feeling pale in than expected as long as the view image of >> 1
It looks like search of the only open question,
Or keyword entered in the pin point, when not to symptoms input in detail,
Atmosphere What I Ja do difficult decent to narrow down

87: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/22 (water) 16: 32: 10.83 ID: gje8fF110
Symptoms "chest-pounding"

→ Did you mean, love?

Home medical second edition [Kaoru Nomura]
Home medical second edition [Kaoru Nomura] 

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