
[Game]the United States Nintendo president "VR has not yet become mainstream.". negative to the adoption of the present time

( '-`) .. OO (I wonder if that as soon as possible entrants from getting into the main stream ...)

1: DQN ★ \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net 2016/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 24: 26.96 ID: CAP_USER9
Reggie Fils-Aime, president of the United States Nintendo, to Bloomberg News interview at E3 venue, said, "VR (virtual reality) is not yet in the mainstream", a negative idea to the adoption of the present stage It showed.

It is, as Nintendo has been committed to the adoption of technologies that are acceptable to the early mainstream, Wii on the remote control (pointing device) and, while touching on the case, such as the Nintendo DS screen (touch panel), also for the VR "Virtual Boy" It pointed out that have been early on by focusing like to develop.

However, the introduction to the game machine is the technology becomes the main stream, as many users is the need to become to want the experience, is the adoption of at this stage shows the negative thoughts.While a personal way of thinking also about when VR is in the main stream, we said, "is a little far."

INSIDE: Http://Www.Inside-games.Jp/article/2016/06/16/99644.Html

53: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 23: 39: 24.61 ID: ochEsa440
>> 1
Even if it is determined that it is mainstream, such technology would not but w

Even if the acquisition from now's a likely to be allowed to grab high, Do I Zun Kolya

165: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 02: 25.45 ID: 5YhoCc820
>> 1
Slow in is from becoming the main stream?

223: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 12: 40.08 ID: T7NlGshJ0
>> 165
Or delay better to participate in the various and cheap sorry?

124: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 23: 55: 12.33 ID: yzg1Fs900
I think that only a similar appearance I Virtual Boy and VR
Purport to feel that different thing

133: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 23: 57: 00.86 ID: 2t / oB37X0
>> 124
Take a look at this
[Retro] tried to launch the Virtual Boy for the first time in a long time.

176: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 04: 04.61 ID: hHgWp8yN0
The Nante VR is for those who came from the game a long time ago, it would be devices that were dreamed along with the online game.
I think is to be rooted in that sense. I only say that I do not think to be the presence of more than a fixed monitor.
>> 133 operability is I'm pretty good

580: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 17: 21.00 ID: 3UPYJCZV0
>> 133
It's' s like this 3D TV
Yan completely different and VR

127: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 23: 55: 55.58 ID: zwKVKwmi0
Nintendo wonder anymore money there is no

132: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/16 (Thu) 23: 56: 42.26 ID: M9xzu3iY0
>> 127
But rolling up there
I but Nikki with current assets of 900 billion in current situation

325: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 25: 59.13 ID: S3FOZk7r0
Very much of me is not look at where you want to see and not to move the face

328: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 26: 50.03 ID: fA6ggYAr0
>> 325
Move about face.

337: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 27: 21.57 ID: 7JrET2DF0
>> 325
Of the portable game, how together with yourself guy that direction on the screen to react facing, it becomes immediately trouble

339: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 27: 34.27 ID: T / Ej4RxV0
>> 325
Rotating chair Do not catch on

346: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 28: 33.44 ID: 3Kw66Ycz0
>> 325
Not see and do not move face, but I was the biggest secret that does not in 3D sickness

360: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 31: 04.29 ID: o1jnt1co0
>> 346
After that wonder if the processing speed, including the expected lag problem
Ofuge if smoothly but likely can be cleared Ange good likely

408: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 39: 55.51 ID: opQiqdaZ0
VR is I would not Hayara

418: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 41: 03.45 ID: A3ze / + HI0
>> 408
Do not catch on or Hayara is
Determined by the advance degree of non-game
Go out of fashion if the game only

419: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 41: 11.41 ID: 14snrThZ0
>> 408
It will be good in the amusement park Toka game parlor
I would first impossible for home

423: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 42: 50.52 ID: vLF0sdJi0
>> 408
The first stage because Hollywood is flocking to VR is going to be a boom in there
Home spread it would be far ahead

435: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 46: 05.16 ID: 14snrThZ0
I because movies 3Ⅾ have failed
I soon tired short only in the first impact
Is given to those of the overwhelming comfort if so for a long time experience

461: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 52: 01.64 ID: qLyAF + wZ0
>> 435
Have a point
VR is mental fatigue, I because I think that the burden is fairly large
It would not be a long-term orientation
After the horror Nante has continued to do, Maybe suffering really and out symptoms have a lot of luck victim is also a bit of sound realistic of life

498: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 59: 51.33 ID: vLF0sdJi0
>> 435
The doubt that 3D movies have been tired
Technically did not even bored because there was no also mon amazing than I thought in what is from a long time ago, is nearer that

On the other hand IMAX screenings in the action movie it is very effective,
It has been one after another person that does not go back to once the normal screening I saw in it.

512: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 02: 04.87 ID: 6aDslWhS0
>> 498
I to the 3D image itself only screen has become clean from more than 20 years ago
Nostalgic shock of red blue glasses

483: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 57: 13.02 ID: MbOiDBCe0
Super Technology
White to holographic

Sell ​​absolute

510: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 01: 59.07 ID: S3FOZk7r0
>> 483
Thing of this?
Windows Holographic

527: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 07: 54.53 ID: MbOiDBCe0
>> 510
completely different
Scouter like a hindrance also something unnecessary

497: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 00: 59: 25.82 ID: l30XsZB80
I became what I was released Okyurasu

524: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 06: 35.94 ID: LkoupXt90
>> 497
High only move PC is high spec required
I hope the people of much put out a pop about 200,000 in total

503: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 00: 52.54 ID: 8rdiM05v0
>> 497
In the middle we are still making a kick starter Pre-set sentence
Most have not received ww the subscriber from Japan

507: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 01: 43.59 ID: A3ze / + HI0
>> 503
I wonder if are making anywhere in the country?

513: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 02: 24.65 ID: 8rdiM05v0
>> 507
Assembly seems are doing in the United States

541: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 10: 53.43 ID: MbOiDBCe0

↑ this doing to Modenrigu not make a game

Absolute sell I Kore

600: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 22: 44.38 ID: 8rdiM05v0

It may seem to charge and have seen from this kind of grouper, because scary Seriously.

621: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 27: 41.99 ID: SzG6SLcU0
>> 600
Likely it is the deviation of the angle of the screen and realistic

603: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 23: 27.88 ID: MbOiDBCe0

↑ First me to make game of Horaguramu of Kore starters

I'll buy

723: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 59: 27.76 ID: LxUWAdgO0
And this of 1 minute 25 seconds of the place Toka watch when the immersive experience to the game too high
Ordeal prove to be dangerous state

781: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 02: 22: 48.59 ID: ERDFv6rb0
I want you to start making the delivery, such as the YouTube of live camera to VR-friendly as the demand for my company
Or you can seabed exploration in only suffer a VR like in sync with the distribution source like being in place, or space walk in cooperation with NASA ...
VR is not tried yet or what, but really happy if this is possible

787: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 02: 24: 10.97 ID: 8rdiM05v0
>> 781
Prima facie can anymore. Streaming in omnidirectional camera to YouTube Live
Nde do I play in VR machine, it can be any number of

800: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 02: 27: 45.74 ID: ERDFv6rb0
>> 787
Oh great another can was the one w
I specifically still in I want to virtual experience to the location of the adventure yourself should not be in the VR

805: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 02: 30: 55.72 ID: 8rdiM05v0
>> 800

For example, if you play this kind of with smartphone, because the mark to be optimized for VR is out
In this state, if you look after Sumahosetto to about 3000 yen in case
You can easily experience

809: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 02: 33: 05.23 ID: BD78C3WH0
Shigeru Miyamoto "play wearing goggles, such as the VR device is not good Nintendo and chemistry. I do not want from playing all day to suffer the children" (2014)

US Nintendo Reggie Fisamei "VR is" fun "is also" sociability "without any, Tadano only" technology "" (2015)

Kimishima Tatsumi "certain interested in VR, do we need examine more the technology itself" (2016)

588: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 18: 59.44 ID: + pjwcmjz0
Give strange monitor to face alone I VR
What's Guehehe! Toka is it doing to say
Kimoi When you see

593: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 20: 13.46 ID: H2sPc9YY0
>> 588
Please quit say bad thing in the world of television in front of grandpa

599: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 22: 32.42 ID: LkoupXt90
>> 588
Naa would be for basic living alone so

607: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 24: 02.25 ID: 6aDslWhS0
>> 599
VR box untimely video box
This is catch on!

614: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 01: 25: 55.20 ID: GtVCbpwG0
>> 599
Because it is most likely ridiculous also figure which is concentrated with the controller toward the TV even say
What there is OK if VR is also a problem not

938: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 03: 33: 39.22 ID: Sou3I6TI0
Nintendo looks Nintendo criteria will not out things in the state-of-the-art technology

939: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 03: 33: 56.90 ID: 95zsLcOS0
It Sorya likely
Because it's starting from this year
But you know
Also get a late start

971: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/17 (gold) 03: 52: 52.81 ID: THqiEk + T0
Everywhere Thats you doing clamoring Toka VR first year
It's only just begun'm not become Well w

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