
[Aviation] European aircraft giant Airbus (Airbus), show off fabricated the world's first aircraft "Thor" in 3D printer

( '-`) .. OO (the propeller drone ... the general public will be able to create on their own is when Kana ...)

1: White Nights φ ★ \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 09: 21.59 ID: CAP_USER9
Airbus, showing off the world's first aircraft was manufactured in the 3D printer
AFPBBNews 2016 Jun 05 18:57 epicenter: Berlin / Germany

[June 5 AFP]

European aircraft giant Airbus (Airbus) is, in the capital Berlin (Berlin) of the southern suburbs Germany
In Schonefeld (Schoenefeld) ILA Berlin Air Show, which was held earlier this month at the airport (ILA),
It showed off the fabricated aircraft in the world's first 3D printer.

The aircraft, named for short the "Test of High-tech Objectives in Reality (test of advanced technology in the real)," "Saw (Thor)" is,
A window with no small propeller-type of unmanned aircraft (drone), weighs 21 kg, the total length is 4 meters or less. (C) AFP

2: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 10: 47.92 ID: fALZTDb40
So that you do!

3: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 11: 21.23 ID: zyTwlaGZ0
Do not it airliner

6: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 15: 26.55 ID: XFO7ojy50

7: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 15: 53.29 ID: MjY8AlDd0
If the 3D printer to make a cup of coffee, Dada leak Once passed also about 10 minutes pour the coffee.

This, I beans knowledge.

60: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 01: 53: 59.09 ID: NQ9U4Wqb0
>> 7
Material that soon

65: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 02: 28: 02.40 ID: XkT7nUcq0
>> 7
This problem is solved in a few tens of seconds by using acetone.
Old story that has been resolved in another two years ago.

37: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 50: 12.99 ID: d7LCbSOb0
>> 7
Coffee only blatant I Tips to w

75: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 04: 14: 41.40 ID: iwYF4Fzk0
>> 37

8: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 16: 10.58 ID: 6 + UrXNx / 0
I because it is the god of thunder. Fall crunchy!

9: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 16: 33.85 ID: 95A3MiGr0
Thor or I w

10: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 16: 49.06 ID: w9yZeqoH0

11: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 16: 53.03 ID: Nkj9S7XN0
We're all tired

12: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 17: 25.06 ID: rhcl / GOL0
It was a Saw

14: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 19: 58.23 ID: ksaYETmv0
What material thing that can make a 3D printer,
Eventually because would Toka plastic,
The Toka strength of the product, I wonder what about?

22: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 29: 34.78 ID: nyJ5j9hl0
>> 14
Also of me 3D printer going hardened by welding metal powder.

Well, But it may not do 's metal because it does not Nya to lighten the aircraft in the case of an airplane.

32: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 43: 33.17 ID: A1blt6YN0
>> 14
Of glass-filled plastic is of ordinary mold goods
A strength of about plastic

Of metal guy is, but I have Tsukawaredashi also Toka race
No printer Ppoku

49: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 01: 05: 05.08 ID: W1i07tcL0
>> 14
But the general public is not only the image of the household
3D printer for the industry is up for metal

17: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 22: 04.58 ID: PNyZ5das0
Toka Gundam that has not been commercialized,
And it can be easily full scratch in a 3D printer
We are making a lot

78: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 04: 54: 47.10 ID: Zsp9d34u0
>> 17
Bandai would collapse!

18: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 23: 04.42 ID: + KUJiLAW0

23: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 29: 56.10 ID: Ek5k0Bsc0
I future is a source will be rosy if there is a printer

24: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 32: 40.47 ID: aR9b4Iq00
It will only make a prototype of the mold Nante 3D printer
Right man in the right place

25: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 32: 48.27 ID: 2uxH1z710
Sonanoka ⊂ (^ ω ^) ⊃

26: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 32: 50.98 ID: u1yCfb0X0
I do not 's feel "integrally molded" saw. Those molded section by section
Wearing hit.

27: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 35: 01.41 ID: RbBCK7hk0
So as to reduce the influence of air resistance, it can be printed on the surface slippery?

28: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 36: 37.66 ID: I + GZb67t0
Or lightning

29: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 38: 20.52 ID: HpBdEK5 + 0
Stop irresponsible say that 3D "printer"
Would not you already printing machine

31: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 43: 13.41 ID: MjY8AlDd0
>> 29

Japan alone So it goes against the global standard!

84: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 08: 00: 49.88 ID: gNZCf6et0
>> 29
Mechanism can not be helped because it is derived from printer

79: Chubu Electric 52.2%] 2016/06/06 (Mon) 05: 16: 15.35 ID: f49iMbRf0
>> 29
I think so too.
I wonder if the "print" of English is also the kind of nuance ,,,?

Or place, such as if the Japanese "material stacked forming machine".
I like to have something SF Ppoku "substance" ♪

85: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 08: 03: 59.72 ID: zFsnSPqb0
>> 79
Maybe're wearing a printer from an ink-jet printer and the movement is similar.
(Though the ink onto the paper, 3D pudding-chan If this molar the resin on further that in the resin)

34: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 44: 47.28 ID: rZp1ZiDn0
Guy Yaro having hammer

38: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 50: 33.39 ID: INss8RuXO
Extremely weak likely to load a particular direction because they made by laminating

39: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 52: 47.83 ID: 7emGiIv10
Abuna saw

42: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 54: 33.54 ID: SaGnYson0
To the point where the crash is template

45: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 57: 18.07 ID: wLgMiLwY0
What in wonder not arrived parachute What airplane?

If you throw the falling speed with a huge parachute just before it crashed,
It will go up survival rate?

I wonder if different?

54: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 01: 35: 26.72 ID: M7JEjp0k0
>> 45
Parachute in 3D printer saw

51: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 01: 17: 02.89 ID: qwxPeM + P0
>> 45
It reduces the person to be put twenty and put parachute
It may not help in the event of an accident
Or the possibility of an accident can not walk once two hundred thousand times
Wear parachute you were if difficult?

57: preaching to the choir 2016/06/06 (Mon) 01: 37: 54.73 ID: qPO2syPR0
>> 45
In the case of an airplane, the wing has a role of parachute
Is Fell safe structure in which all of the engine can be a minimum glide be stopped in other words

This idea has been adapted to the helicopter
The engine is adjusted to be stopped angle of the rotor blades is maximized resistance, result structure collision shock ease with the ground

62: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 01: 59: 24.34 ID: wLgMiLwY0
>> 57
Tsubasa is there not? Meaning Once made without in Moge.
Even if there is a wing, the advance before!

... And Ochiro beneath the I was the image slowly.

To have gained a large amount of life jacket,
Parachute is not funny I do not?

>> 51
Even whether or not to accident as 200,000 times that says,
Moment when you die.
Also stopped engine, would smithereens on the ground when before the flight is but to fall?

I think parachute is that it is also effective in the dive measures.
I think that there may be a three-position of the center before and after.

67: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 02: 45: 15.28 ID: y7oL25bS0
>> 62
If you know the law of inertia?

68: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 02: 53: 33.50 ID: DoUwD87q0

59: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 01: 44: 31.90 ID: yDY3s33xO
>> 57
But never helicopter heard had survived crashed

83: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 07: 50: 23.54 ID: Z1iQqux70
>> 59
Well I because just the news that did not Sukekara crashed is reported

47: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 01: 02: 22.23 ID: eorQrGjq0
It looks like stealth made in China Styrofoam?

48: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 01: 05: 00.60 ID: UmD0h2gd0
If Nagetsukere parts of resin or metal in large quantities Mars, or that mean human beings to live in Mars make mon of the most likely

61: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 01: 58: 50.44 ID: eDOLofLC0
What we'll do drone
Iro also made with RC

64: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 02: 27: 12.70 ID: mYygGUVf0
Yeah (piggyback)

74: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 03: 48: 30.41 ID: cZoD5hW80
Saw Fallen

80: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 06: 08: 58.24 ID: EUL8Po8q0
Quickly car Tsukureyo Are stupid if such mon make?

69: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 02: 55: 32.35 ID: B0Qxr / Zu0
I ride from where

70: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 03: 05: 23.30 ID: DoUwD87q0
>> 69
You keep on ahead

16: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 21: 47.34 ID: JyzovnZe0
Apparently not fly and not a pure man of heart

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