
[Companies] Rakuten, the future withdrawal from the net mail order in the United Kingdom, Spain, Austria concentrated in the 5 countries such as the United States

( '-`) .. OO (still wonder if only a special Japanese site .....)

1: Shuguang  2016/06/08 (water) 12: 48: 33.65 ID: CAP_USER9
Rakuten net mail order giant, closed the local offices in the three countries of Europe such as the United Kingdom that business was sluggish, it was decided to withdraw from the net mail order business.

And it depends on the announcement, Rakuten to withdraw from the net mail order business is the United Kingdom, Spain, Austria of the three countries, is that to close the respective local base for up to this year the end of August.

And depends on the company, the United Kingdom and in addition to in Spain had been sluggish business does not expand the use of the site, for information about Austria accounted for a large number of German shops skilled in the neighboring countries, is that the integration of offices and business of Germany.

Rakuten is growth has been promoting an aggressive overseas expansion as expected, this year in the spring, we have to withdraw from the net mail order business in four countries of Southeast Asia, such as Thailand and Indonesia.

By withdraw the business even in this Europe of the three countries, the future Taiwan, Germany, France, the United States, but to concentrate the resources into five countries and regions of Brazil will be aiming to spread of service, the United States of Amid increasing competition intensity of the Amazon and local net mail order businesses, or rebuild how the overseas business will be a challenge.


75: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 16: 41.22 ID: CrzaQM6c0
>> 1
I also the old days, mail order shopping is I had just "optimism".

amazon is, it was only when you buy a book or DVD.
It is now, 99% of the shopping of mail order is dispensed with amazon.

Again, when the biggest reason of, there was trouble (such as defects in the product) it is,
amazon is, immediately in good faith can be peace of mind because they are supported.

However, in the optimism, when there is trouble, only we only "should be discussed with the exhibition shop".
Well, Rakuten, or not the only thing sucking sweet juice in the mail order site w

122: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 42: 11.10 ID: uwCP5OJE0
>> 75
Just this

It does not take responsibility absolutely to shield the contract even if there is anything
Terms Gar Terms guard no matter what you say

183: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 14: 21: 17.59 ID: 2Z65sodJ0
>> 1
This Speaking of comfort.

It is a global opportunity for you to practice the global best practices!

249: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 48: 55.42 ID: V7OsAQ3O0
>> 1
Fluoride that English was helpful

5: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 12: 50: 56.95 ID: guCfJR + w0
Do not laugh After almost withdrew from abroad in the official language English

12: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 12: 52: 43.41 ID: fWOygIAj0
Mikitani "conversation in the company will be to ban non-Japanese."

154: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 57: 31.67 ID: aV + 9MR8A0
>> 12
Although I mail Toka Toka system English that I

13: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 12: 53: 37.17 ID: OkGwIHUJ0
Rakuten site anyway hard to see
At all we do not seem to be any sign of improving, nerve doubt level

30: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 12: 58: 44.37 ID: EEXgOwiy0
>> 13
To place on the lazy and the portrait to the super flyer like the one screen of,
Seems good to especially elderly ... the so-called information underdog in Japan

How to make the common content in a multi-based and information products and materials

121: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 41: 29.42 ID: a2PrYpTM0
>> 13
There, horrible because seems template

163: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 14: 01: 26.15 ID: BhTZtwS80
>> 121
The layout of the stick frame'm template, but there is only put a picture to be strict character limit for each frame increasing the information. And it optimism is recommended.

20: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 12: 55: 51.86 ID: + ryaqIsv0
It should be noted that in Japan, rough thread large and fine system was introduced up to three million in the store

157: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 14: 00: 03.65 ID: kmrIzqor0
>> 20
What it www

23: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 12: 56: 30.04 ID: BK9t / dfC0
Of fairly due was doing spam also abroad
It'll with notoriety

Not 's news in advance mail order site of Japan
Way of the release of Rakuten spam had become a net news over there early foray

Laugh too Afo

161: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 14: 00: 59.02 ID: kmrIzqor0
>> 23
It looks like the recent improvement w
www you do not default, contains check

46: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 04: 57.39 ID: GzmsSFIX0
Employees of optimism in the earlier seminar, not 's department of the EC Hatada, had to say the bossy Even communication platform.
It is not not accustomed to just a sales floor.

68: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 14: 03.01 ID: aa4BdC7q0
I grew grass because even the menu of the canteen was English

Taiwan, Germany, France, the United States, I country that English in Brazil lead decent Where? Only the United States?
I Ya What English of the order of

78: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 18: 20.29 ID: HHU7TObn0
>> 68
Coincidentally withdrawal three countries in the two countries is English the official language w

69: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 14: 03.76 ID: 5z + qvdbM0
There is no existence value of inventory management also Shi often will result Toka without eventually stock buy because stock because they do not in every shop Rakuten

90: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 22: 54.27 ID: EEXgOwiy0
>> 69
But it is also true for Marketplace Amazon and DMM,
In fact, there are many places that are doing, orders to not have a stock, let alone inventory management (to be the first purchase of goods since the beginning of the order)
Where he wrote sold out so and so for the real stores and Heibai, in the Zara Toka I do not even have anywhere Nante real store and actually examine

89: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 22: 44.24 ID: HNXKFl5i0
It has worked in Panama
Will not especially Europe is sweet and unlike Japan

130: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 45: 55.60 ID: aEFuXWBY0
The Mickey is amazing not only to English-house official language
That press conference also was done in English to perform in Japan for the Japan domestic media for external

148: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 13: 55: 17.68 ID: FaTCY07A0
Point is you do not know not too complex

261: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 16: 02: 38.28 ID: R / RXpm7z0
>> 148 
Keep fueled on 10 times a limited time point I'm doing usually 1 times plus time-limited point nine times Toka well

232: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 23: 20.71 ID: 2519BzUR0
Employees poor who remember much trouble English

276: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 16: 15: 55.35 ID: 3a14TvDk0
>> 232
I Ja okay if you go to Sharp w

234: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 24: 08.92 ID: XYzkDP9z0
Say things like "optimism", amazed the company to the wack anachronism naming,
Although it was 埓外 of net mail order to choose me from pat
On one occasion, e-Bank, which was making the account was a shock when they become Rakuten bank while the do not know.

238: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 25: 48.18 ID: obQzAqUQ0
Aiu squalid vulgar design that is not subject in the United States and Europe
Useless if not a stylish design that is refreshing

242: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 37: 31.62 ID: rFEDNZF / 0
>> 238
I do not know what kind of design thing is in Europe and the United States
But with the skill are you to feel that you squalid in Japan
I read in this a long time ago.

It seems to the image of Asia's rooftops.

245: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 43: 04.75 ID: kwJv2EXE0
>> 242
I wonder, such that more of the feel sell noticeable without goods than spruce
When you think of getting a job to make Anna site to study "web design"
Feel sorry while other people's affairs

252: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 51: 55.66 ID: 5f0RAxuf0
>> 245
To begin with the question whether the design of the optimism has really had a positive effect.
It Rakuten was began around nowhere Dassai HP of design, comfort was also one of them.
The first place to mail order site itself of the Web was also a rare era.
It's not the massage I sites that imitate it in the catch-up.
Successful site is even less.

That dirty design of optimism just was so "by chance", Wakedee think that there is no going out is popular because apart from dirty.

241: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 35: 30.92 ID: jLWoojFd0
Thanks won first place
Poem tone product introduction
Doss face of craftsmen
Lie smell reviews
Free shipping for a limited time only 5000 yen or more to run on the screen both sides

"I sold out" them missing previous

264: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 16: 03: 45.08 ID: 5XWXzNnB0
>> 241
Something Warota w

246: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 43: 26.08 ID: Awb53cmB0
Rakuten.co.uk (United Kingdom)

Rakuten.de (Germany)

Rakuten.at (Austria)

Rakuten.es (Spain)

296: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 16: 39: 46.48 ID: 3gDRMtYf0
>> 246

I'm do not terribly design as in Japan, including the United States.
Japan of HP design has also shifted something of screaming me over in the attrition of overseas withdrawal.

324: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 17: 24: 29.23 ID: hI9rZDAM0
>> 296
Optimism of overseas design badly is not but feel that not leaving any impression too made ​​nothing of the design is to >> 246

The first place even if doing foreign company mail order site of the country
It lacks credibility
Amazon about's a company can not be a world major presence

336: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 17: 43: 22.17 ID: 3gDRMtYf0
>> 324
> The first place even if doing foreign company mail order site of the country
> It lacks credibility
I'm with the acquisition of local company for the credit. Spoil gone dyed there extremely trivial to optimism color.

248: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 46: 57.94 ID: NpABzhRr0
Because I went to Rakuten Toka suspicious Chinese site like a name
Once you have to Nirvana

After six months with

250: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 49: 50.16 ID: fs69wH0g0
Honestly, what are you doing to profitable Wakaran

255: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 15: 59: 20.20 ID: baiIRRmF0
>> 250
Probably basic "landlord".
Like a Mont owner of the commercial building.

263: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 16: 03: 39.45 ID: q2 + K0JXW0
After review discount → arrived product! This does not open yet fun! Star 5

Me stop this

279: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 16: 20: 26.00 ID: 3a14TvDk0
It's just coming out a lot and great place of optimism to find ...... the same thing

306: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 16: 50: 47.31 ID: lQz0hiFhO
Rakuten likes, but without opening too heavy, it is often to give up

318: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 17: 03: 04.78 ID: bIPhflUE0
Although I feel that most have dropped the performance I companies that have in-house official language English in Japan companies
Nandedaro ~

329: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 17: 28: 27.45 ID: N3PnwF7m0
>> 318
And sell if you can understand the character will because it is simplistic thinking.
Just speak only without in at all to understand thinking Toka culture Toka kind of a rooted in the local.
But it there is even in Japan seems to think of how you are thought somehow become if Tsukuroe surface.

351: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 18: 28: 28.82 ID: NNMrHJKO0
>> 318
Since management is in English to a Japanese
Sell ​​itself is the correct answer to foreign capital if you want to English

319: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 17: 03: 39.14 ID: guz3 / O3M0
Is the But, when I holed up in Japan in doing business in this hand, I end up with a shrinking population
English I Ja required in that sense

346: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/08 (water) 18: 07: 22.96 ID: zdcKJEDL0
think in English ww
why losing wwww 

[Used] English is not afraid even if the company official language / Funakawa Atsushi
[Used] English is not afraid even if the company official language / Funakawa Atsushi 

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