
[Drink]Health of coffee drinking disease prevention coffee in the suicide rate is a 50% reduction in both men and women. study Harvard School of Public

( '-`) .. OO (··· I 50% any statistics of the or ... suicide think Tomareru if drink to be hand kana ...)

1: Hiroshi ★ \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 13: 43.47 ID: CAP_USER9
In the past, is said to be "bad for the stomach," "bad skin", had been the drink is not healthy. However, caffeine is the latest of the research that is included in the coffee, it can be seen that components such as polyphenols to prevent the disease, there is a further is also effective in the suppression and prevention of diseases related to brain.

The more people the number of times often drink than those who do not drink, we incidence of stroke has dropped dramatically (by Note / National Cardiovascular Research Center Mr. Yoshihiro Kokubo of preventive medical examination section head physician).
Although cerebral infarction also similar results were obtained, remarkable results were out to cerebral hemorrhage (from Note / All Japan Coffee Association). Polyphenol that has been considered as a reason.

Vulnerable to heat, better not to roasted depth might effect is (by Yamasawa Tokushinko's Note / Jikei University School of Medicine molecular physiology course instructor).
Alzheimer's disease is also better for people in the habit of drinking coffee, that there is a possibility of delaying the onset (Note / South Florida University and the University of Miami announced).

Whether caffeine is not has to do, and we came out even researchers who are advancing dementia research hypothesized, good news is awaited.

In addition, the suicide rate for both men and women drinking coffee has become clear by the study was conducted Harvard School of Public Health and the 50% reduction.
Serotonin, dopamine, the productivity of the specific neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline, has been that it to act as a mild antidepressant by coffee enhanced.

Full of diversion is, I support that it is not wrong altogether.

※ Shukan Post 2016 June 10 issue


51: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 25: 50.66 ID: md4TiSfH0
>> 1
# However, there is no effect in the instant!

87: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 34: 35.28 ID: dt / q2Hm50
>> 1
Does guy can afford, such as coffee drink of not that I do not something suicide?

188: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary Ganbare! Kumamon! © 2ch.net 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 57: 23.29 ID:2WPzzPZt0
>> 1
70% is a lie of the study of this hand.

Also good to try but, but not too extreme thing Gil.
Tub thought to much head of the sardine.

402: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 00: 00: 58.63 ID: tCOfLT3YO
>> 1
Along with chocolate and vanilla cake, and get a black coffee, you will feel happy.

280: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 22: 28: 24.72 ID: 5UlUhiMp0
>> 1
It It's true.
But I'm drinking coffee every day, to have never committed suicide.

350: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 23: 10: 29.90 ID: JD5Vrlvf0
>> 1
A human being placed in situations such as think suicide
Carefree in without any reason you are drinking coffee

361: Auntie  HKZsYRUkck 2016/06/05 (Sun) 23: 16: 40.23 ID: 6lGtMXGt0
>> 350
Person was thinking trying to suicide, it happened thanks to the last drank coffee
When discouraged, it is I'm good at it.

3: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 14: 27.07 ID: AePsWMqNO

18: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 19: 30.53 ID: 2GTCug3P0
>> 3
Stemmer not a
I also drank just before coffee to suicide, to reach the now gone want to suicide

120: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 40: 18.52 ID: eUHvQ16x0
>> 18

9: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 15: 20.72 ID: LUt506WU0
I feel that you have been calling me good or bad theory to the coffee body alternately about once every two months
What what?
Are you doing also in the information war in the tea industry and coffee industry?

10: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 15: 27.95 ID: te5m / oIu0
I'm good apart from even tea if caffeine

12: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 15: 48.97 ID: xHKIlJGn0

The birthday coffee

19: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 19: 34.17 ID: WAV7Y27X0
And the price of coffee futures fell to about last year of half
Not you desperate to want to raise the coffee demand of

21: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 19: 43.60 ID: bUm + dfF70
There is an excitatory action

25: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 20: 56.41 ID: 6gDZxqmz0
Would it be if alcohol not a guy to commit suicide from drinking coffee

471: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 07: 14: 16.77 ID: + kyWOA7f0
>> 25
Hup live it stupid awake not'm commonplace Jan drunkenness

61: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 27: 48.85 ID: NdFm0Y4g0
>> 25
That is amazing

472: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 07: 14: 47.11 ID: + kyWOA7f0
>> 61 
You also a fool you are impressed

26: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 20: 56.78 ID: Ar59zqAMO
In moderation because too drink stomach becomes rough
( '· Ω · `)

30: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 21: 39.60 ID: eRDhig0e0
No, no no no,
India 1 month Come wandering,
Because to die is Rashiku fool,

474: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 07: 25: 19.92 ID: mZdY5SFf0
>> 30
And diarrhea were in most hospitals.

255: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 22: 15: 55.33 ID: 8uSz8QEi0
>> 30
Suicide rate of the India, but I'm fairly high

32: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 21: 53.02 ID: h / z // FFTO
It is not lore Street coffee rumba

35: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 22: 59.75 ID: q00JdO6j0
>> 32
Monk is not to Arab

49: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 25: 37.44 ID: 5yUnA / fy0
>> 35
What Datte

37: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 23: 45.08 ID: 0 / l6dZQ70
Coffee does not bring myself to drink when you are depressed because it is dark taste bitter on taste goods, in the first place about dying

199: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 58: 24.28 ID: e8 + g0RSC0
>> 37

This is the truth

Whether or not sending a life with a margin of mind can take a coffee time
Suicide half in coffee substance! Toka ridiculous I w

38: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 23: 47.60 ID: kmEgkBXa0
A person with a ring of 10 million yen will be clearly lower suicide rate
The 10 million yen of the ring there is an effect! Do you would think

48: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 25: 33.06 ID: Ll27yvq40
I want to study in this tobacco
I think maybe smokers suicide rate and significantly lower compared to non-smokers

55: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 26: 11.19 ID: SCsq5Nv / 0
Eat rice and hunger rate has decreased 50%

Those without this position meaning

58: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 27: 21.49 ID: DHvs7wBuO
Are you comparing aligned properly in conditions other than do not drink drink coffee like this to me?

67: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 28: 25.49 ID: Ne55g5rW0
Drink 5 bags a day drip coffee I I'm okay.
We will be recommending implicitly coffee Tara suicidal person purchase.

85: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 34: 19.38 ID: cz7yx3Wp0
Do such things say guy Some dead have to experiment?
That's a tremendous experiment

242: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 22: 09: 17.80 ID: BrG31ELP0
>> 85
But unscrupulous but blew

150: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 46: 07.48 ID: z + 3a4ndK0
> Suicide rate for both men and women and drink a cup of coffee is reduced by 50%
Divided into groups that do not drink and groups to drink coffee, did you go chasing the subsequent suicide? Sugeena ...

161: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 49: 17.30 ID: Ix9TSKzB0
>> 150
Conversely, not 's follow-up,
The results to determine whether the drinking coffee about suicide the person as
Because only compared to the general population, as the statistical data, it is fundamentally wrong w
Intentionally mislead or rather.

439: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 03: 45: 43.80 ID: bttnO5qx0
I do not suits such Toko

441: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 03: 47: 56.82 ID: + e0fRyTc0
Caffeine is the cause of female infertility
Man seems no effect on fertility
However, sleep becomes shallow, because it has become the cause of adrenal fatigue, nor mon I do I drink
And, caffeine intake of pregnant women are prohibited
Than is better to refrain from child birth is not women?

442: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 03: 49: 55.99 ID: + e0fRyTc0
There impact on women of reproductive capacity → smoking, drinking, caffeine intake
There impact on male fertility → smoking, drinking

444: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 03: 52: 17.05 ID: + e0fRyTc0
As a practical matter, drank and today put coffee around 9 pm, the eye is'd better sleep in Gingin
Watakushi that leads to now

446: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 04: 21: 26.61 ID: vfKXydjx0
Decrease in the suicide rate of the guy riding Ferrari is amazing
Dare to examine w

478: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 07: 41: 10.82 ID: dQ96QpbN0
Kana tea'm useless

480: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 08: 01: 51.62 ID: dabrHWwf0
>> 478
Suicide rate of people who are drinking the super premium tea is low likely

479: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 07: 57: 54.68 ID: 1EYip8bT0
Or national of Brazil because of the coffee?

448: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/06 (Mon) 04: 27: 24.45 ID: WYjo / hIi0
- By drinking coffee, logical consistency, it is materially request.
- By drinking the tea, illogical fantasy is stimulated.
Cocoa requires the secular resistance.

----- Rudolf Steiner

98: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 37: 08.32 ID: f1mR1sYL0
All of the processed foods, not only pollute the soul. Trustworthy'm himself.

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