
[Game] China game makers Fuzegame , home-use game machine "battle-ax F1" sale

( '-`) .. OO (Three country Warriors also'm entered lineup ... fourteen thousand or ... soft pretty selling likely ... depending on)

1: ◆ HeartexiTw chest crush φ ★ \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net (★ 9953-VSqO) 2016/06/11 ( Sat) 20: 40: 22.73 ID:CAP_USER9 BE: 348439423-PLT (13557 )
China game makers "Onoko Technology" of 11 days, it was independently developed
It began the general sales of home-use game machine "battle-ax F1".

The presence overwhelming is made in Japan and the United States made of game machines in China market
Proud and, so far domestic game machine was little.
China manufacturer or Makikaeseru is noted.

* + * + YOMIURI ONLINE + * + *
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: default: vvvvv: 1000: 512: ----: EXT was configured

121: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 77fb-iLHn) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 20: 44.87 ID: a / iI1RXN0
Cheap I

> Game software can be downloaded from the Internet before and after a single 30 yuan (about 480 yen).
> Released in combined and aligned the software of the popular action game "Mikuni Warriors", such as 21 in Japan.

98: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Waimoma MMbf-pSbR) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 09: 51.42 ID: xCI / tLDzM
>> 1
And contents is or was a primary PS

105: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Akuse Sx9b-YxPI) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 13: 21.84 ID: wKwbDZQCx
>> 1
15,000 yen or it cheap
I also bought If you get GTA

148: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi d709-cLF5) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 42: 16.63 ID: + I5aWrEd0
>> 1 ignorance Otsu
China Agency for Cultural Affairs is home video game business ban - permit the manufacture and sale of CS machines across the country

Only in China had been a home game prohibited until last year

165: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W ab72-jNGR) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 56: 35.55 ID: rnZR22os0
>> 1
It might at the same time to explode the game is over Do not w

187: Churaumi Pelican Brief (Garapu KK53-Jrsr) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 22: 22: 17.74 ID: uwW3vavLK
We saw the Warriors lineup in China made ​​the game hard for another Another also>> 1 and the other day

Other in several companies also, should major game manufacturers had cited bid

261: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi dfda-DqJ2) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 02: 02: 41.55 ID: Ho99b2fX0
>> 1
Game machine was imagine are divided Kachi with an ax

269: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W d705-U8wd) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 04: 54: 28.53 ID: of0Q8XV90
>> 1
Well it to become quite a big business also sell in the only China

2: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 27c1-B2rs) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 40: 58.58 ID: QAQnTCvQ0
The name is good too berserk we

14: Neto support Hunter (Watchoi 6f23-drwA) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 44: 34.55 ID: Q50gG1zP0
Final Dragon Quest is
It's suddenly going out from around 14 bullets

198: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 1302-7xHu) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 22: 34: 52.67 ID: Ju / akyMQ0
>> 14
If you say it, probably final Dragon Star Hunter Sonic specter Saga Thun?

23: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Auau Sa7b-jNGR) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 46: 01.88 ID: NWq0 / Q3Ba
People appear to fight in the game machine

25: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 27c1-B2rs) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 47: 34.22 ID: QAQnTCvQ0
The electrical appliances out of China like to many transformation specifications and extreme specifications Dower
Perfect if there is even entered spyware

29: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4f17-MOTj) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 48: 49.53 ID: BhaZTnye0
w of honor that Mihanashi the Japanese market had entered first and foremost

31: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 43fb-ZyKc) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 49: 34.91 ID: FHN3yMdL0

35: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W cfd1-jNGR) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 50: 32.95 ID: tjwbQUaD0
>> 31
After all, Do It 's this w

92: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4766-vuMG) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 08: 29.24 ID: 6GkBc + iy0
>> 31
Or all right? with this
It would glue of Showa

32: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4f57-7xHu) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 49: 45.68 ID: bG48dIby0
Game Kana for favorite ax?

37: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 574e-7xHu) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 50: 36.87 ID: SjR / dTID0
Gonna had official site, or Dynasty Warriors is good in it I'm eyeball treats Chinese

66: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W dff9-n8KW) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 58: 13.16 ID: XfpCHsmD0
>> 37
Body ps4 controller Is not God hard of XB1 wwwww

81: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi abf3-7xHu) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 02: 20.69 ID: P2KReTpX0
>> 37
Even if you to this kind of first fool
After ten years so it supposed to be Elias

217: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi ef78-7xHu) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 23: 42: 53.45 ID: n + wzwPj80
>> 37
It contents What a PC / AT compatible machine

41: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 0b48-iLHn) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 52: 18.89 ID: VOETmL630
... That is built into the gold shield without omission

45: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 0b46-DvND) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 52: 58.62 ID: Fdcygxav0
Likely to come out in Higanjima

48: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi d705-iLHn) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 55: 22.07 ID: E3uHInqy0
I guy is ignorant who wrote this article.
China also released or even original hard planning Korea Andaze.

SQNY Toka not 's 100 in 1.
The fact that everyone does not know is that it is a result.

50: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W ffd0-w7LD) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 56: 13.16 ID: T6kMzfpp0
Battle ax of the machine, I mean I just fan

133: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (spooling Sd47-jNGR) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 26: 19.78 ID: ej9aIA9sd
>> 50

63: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 0357-7xHu) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 57: 58.12 ID: 01wrKzmu0

64: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W d705-2SuJ) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 58: 04.69 ID: TpaMnQ2E0
Body explosion Bomberman while playing in the battle ax! That the news around the globe that

65: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 0357-AHtr) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 20: 58: 05.58 ID: m94hN9wy0
Mikuni Warriors is is written that the lineup, but I guess really official goods? w

187: Churaumi Pelican Brief (Garapu KK53-Jrsr) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 22: 22: 17.74 ID: uwW3vavLK
We saw the Warriors lineup in China made ​​the game hard for another another and also >> 65 other day

Other in several companies also, should major game manufacturers had cited bid

101: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4f1f- + JVQ) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 10: 41.38 ID: TzsG / TNe0
Asakuri out to any Kusohado

103: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W d73e-zoFs) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 12: 28.01 ID: qz / 11PAO0
If you put out seriously the Chinese ,,, ominous

129: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 1339-drwA) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 23: 59.15 ID: TPhR8tpO0
>> 103
So, how the e Earl Kung Fu

113: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 8f54-7xHu) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 16: 06.56 ID: ruQ9meVj0
Now I game machine body is also made in China factory
What do this the first time I all China from from the design of the new standard?

Pachi products that were up to now can not be said to be its own design

126: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 5788-jmEJ) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 22: 20.63 ID: DQT + sWIa0
Or software purchase download
Or Ne 's Manma of controller founder box
I wonder if Ann mold

156: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 5794-7xHu) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 48: 17.69 ID: TrZuy / OH0
The official character Ononoimotoko

161: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (JP 0Heb-LGdM) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 21: 51: 54.42 ID: 5Loc5nFfH
Flag to create a kusoge mixed with FF and DQ
Mixed with Sega Saturn and PlayStation and DS
Does it make a home for small game machine w

171: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi d705-uIC7) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 22: 01: 51.99 ID: h7RKKgQx0
TegraK1 + Maybe Android-to-the is good in handy.
It is not most moving is the game app for smartphone.

175: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 13b1-jNGR) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 22: 06: 54.90 ID: dlWsfUgP0
>> 171
And Do API is with open GL
14000 I quite good this yen

181: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Akuse Sx9b-g + 0x) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 22: 13: 43.90 ID: avzvz0xdx
Once upon a time Nante game machine I've been out is quite various companies
Certain that Sharp something also with game consoles

186: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W dfc1-oU5x) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 22: 17: 12.37 ID: 04wqk8D40
>> 181
It was Toka Sharp Twin Famicom
After Bandai Arcadia Toka
NEC's PC Engine Toka temporarily, such as it was popular or more in NES

205: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 13c4-jNGR) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 23: 00: 43.65 ID: GlKOGxAU0
>> 186
Please give remembered occasionally also of 3DO

182: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W dfc1-oU5x) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 22: 13: 58.80 ID: 04wqk8D40
It's Owakon worldwide Nante game machine?

190: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 2346-cLF5) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 22: 23: 51.14 ID: WzsQqFup0
>> 182
No over the Naco N
5 years 10 years of life Even Chinese billion children
If Seize Heart Well It 's not something I even get used to the second of Nintendo

Oh, PS3 is Even 10 years Speaking? I think there are poles apart
It Yea I have passed from the founder PS for more than 20 years

193: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi b363-drwA) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 22: 25: 39.62 ID: AoxlmbLq0
>> 190
No So Even Minna smartphone that do.
Game at home, I at the time the firm limit
But I think also the best in education w

However, although a continuation on the go anytime, anywhere
It would Toka strong as possible.

208: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 574c-DvND) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 23: 05: 38.51 ID: J + 5JlbaV0
I often write that a fool just because it is in China,
Main memory 4GB So fine performance is good in the NVIDIA Tegra K1 in Android adoption.
ttp: //www.gamespark.jp/article/2016/05/10/65734.html

Than that,
Will also Chinese companies Tencent's new game machine spree out famous game in the world.
ttp: //www.gamespark.jp/article/2016/05/16/65852.html
But people who know think I know,
Tencent has become the parent company with the acquisition of Epic Games for Unreal Engine.
As China's domestic Internet companies have great success,
Larger scale than the United States and Japanese game company,
It has become the world's largest game company.
Unlike a decade ago of fraud stinking state, the momentum of the current Chinese companies is great.

218: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Waimoma MMff-r25X) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 23: 43: 45.03 ID: qk + BfhiGM
>> 208
Yeah, I guess it can be as much as possible defintely not a backward country if gold even rose defeated in third in combination parts.
Is not'm there just are you a fool is, Hey it if there are things I copyright in the world ...

228: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 574c-DvND) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 00: 17: 27.88 ID: LJ6tYT + p0
>> 218
Onoko Technology of this article, since the suspicious company size and development capabilities,
In the future, I do not know if this game machine is followed by how much,

Person of Tencent,
It was the acquisition of Epic Games who developed the Unreal Engine,
Riot Games of the League of Legends was also acquired.
So it would make even the top level of the game in only its own subsidiary.
It has also invested in Activision and Blizzard.
Tencent, with huge companies such as the sum of the LINE and Twitter and Facebook,
Already, scale than in the United States and the famous game company in Japan has become a big company.
Since the China market is large number population, the game industry is quite different from the previous decade.

TGP BOX of Tencent,
As PS4 and XboxOne was using a x64 chip of AMD,
It has announced I use the x64 chip of intel, the situation will become serious if you poor.

234: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4712-DvND) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 00: 26: 43.49 ID: aKCYrO6L0
>> 208
How much is in this I terms of performance?
Much of the performance some of the XBOXone?
This time than hard I Nintendo issues NX but performance high likely
It's Android-based I would have wanted to put out this kind of what Nintendo
But it is amazing to me 15000 yen price
Nintendo is likely to be to the four fastest hardware manufacturers

223: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4355-7xHu) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 23: 55: 29.94 ID: E4Wtt49N0


γ'Nini O Ni O
l ((* ^ ▽ ^) <World War II from the Warring States Period
'' ^ '' '(Bruno ≡≡,)
(( `(O__O) _) __) _)
Dorurururu ...

225: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4355-7xHu) 2016/06/11 (Sat) 23: 58: 31.57 ID: E4Wtt49N0




γ'Nini O Ni O
l ((* ^ ▽ ^) <World War II from the Warring States Period
'' ^ '' '(Bruno ≡≡,)
(( `(O__O) _) __) _)
Dorurururu ...

226: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4355-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 00: 07: 52.33 ID: jxoG6uY60

236: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4355-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 00: 43: 36.42 ID: jxoG6uY60

253: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Oikora Mineo MMf7-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 01: 38: 10.13 ID: 5tgQpxXzM
OS is Jan just a android game machine 's Android

262: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 13b1-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 02: 10: 20.05 ID: FtxVU3kv0
Chinese smartphone is a problem but there is hard itself can of spyware recently evaluated high mean, this game machine will mean cheaper than the smartphone in its Sumahobesu
Now the resolution of the smartphone is out full HD, is also a need Tteyuu Asobasero on the big screen TV
OS also It looks like Android-based, I want if the touch panel operation key configuration feature to replace the controller operation is excellent and Google's Play store commonly available can

275: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W ab57-oU5x) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 36: 48.70 ID: CQNOt3 + K0
The fact that Golden is - it is going out of platinum, even diamonds

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