
[History] discovered in the United Kingdom, the contents and the IOU to seek the repayment of "handwritten board" Notepad money of ancient Roman times

( '-`) .. OO (maximum scale ... perhaps something new facts find ...)

1: old  2016/06/05 (Sun) 08: 56: 42.56 ID: CAP_USER9
The heart of London, in a new building construction site of a financial company Bloomberg, were found wooden handwriting plate 405 pieces of ancient Roman times. That also includes "IOU" is in. Featured in the video.


In London, the details of the ancient Roman times that has been excavated over the 2012-14 years of "handwriting board" has been announced. A result of decoding, that were included Nakaniwa "IOU" also.

At 405 pieces of wooden of the handwriting plate is found in the heart of London, the heart of the financial company was a construction site near the location of the new building of Bloomberg (was built in Roman times, "Londinium" is the current City of hits the London region. It is to be noted that the Londinium had means "marsh of the fort" in the words of indigenous Celtic).

The one certain, the date of 57 January 8 AD was written. Date of another plate in around 43 AD, which corresponds to the time of the first period that the ancient Romans ruled the British territory.

Yet another of the plate, but there is the oldest description of London, this is historian Tacitus-Roman era, further that corresponds to the 50 years before the time that describe London in their own work.



87 sheets out of 405 sheets of plate that was found has already been deciphered, it has become the largest of its kind of specimen that have been excavated in the United Kingdom.

"LONDINIO MOGONTIO (in London, addressed to the Mogontiusu)" it is written with. It unearthed more than 700, including the UK's oldest handwritten plate, that it will be exhibited at the new premises of Bloomberg.

Some that have been deciphered, and content to seek the repayment of the money, there is such as IOU to London traders.

To a certain plate, "in exchange for bread and salt, and the money of 26 denarius worth in Victoria task silver coins, soon to please send it to Paterio of 10 denarius minute" are written with. In addition, in another of the plate, "free people of Venustus, has borrowed 105 denarius from a person that Guratasu is free people of Spurius" are written with.

These plates originally, in terms of beeswax has been painted on the surface, the character by using a needle is seen to have been carved or engraved. The above image is a plate in the found step, characters from such small increments has been restored.

The hit to decipher the handwriting plate, in the classical scholar Roger Tomlin of Oxford University, (has been introduced in more detail in the end of the sentence of the video) that decodes the character by using a photo and microscopic analysis.

"Woodcut was buried in the ground is rarely escape the damage. This about the good state is maintained is cut off oxygen by moist soil, but because it did not have to rot is woodcut," said London Archaeological Manabu Museum (MOLA) has been described. "It now has been reclaimed, it because this whole area is Walbrook river was flowing in Roman times."

290: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 10: 18: 12.27 ID: wASDN1c + 0

305: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 10: 20: 34.76 ID: wASDN1c + 0

374: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 10: 38: 09.76 ID: oTRG7RMP0
>> 1
It's amusing London flyer?

397: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 10: 44: 42.14 ID: fmk + 9yJ80
>> 1
>'s Because he did not have to spoil the woodcut "and the London Museum of Archaeology (MOLA) has been described

Not 's thanks to the wax?
Oxygen barrier using wax to is a chemical experiments
There is also a preservation of living tissue in wax

404: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 10: 47: 14.76 ID: Q9OAi9R10
>> 397
Beeswax is not painted only on the front in ancient Rome

535: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 28: 47.65 ID: md4TiSfH0
>> 1
43 years of Diocletian calendar
This means that it is 327 years of the year

566: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 38: 00.61 ID: JAu / Uus00
I wonder if what about but I think or not the theory of >> 535 is correct
Instead of the AD conversion, Maybe I really misread.

575: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 40: 27.81 ID: ePa6I3H80
>> 566
w will not fool up there in much Sankei
You're not?

582: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 41: 41.46 ID: JAu / Uus00
>> 575
w I may If you were to translate the English article

606: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 47: 56.99 ID: RZc7Jhj70
Because they wrote a year 57 years on CNN Japanese version, you Ja still do correct >> 1?

769: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 12: 27: 20.55 ID: OD9JVAAd0
>> 1
The current year, the basic is the Gregorian calendar.
The Julian calendar before modification of the Gregorian calendar, the Julian calendar itself has been used from BC.
It is in the Julian calendar, he an earlier Romulus calendar fixes.

Even if (in terms of perhaps from now will're saying that AD 57) age of AD have is written, but I not any wonder.

142: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 40: 25.36 ID: wASDN1c + 0

150: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 41: 57.85 ID: WhWMiQn80
>> 142
Like print like is something the numbers and tick lower

178: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 50: 38.71 ID: wASDN1c + 0

20: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 05: 29.52 ID: ZCWsnyxW0
Act and deed of debt?
From a long time ago, Do not I was there I gold of trouble wwwwwww
Did you mean ancients also similar to the modern people, Do not be that had the trouble ...
Or the Ne hear that my son says Do w

35: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 10: 52.10 ID: XGadHe + y0
>> 20
Heck story of the debt of the Roman era is famous
What a record also remains so ten that has been seized because not pay property

973: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 13: 18: 42.93 ID: uzExqYyM0
>> 20
Follow the now of the Civil Code of the original and what's Roman Law ( '· ω · `)

78: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 24: 34.47 ID: MKXZdpTQ0
Around the UK that was what?
Did you separate? Its Are I both Rome was reigning?

92: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 29: 05.28 ID: GekQc5og0
>> 78
When it was only Celtic because before the Germanic peoples will come
I Ja I was dominated by Rome

909: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 13: 00: 13.79 ID: ZxEWNVcG0
>> 78

Currently in England and Wales, it had become a part of the Roman Empire.
Since Scotland was not able to expel the barbarians, making the Great Wall like a
Barbarians was not allowed to come into the south.

86: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 27: 15.47 ID: wolhiptF0
Or Nero Emperor of age (54/10 / 13-68 / 6/9)

97: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 30: 09.07 ID: ecTlnp3j0
What are the Roman Empire was destroyed in?

108: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 32: 19.33 ID: GekQc5og0
>> 97
Germanic tribes invasion → arbitrarily started to build a Kingdom
It began to stretch division

114: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 33: 39.37 ID: 8FbBKPgN0
>> 108
Maybe now of Europe also is Syrians come out the country to collapse because they have moved more and more

220: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 59: 20.57 ID: KgkBFeY00
>> 97
But asked for help to the Crusaders since the end of the Holy Roman Empire were often impoverished and exhausted attacked by Islam

Perished been looting in the Crusaders sought relief

233: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 10: 03: 04.70 ID: wolhiptF0
>> 220
In the early 13th century to perish in a few decades I was able to Latin Empire, the Byzantine Empire has been revived.

268: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 10: 11: 52.47 ID: / vV6gDGj0
>> 220
For now, the distinction between the Holy Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire gonna try w

696: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 12: 08: 12.26 ID: 5Q13vOZg0
>> 97
Wonder if Roman citizenship open to the public that the underlying by Emperor Caracalla
Everyone that became a Roman citizen, rights and duties of citizens becomes ambiguous
By underlying the national defense has been weakened that obligation of military service, or feeling that led to the invasion of the barbarians

728: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 12: 14: 40.43 ID: nYmg8KKs0
>> 696
Yes Yes
That it's great 

746: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 12: 20: 15.72 ID: HiXfNZjf0
>> 728
It easy to understand the metaphor of the aristocracy and the samurai
But Are words also tried to leave it to foreign mercenaries not through barely why without maintaining a mercenary system of its own people of conscription and its citizens limited?
I Ja mon, such as saying please and cause please revolt was paid until the weapon?

Initially Maybe you tinged guy is good Germanic people?

763: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 12: 25: 32.88 ID: kEi4NNl30
>> 746
Anyone would not want to black labor Nante soldier.

So, I was not caught in the bait I raise Roman citizenship Once raised working soldier,
What generation of the emperor is no longer worth as bait because've sprinkle the Roman citizenship.

777: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 12: 28: 46.49 ID: nYmg8KKs0
>> 746
Roman Empire territory because it is too large at the time, Tatte saying its own people
Are almost "foreigners" in terms of the sense of the Roman Republic era

It kind of guys had been rampant become like local warlords in the territory
The dominance of the center was completely weakened

I wonder this area is easy to understand Speaking Muromachi Shogunate basis

843: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 12: 41: 10.73 ID: uOdz8SnX0
>> 746
Finance to support a vast area there was no longer.
Therefore, the border line was only Maseru to de facto private army.
To eventually back the border line itself larger, but not in time still.

158: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 45: 32.52 ID: b44zP2V50
AD 57 years

Japan What to tan?

161: Chacha round  DQan0pMFeE 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 46: 22.33 ID: hvkf1wXf0
>> 158
I think I was eating picking up acorns

186: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 52: 00.79 ID: ++ ZubDe3O
>> 158
Year 57 AD that Nakoku of the king has sent messengers to China.

411: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 10: 48: 10.66 ID: FMVMEmqN0
What year was born did not even write the year the seventh century, I

But Well, for it to come debt Dano trade until the ends of the earth Nante Londinium,
Actually Do I was a rich and complex society ......

I found that at the time, yet You did not make the even satisfaction money w

414: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 10: 49: 35.87 ID: zLUiZwCV0
>> 411
Once out say it Anta, to are using sewer of 2000 years ago, even the city of Rome softening now

436: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 10: 55: 52.21 ID: RZc7Jhj70
>> 414
Aqueduct also It's active, civilization of the stone is also long-lasting

476: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 10: 15.76 ID: FMVMEmqN0
Well, say what,


Learn more character Shiroyo! Bet a beautiful letter! !

Because such do, it discarded the bottom of the river without being even postal delivery! ! !

484: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 12: 32.44 ID: Dw16pdxI0
>> 476
what's this? Suneke collection?

537: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 29: 13.05 ID: cSwJ7XTT0
Also Speaking Sumerian it anyway thousand years ago clay tablets written materials of that side
Almost but there about mountain only document related to the economy Toka money
I heard I do not know much about history

543: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 30: 57.31 ID: / vV6gDGj0
>> 537
Well I thing to leave as a record, to say absolutely so increases

547: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 32: 01.06 ID: VeEKY5 + W0
>> 537
I because history would have been roughly anywhere word of mouth
Transmitted to finally posterity causing things like the character

552: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 33: 30.45 ID: JAu / Uus00
>> 537
Sky history will do no such change when I lived in that era to flow slowly
So it'll become a lot mundane description. It will not so Nante work describes the history

557: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 34: 33.18 ID: zLUiZwCV0
>> 537
Apparently those of I originally character is made for the record of the government

559: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 35: 44.01 ID: UaZMNb8N0
>> 537
The first place I because character is something that began to record, such as tax and yield

570: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 11: 39: 31.34 ID: 5TJemc1X0
>> 537
But most'm economic document, seen from a little there is an inscription and kings name table king.
Oh, for I do not know "too much" is I will do that so.

960: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 13: 14: 21.51 ID: EaIlG6kR0
I tree was good remaining Nante how much save state without rot

985: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 13: 21: 45.23 ID: ZJu6mp9L0
>> 960
Wood sounds like remain pretty and the water temperature is lower there in or something in the swamp

964: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 13: 15: 46.15 ID: nFCjVhs / 0
Of boiled fish paste Janet 's that I shed after ate yesterday?

970: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 13: 17: 57.44 ID: uzExqYyM0
Katchoe that, but I was also Toko unearthed a handwritten note of before to have more than 20 years organizing a little while ago, I rated is different w

111: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 09: 33: 08.11 ID: TBD40WZ40
Get to work

AD 57 years from January 8, car Chang
954: Chacha round  DQan0pMFeE 2016/06/05 (Sun) 13: 12: 32.09 ID: hvkf1wXf0
In the center of London, in a location close to the construction site of the new building of the financial company Bloomberg, 
It's interesting I ancient notepad comes out that says just that of money 
Icon C- wooden board
Icon C- wooden board

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