( '-`) .. OO (not out of courage keep quite when it surprisingly people who tried to ... familiar no animal ...)
1: ◆ HeartexiTw chest crush φ ★ \ (^ o ^) / bad © 2ch.net (★ 9953-VSqO) 2016/06/12 ( Sun) 06: 30: 33.14 ID:CAP_USER9 BE: 348439423-PLT (13557 )
Rental services of "an animal" that has been bred in Ina, Nagano Prefecture City
Now, it has become popular. Attention of the animal and of its effect?
We are doing the popularity of rental service of Ina
"Sanchoku market Green Farm". Is a goat're lending.
* + * + Nittele NEWS24 + * + *
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: default: vvvvv: 1000: 512: ----: EXT was configured
Now, it has become popular. Attention of the animal and of its effect?
We are doing the popularity of rental service of Ina
"Sanchoku market Green Farm". Is a goat're lending.
* + * + Nittele NEWS24 + * + *
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: default: vvvvv: 1000: 512: ----: EXT was configured
135: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 9320-DvND) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 09: 53: 41.11 ID: qPw0rbxL0
>> 1
Mr. Yagi, marry!
Mr. Yagi, marry!
166: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 2792-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 11: 42: 56.29 ID: xVbo2R0v0
Or 3000 yen per head three months, it is cheaper than I thought
Maybe because even survive floating bait stand and from better to lend
Maybe because even survive floating bait stand and from better to lend
2: Abe Chung Hunter's (Watchoi W 235f-IYf /) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 31: 05.27 ID: TLkeO6mz0
It was in Tachikawa
21: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 8bd0-oU5x) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 42: 51.31 ID: JkHCYeG30
>> 2
Still are you I did not see the other day?
Still are you I did not see the other day?
90: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Auau Sa7b-jZrr) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 12: 28.59 ID: 8Q / eIZcna
>> 2
Guy of the monorail aside
Guy of the monorail aside
164: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 47d0-Oqdf) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 11: 41: 28.80 ID: BLuW5kSH0
>> 2
Goat that has been rented to a prime location in Tachikawa, truly on-site all of the weed Nde can not be cleaned
After all skilled in the art have been doing regularly mowing w
Roughly, neither mean I eat whatever goat if grass.
Goat that has been rented to a prime location in Tachikawa, truly on-site all of the weed Nde can not be cleaned
After all skilled in the art have been doing regularly mowing w
Roughly, neither mean I eat whatever goat if grass.
3: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK6b-Ra + D) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 34: 03.85 ID: 7exu5dHoK
4: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Beimo MMbf-P04w) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 36: 07.85 ID: 10lKQMr2M
∧ ___ ∧
/ - - .\
|. ▼ |. Mee
/ | = (_ People _) = |. Mee
/. ヽ, ______ Roh
| _____ Roh
∪⌒∪ ∪
/ - - .\
|. ▼ |. Mee
/ | = (_ People _) = |. Mee
/. ヽ, ______ Roh
| _____ Roh
∪⌒∪ ∪
5: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 8bda-xiHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 36: 29.14 ID: 5avGDpkb0
Shredder instead either.
13: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 0b24-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 39: 41.72 ID: + LXMipSL0
>> 5
Goat "so much paper can eat or blur"
Goat "so much paper can eat or blur"
8: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 0b88-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 38: 34.86 ID: f9AyWfxx0
/ Bruno
(\; '' ~ ⌒ Isuzu,
~ 'Mi E) Meemee
., ゝ i "
F ' "" ~ Mi
,) Bruno ,, _,,; 'ヽ)
'And' tooth l, Roh
" ''" "" " ''" "" "" " ''" ""
/ Bruno
(\; '' ~ ⌒ Isuzu,
~ 'Mi E) Meemee
., ゝ i "
F ' "" ~ Mi
,) Bruno ,, _,,; 'ヽ)
'And' tooth l, Roh
" ''" "" " ''" "" "" " ''" ""
129: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 53d7-gUBs) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 09: 29: 02.41 ID: MzCaPjJ60
>> 8
We will go to Okinawa, where there are a lot of grass When you become a winter
We will go to Okinawa, where there are a lot of grass When you become a winter
94: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi d705-iLHn) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 14: 50.45 ID: HhHAk9g60
119: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK6b-UJdW) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 54: 36.98 ID: DTLOsni7K
>> 94
I brown the cute, or both kicked by the lying is twice the same baby goat? That's poor
I brown the cute, or both kicked by the lying is twice the same baby goat? That's poor
10: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (spooling Sd87-G11b) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 39: 11.09 ID: ttL0c6Ezd
After the escape Kashiri was goats, rent for quite taken likely.
16: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi d72d-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 40: 36.08 ID: v45MwCzT0
>> 10
When you purchase from the livestock industry, Mann 3 It 's several tens of thousand in the single-digit to 70,000
Cheaper than I thought
When you purchase from the livestock industry, Mann 3 It 's several tens of thousand in the single-digit to 70,000
Cheaper than I thought
17: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 53d7-DvND) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 40: 57.39 ID: 8zx03BAF0
It seems good to abandoned farmland.
Because manpower is not enough after aging farmers recently keep a goat.
Of course, goat's milk is also drinkable.
Because manpower is not enough after aging farmers recently keep a goat.
Of course, goat's milk is also drinkable.
25: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK6b-UJdW) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 45: 45.59 ID: DTLOsni7K
Watch out because eaten been stolen and found in Vietnamese. I also dangerous Chinese
>> 16 >> 17
How nice. I'm exhausted uprooted eat the grass of the side
Kke quite do temper is rough but
>> 16 >> 17
How nice. I'm exhausted uprooted eat the grass of the side
Kke quite do temper is rough but
12: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Auau Sa7b-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 39: 34.56 ID: qTUj3R6ca
You do not have Pretty us to someone rental but is a Capricorn?
14: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4f62-r25X) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 39: 56.42 ID: NwsRm20K0
You either have Tsu grazing in the Amazon
20: Abe Chung Hunter's (Watchoi W 235f-IYf /) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 42: 24.26 ID: TLkeO6mz0
It hopes than sow herbicide
24: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (spooling Sd47-IX7G) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 45: 37.48 ID: 75uAqfycd
Or sheep 's useless
42: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK6b-kn8c) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 53: 22.49 ID: BFH9xypHK
>> 24
Commission staff of sheep office in the neighboring town.
It has mobilized well to mowing the banks of the Botanical Gardens Yara town road of municipal.
Soon, we hear that plans to begin free attendance to the mowing of the neighborhood farmers.
Commission staff of sheep office in the neighboring town.
It has mobilized well to mowing the banks of the Botanical Gardens Yara town road of municipal.
Soon, we hear that plans to begin free attendance to the mowing of the neighborhood farmers.
47: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W dfb9-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 58: 09.38 ID: u4yUhwWN0
>> 24
Goats us eat pull out until the grass-roots kid
Goats us eat pull out until the grass-roots kid
92: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Auau Sa7b-jZrr) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 13: 53.78 ID: 8Q / eIZcna
>> 24
Therefore it has hassle of hair hunting
It is better of sheep if there is a use for wool
And nice if not goat
Therefore it has hassle of hair hunting
It is better of sheep if there is a use for wool
And nice if not goat
103: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi cfd7-I1hv) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 32: 51.38 ID: 3Q / 1Ogba0
>> 24
But goats go in steep slopes, sheep flat only
But goats go in steep slopes, sheep flat only
27: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 3388-Kz0e) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 46: 25.52 ID: gYY4KZHa0
Goat, it is hard to catch When you run away. It is better to quit.
It is early in the easier for me of the mower
It is early in the easier for me of the mower
73: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (JPW 0Hdb-oU5x) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 35: 24.39 ID: 6bgtaRsuH
>> 27
Steep slopes and uneven surfaces that mowers can not be used,
Goat even close to like a obstacle when fence can eat the grass
Little likes and dislikes
Steep slopes and uneven surfaces that mowers can not be used,
Goat even close to like a obstacle when fence can eat the grass
Little likes and dislikes
29: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4f62-r25X) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 46: 52.54 ID: NwsRm20K0
Goat "bamboo basket not want to work."
35: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 0b24-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 49: 04.02 ID: + LXMipSL0
It will work only eat rice on the go
It does this if it is also in you guys
It does this if it is also in you guys
39: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 27c3-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 52: 29.31 ID: kwfze + fZ0
I'm a person has a pet goat in the neighborhood. From time to time they are allowed to walk in the riverbed. I wonder if N also ate at the banks of the grass
40: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 3388-Kz0e) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 53: 05.10 ID: gYY4KZHa0
Since the goat's animals that live in rocky, jumping ability is amazing
To hurt to be kicked
To hurt to be kicked
41: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4f17-iLHn) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 53: 08.54 ID: mPt / ShqG0
Even goats, but human beings do! ! !
44: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi ffd0-HXJU) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 56: 05.89 ID: g15a + F / 70
Workers goat "go Harowa not unemployed say gudaguda on the net."
46: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 1390-iLHn) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 56: 34.62 ID: WS4rFd9v0
It is a hard worker
48: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W cfc8-j3pl) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 06: 59: 25.13 ID: UniwtfJu0
I'm troubled winter bait but summer is good
Get lost or just have rental you want to buy
Atoyagi is either do me eat Shino?
Get lost or just have rental you want to buy
Atoyagi is either do me eat Shino?
51: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 478f-oU5x) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 02: 28.05 ID: 0ct + DDEH0
Once it leaves you guyz to even earns in goat
52: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 6772-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 02: 44.58 ID: ENbd9gnk0
It is eat paper Seriously I goat? You can digest?
70: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Auau Saf3-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 23: 51.80 ID: FnIVfya4a
>> 52
Herbivorous animals can to nutrient source of dietary fiber in the intestinal bacteria
Eat that it is my experience cattle, sheep, goat, the paper normally until the per deer
Horse unconfirmed
It was even or getting lost is eaten by a map on the deer of Nara Park
Herbivorous animals can to nutrient source of dietary fiber in the intestinal bacteria
Eat that it is my experience cattle, sheep, goat, the paper normally until the per deer
Horse unconfirmed
It was even or getting lost is eaten by a map on the deer of Nara Park
74: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK6b-UJdW) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 36: 36.60 ID: DTLOsni7K
>> 70
Most of the people in the world can not digest seaweed Japanese and Wales or somewhere
The food and far from the paper when you see from human beings in what people like only you can do is digested nutrition
What is visible to the mouth-watering nutritious food for the herbivores
Most of the people in the world can not digest seaweed Japanese and Wales or somewhere
The food and far from the paper when you see from human beings in what people like only you can do is digested nutrition
What is visible to the mouth-watering nutritious food for the herbivores
85: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 8b3d-3x4T) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 53: 25.65 ID: BaMGURpE0
>> 74
Paper is not raised because you are using a bleaching agent.
Paper is not raised because you are using a bleaching agent.
55: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 839a-375j) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 06: 04.49 ID: 7ycwpf660
Before, it did not show any interest even close a blank in the face of the goat
The eat paper something is I sent out a thousand yen bill it would be urban legend
Became eaten is likely.
It's also choose a paper
The eat paper something is I sent out a thousand yen bill it would be urban legend
Became eaten is likely.
It's also choose a paper
126: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi ffd0-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 09: 19: 42.90 ID: irE3Qpgg0
>> 55
Eat if Japanese paper. Banknote is used the same material as the paper is
Eat if Japanese paper. Banknote is used the same material as the paper is
61: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (JPW 0Hdb-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 12: 02.06 ID: DqCA9YWKH
Goat's or. It has been meeting yesterday?
62: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (spooling Sd47-DIUq) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 12: 16.08 ID: q9jWjNYEd
Suddenly I became the goat.
69: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 571f-3x4T) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 21: 59.75 ID: HzX / Qk8l0
Me to the lending of the giraffe for the pruning of plants.
71: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Rakurappe MM6b-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 26: 34.95 ID: GJjFzQREM
Not even grow grass
75: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 8365-DvND) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 36: 51.74 ID: ctx7MUGB0
It had news like a had eating caught a foreigner rental goat before a little
82: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi cfd7-I1hv) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 07: 51: 02.03 ID: 3Q / 1Ogba0
Because the sound of the mower is not good goat weed is welcome
I want to be doing in the neighborhood of the park
I want to be doing in the neighborhood of the park
91: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi ab21-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 12: 29.04 ID: v2POQAZ20
Eat dokudami What goat?
Want to borrow if eat
Want to borrow if eat
95: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (spooling Sd87-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 17: 22.29 ID: sWe1Yaiad
I've borrowed from kindergarten that kept the neighborhood of goats at the end was only eaten by plaque seems there are likes and dislikes in the grass with a bush-cutting machine, I guess different from the domesticated goat as a pet, rental goat.
98: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (spooling Sd87-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 20: 01.99 ID: sWe1Yaiad
The goat hut that was in the travel destination it was written, or "goats paper is not given because it is poison."
108: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 8be1-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 38: 45.17 ID: a4zIbPtV0
>> 98
I guess useless Toka ink being printed
I guess useless Toka ink being printed
99: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Garapu KK6b-9yVS) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 21: 48.01 ID: Sl0MZ74xK
I saw goat leaving N herbivorous in like a place disaster prevention park
It was Moshamosha in the small hill of hem
It has just been seen fliers to passing it is healed
It was Moshamosha in the small hill of hem
It has just been seen fliers to passing it is healed
112: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 0357-HXJU) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 42: 17.65 ID: LgJougxw0
>> 99
But it's healed or what I just have Moshamosha w
But close to the traffic volume of the inner thought as that Kuwashi grass Stop a considerably large bypass road
Would grass something absolute exhaust gas covered
But it's healed or what I just have Moshamosha w
But close to the traffic volume of the inner thought as that Kuwashi grass Stop a considerably large bypass road
Would grass something absolute exhaust gas covered
117: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi d705-Kz0e) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 53: 54.03 ID: y1h1T9cg0
Drink and Genki hundred times the milk of goat is heated quickly the freshly squeezed by delicious
Order all means cheese of goat I went Italian region of Tuscany it
Pecorino cheese
Order all means cheese of goat I went Italian region of Tuscany it
Pecorino cheese
121: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 3f88-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 09: 13: 03.36 ID: u / q1HyjZ0
Female goat Kusso cute
I wish I let go to the dry riverbed connect with a string of about 20 meters
Countryside Are grass Bo Bo in the budget shortage
Children can not play in the river because of that
I wish I let go to the dry riverbed connect with a string of about 20 meters
Countryside Are grass Bo Bo in the budget shortage
Children can not play in the river because of that
125: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 0357-oU5x) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 09: 19: 34.75 ID: j4 + rS4ul0
Once you leave you guyz for even a goat for Motemote ( '· ω · `)
127: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W ab1b-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 09: 25: 02.90 ID: 7Cd4J4YN0
Huh eerie cries I goat
136: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi ffd0-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 09: 54: 07.96 ID: irE3Qpgg0
>> 127
It sheep
It sheep
132: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi abf3-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 09: 38: 28.09 ID: ojuQJ6nL0
Doing attention to other animals
Uchinoko goats had been done to a large dog that has escaped the fence
Uchinoko goats had been done to a large dog that has escaped the fence
133: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 8b3f-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 09: 39: 45.97 ID: usin5p6V0
Site of Yamada Denki Inagi of Tokyo, two animals goats are doing the mowing.
I was surprised when I first saw
I was surprised when I first saw
137: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 835b-oU5x) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 10: 01: 24.26 ID: fSG7eQTW0
I am in the mood much stood signboard I "can play with the goat" to the country road ...
138: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W cfec-jNGR) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 10: 18: 17.37 ID: 08XJpWy00
Next to the old cattle dog
139: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi c757-I1hv) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 10: 19: 26.12 ID: m8paiV7 / 0
It is cool towards the goat than Yamada
142: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi ab6f-7xHu) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 10: 48: 54.29 ID: bfDa1bkQ0
I I'm the disposal of weed that grows in the solar power plant.
It hard to put the machine I under the panel,
I do not want to use herbicides because the image is bad.
It hard to put the machine I under the panel,
I do not want to use herbicides because the image is bad.
175: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi eb4d-r25X) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 11: 58: 02.31 ID: W5D8HOJd0
>> 142
You may break riding on If you do not mind the goat of the panel in the mega solar
I from goat likes to climb to high Toko
There is a Toko that kept the sheep and emu
You may break riding on If you do not mind the goat of the panel in the mega solar
I from goat likes to climb to high Toko
There is a Toko that kept the sheep and emu
147: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi ebd0-drwA) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 11: 12: 37.79 ID: kY9BJAxP0
Oh yeah, the daytime scary true in landscape, such as iris drew a horizontal line at the Magic
154: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 23bc-DvND) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 11: 19: 28.27 ID: JpzzEFER0
Of which also want to rent ...
It does not at all from broken mowing cumbersome and mower in the garden.
It does not at all from broken mowing cumbersome and mower in the garden.
160: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi 4313-DvND) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 11: 35: 36.72 ID: x1HuEC + t0
I want to be a goat
161: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Watchoi W 830d-h + Qf) 2016/06/12 ( Sun) 11: 37: 34.57 ID: mW + roQLW0
Time mother of a child, the case had been kept a goat at home, when you go to school
Kid had to say I was cute and comes with the after
Kid had to say I was cute and comes with the after
111: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary (Auau Sacb-Cmkt) 2016/06/12 (Sun) 08: 42: 16.55 ID: Q4PF9TQ + a
Each Minna reason of rental is I guess a baa-lamb
Netherlands-producing goat milk powder 100g [Specials] [Goat Milk] ● natural completely additive-free supplements ● for dog and cats ● mail service free shipping (if you arrive to take more than one week also) ● order total 5,400 yen or less cash on delivery, date, time, and time can not be specified
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