
[Tottori]by making huge graffiti, four men and women of the college students and Canadian couple were reported to the dunes office.

( '-`) .. OO (I rubbed it with the larger of I Ja ne ... tourist destination remains clearly graffiti so far ...)

1: Kazenoko  2016/06/11 (Sat) 00: 58: 45.22 ID: CAP_USER9

On the slopes of Tottori, tourists two sets is a large graffiti, such as heart mark digging sand in the foot,
It is 10 days Tottori dunes office had been noted in the oral, it was found in an interview to the same office.

Graffiti larger than a certain size because of the protection of sand dunes, are prohibited by county ordinance.

9 pm 5 o'clock According to the prefecture dunes office, and the men and women four groups of college students
Canadian couple, the are you graffiti on the slopes of attractions called "horseback" in the sand dunes
Find a taxi driver, it was reported to the dunes office. University students and the vertical 25 meters,
In the magnitude of the lateral 42 m Hiragana as "Nobu", the couple 8 vertical meters of horizontal 13 m
Arrow was writing a heart mark stuck.

Graffiti is not lingering, dunes office staff was the repair work over up to 10 days morning.
And one after another is graffiti in the Tottori Sand Dunes, last year was a review about 250.
Dunes office had confirmed the other 1 graffiti also in 9 days morning.

408: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 11: 06: 11.86 ID: nevpfdmS0
>> 1
To let them put out to the person who wrote
It or, if the pay fines as a cost to erase?

433: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 12: 03: 21.50 ID: 1OatNtK80
>> 1
Heck, if to sell this.
1m × 1m per 10,000 yen

This time,
> 8 vertical meters next to 13 meters
So, in the 8x13 = 104, 104 yen Nari

Throat for?

9: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 07: 15.99 ID: a / iI1RXN0
It will soon disappear in the wind

17: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 17: 05.45 ID: cvIsLZb00
>> 9
Tottori'm artifacts
And greening prevented seeded herbicide
It's form Totonoe every day.

20: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 19: 50.04 ID: q9PTGEzL0
>> 17
When asked this, and what does not somehow Toko that desertification
I think always.

30: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 28: 15.23 ID: dd88POpg0
>> 20
Tottori University's Japan it's desert greening research
Home-court advantage is I wonder big do

32: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 29: 01.60 ID: d2x5WBtX0
>> 20
Or Nayame from studying the differences between the desert and sand dunes

89: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 02: 20: 29.20 ID: N / a8PrzP0
>> 17
Well, I'm angry When you have graffiti in dry landscape.

137: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 03: 58: 08.66 ID: cvIsLZb00
>> 89
A really correct understanding

143: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 04: 06: 45.84 ID: hAp / OPLW0
>> 17
Beginning to quickly greening Once planted windbreaks, Do'm was Hikkonui windbreaks in a hurry certainly

362: nameless 

Mr. @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 09: 32: 17.30 ID: Vy / MVq980
>> 17
Lie Ikan'na

448: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 12: 45: 20.32 ID: p2QRECAL0
>> 362
But Jan true are greening limited by weeding.

55: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 40: 24.70 ID: K + 1K3Qnn0

62: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 45: 51.67 ID: / 2fHy / j80
I Stop it from being eaten by After Nante graffiti guy

65: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 50: 25.91 ID: jLYh + d000

160: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 04: 36: 16.70 ID: NPZHY / YH0
Tottori is probably the Holy Land of Gundam got off of the white base.

ttp: //stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20151118/02/technobraker00/f1/5c/j/o0320024013486781281.jpg

246: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 07: 16: 06.50 ID: RctWB + DS0
But itself knew that the dune is present in Tottori until I read this thread, I thought that it is a natural desert adjacent to the coast
In it is National park that was artificially desertification the place should be No way originally green space, should be noted and known Nante a place that should not Once you have graffiti on the grounds unexpected Rashikara desert Tteyuu Dano can not become Dano landscape maintenance is broken to be graffiti There was no
I will not go a lifetime because I feel no longer consistent with the existence itself

259: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 07: 31: 06.48 ID: Gx5gK + 5E0
>> 246
Aho's w
The original is probably natural objects. Because it's at the mouth of the Sendai.

315: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 08: 46: 05.31 ID: ce8M5lvv0

Love letter, which was written in the sand

439: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 12: 23: 43.41 ID: / K9F2mV70
Or soft sand dunes, such as do not have to asylum
Do Nakatajima dunes is not it nice to be more famous
Disappear see see, let alone graffiti What seat one day

449: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 12: 45: 44.32 ID: FPxBjbgt0
>> 439
I try to write from the can this song w


16: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 14: 38.94 ID: yQRRdpTB0
Last year, we review 250, or that mean little better of the day seen a decent sand dunes

68: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 53: 52.70 ID: TSbkYBbt0
Tottori Prefecture Shimane of difference do not know well

73: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 57: 08.94 ID: d2x5WBtX0
>> 68
I'm also know in elementary school?

437: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 12: 21: 40.64 ID: aoIcXwsy0
>> 73
There are people Tottori

250: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 07: 20: 23.28 ID: BzGCmOQK0
>> 68
Left Tottori is right, Shimane is

400: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 10: 42: 51.04 ID: TAClSgDL0
>> 68
Specter that there is Tottori
Are you God Shimane

457: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 13: 00: 36.04 ID: 8WxBe7lZ0
>> 68
Certainly I confusing
Can I even in Torishima Prefecture also in merger

303: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 08: 35: 59.04 ID: yZCn9Sfp0
Japan Aomori dunes
I'm more tourists if Hiromere this, but I

306: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 08: 38: 40.12 ID: 5CvoOVDn0
>> 303
I did not'm put not do in?

313: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 08: 44: 03.69 ID: 7tlORUOr0
>> 303 
After it's transport links

429: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 11: 52: 49.27 ID: swlRRVDx0
>> 303
Or expel the Self-Defense Forces

435: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 12: 12: 15.16 ID: FYgS2SXS0
Kke was not marked with graffiti in the month rather than the sand dunes?

436: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 12: 21: 11.45 ID: ys47Z7S90
>> 435
It was stupid newspaper purchase was graffiti on coral
Where Remember me? w

447: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 12: 42: 46.84 ID: Sdx / o / BI0
Tottori Sand Dunes are weeding so that only, is dunes not go away in the world

467: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 13: 23: 42.91 ID: mbJBcCMX0
It dunes I artificially thing I sand or steel structures
w's Onnaji theory as I regret is the graffiti in others-like building
In the other hand, Japan's natural dunes in Aomori revved up the engine of the country called the Self-Defense Forces fire training
Landscape change in the www

475: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 13: 40: 00.89 ID: GumIZ4Hx0
> Last year, there were reviews about 250.

Another Give Up me! ! !

If there is sand there to write a letter. It massaged down of human beings.

497: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 14: 56: 56.81 ID: tMeBRLc + 0
>> 475
It Shimane not a Saga

488: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 14: 23: 11.29 ID: KQ4UZ8nW0
Since the graffiti that has been banned is something more than 10 square meters,
... I go with a major in the future

74: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 01: 57: 16.77 ID: IrXrwiS + 0
Let them be used to set up the baseball part of the local

131: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/11 (Sat) 03: 42: 55.39 ID: G1uERt2JO
As soon as possible it should be addressed

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