
[Wakayama] elementary school teacher in scream firefly shooting sounds in darkness fell in the river under the 4m death

( '-`) .. OO (I'm there is or slips a leg where the unexpected because Watching dark place ...)

1: ◆ PARIDAK.Ds Paris-Dakar largest fixed  2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 43: 57.74 ID: CAP_USER9
8 hour 55 minutes around 4 pm, in the mountains of Shimotsugi Wakayama Prefecture Hirokawa-cho,
Sakai Municipal Fukusen small teacher of Koyodai Osaka Prefecture Tondabayashi who was firefly watching,
Motoko Makino (58) fell into the river under about four meters from the road, has died in a hospital has been confirmed.

According to the Wakayama prefectural police Yuasa station, Makino visited with her husband (60), had each a firefly of photography.
The surrounding is dark, believed to have slips a leg. Husband heard the scream, found a Makino-san lying bleeding from the head.

Source: News Sankei

163: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 38: 15.82 ID: n9zXE63 / 0
>> 1
But also not necessarily lost in the midst of school events
Information is I wonder if I'm in need of "primary school teacher"?

188: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 04: 34.25 ID: xoWqvuO50
>> 163
If you thought it surely accident in the discount rate was a shooting in mere private

99: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 11: 03.46 ID: NiU0ZrY20
>> 1
American Boy
→ 4.6m fall under (with a pond and a ferocious gorilla)
→ minor injuries

Uncle of Japan
→ 4.0m fall under (Ogawa, no gorilla)
→ death

247: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 20: 32: 04.19 ID: rI / Yj07q0
>> 99
The importance of gorillas Do seen

153: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 33: 42.93 ID: I32NKdxG0

263: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 20: 58: 19.23 ID: JM3GuCsU0
>> 153
What do you mean?

4: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 45: 36.39 ID: WlD2 / bKm0

27: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 51: 00.92 ID: / P6D8J5a0
>> 10
This would be the case

134: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 23: 50.26 ID: hOWZC + O10
>> 10
The answer is in the camera! !

5: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 46: 01.60 ID: + 2jWV2 / v0

6: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 46: 02.66 ID: ZGjzBCTz0
Soul light of fireflies of people

8: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 46: 37.07 ID: EL1zvleN0
It was different if I had been wondering what Auld Lang Syne

And to say that such

9: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 46: 37.57 ID: oZnUVami0
I wonder shed light of the firefly me when Why supermarket is closed
Too dark

15: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 48: 19.11 ID: kOewj73V0
>> 9
There, when the 3 meter'm not, "Auld Lang Syne". I saw in trivia.
(Apparently referred to as a "farewell waltz")

12: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 48: 03.55 ID: rFkPQFJu0
It does not attention is enough to habit of teacher

16: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 48: 51.33 ID: fqdR18Ey0
Keisetsu era

24: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 50: 32.26 ID: Z7XAM4rZ0
4 m ...

25: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 50: 41.34 ID: p72CFjqp0
I'm dying 4m
Or from your head?
Usually it is going to be back or foot

29: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 51: 45.43 ID: 2GpktnNZ0
There would soon me four meters

183: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 02: 48.65 ID: YdD + Lycd0
>> 29
1m'm I say take survived.

184: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 03: 25.08 ID: TIjvTwpS0
>> 183
>> 183
>> 183
>> 183
>> 183

200: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 18: 03.81 ID: PyxfQJgA0
>> 184
You That's ignorance

211: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 31: 45.69 ID: QZtfsqzH0
>> 184
Not 's puns, one of the famous slogan in the safety management is required field.

30: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 52: 07.25 ID: lB9R2J6f0
Just to .... Conan-kun had been firefly observed in the vicinity

33: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 52: 12.34 ID: / Pp63JtT0
Night murder of firefly

34: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 52: 21.22 ID: xhQb7PDG0
Exactly Grave of the Fireflies

44: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 54: 04.86 ID: Od0 + k6IRO
Scream ...... echoing in the dark

Floated somehow surreal figure think

55: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 58: 13.34 ID: L8HLG + KZ0
>> 44
It would be what?
Array, Toka, would not it Toka Well.

When was you guys, what do you cry?

76: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 03: 34.16 ID: Jqb7 / Ded0
>> 55

128: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 20: 59.30 ID: Jxho + dPm0
>> 55
I'm dead

170: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 46: 31.28 ID: 4 + b0k / xt0
>> 55
Chopper, Ninen not and shrines

245: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 20: 21: 27.81 ID: + Cvt4M4I0
>> 55
Murderer -

110: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 14: 08.80 ID: wjuHkzbr0
>> 55
Seems to have fallen while shouting me, "Wow!" I am in I was not aware of from the moment you are climbing in the class at the time of the elementary school students fell to under three to four meters are transported by ambulance fell in the hospital one month everybody say .
I heard a class of girls during hospitalization was everyone hit and say "? I did not Ika fallen while wearing softening brackets".
Here the women's thought terrible although it was likely to die by passing urine mixed with blood.

45: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 54: 07.47 ID: EL1zvleN0
I want to see what kind of photos were taken in the last moment

46: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 54: 15.98 ID: 21V + R1Sy0
Die guy use light to firefly photography

49: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 55: 15.63 ID: wbZ1bXFvO
I thought it was stray death

52: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 57: 34.88 ID: wOsd4W900
Firefly "in Mon Ya do not like see in the half-hearted attitude."

61: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 58: 51.17 ID: L8HLG + KZ0
>> 52
I heaven-out yakuza firefly

63: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 59: 17.94 ID: 39Up5qo30
Fireflies in the following year had glowing than usual to clean.

71: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 02: 24.17 ID: LF63kiiA0
The culprit firefly

81: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 04: 41.78 ID: CFu6xwfv0
Come have a look at the state of the firefly

83: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 05: 01.17 ID: wHrIHKD + 0
Scream when scream, which was pushed down to someone
I do not believed to

Or a third party of the crime that blame this couple
It might be the work of kappa or Tengu

84: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 05: 04.92 ID: WMs7xlvj0
Did stolen eye

85: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 05: 23.36 ID: nuuGpliG0
A long time ago, I heard somewhere, I have sat on the railing, that the hat is about to be blown away
I think there was a child who had died down and break posture as trying reflexively.
Naa I would not want to die the way ...

103: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 12: 21.83 ID: / B / TKmFRO
>> 85
First terrible at the time you are sitting on the parapet

88: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 06: 29.67 ID: oca7yLSS0
Roughly 2.6m So the ceiling of the house
Hmm, well, I guess I can die

89: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 06: 34.58 ID: K5ToG7wB0
Ah ah Aaaaa aaaa ....

93: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 09: 00.55 ID: 2GpktnNZ0
Death of an inch ahead is 4 m

121: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 18: 51.88 ID: 8jdhUV / 40
Wonder do not know whether the camera or smartphone but perhaps through protect what was in his hand
It says much break the arm head guard white

130: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 21: 21.55 ID: EL1zvleN0
>> 121
What she wanted to protect, it is firefly

131: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 22: 14.90 ID: aoZqGb8S0
I be or screen confirmation I went this before firefly shooting surprised on the darkness around and are accustomed eyes to its brightness

>> 121
I do not think that I camera on hand to take firefly
Mon's essential tripod

123: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 19: 38.27 ID: NWhz4gbR0
Saying like this, not you not investigated properly because the countryside?
I'm scared

126: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 20: 03.97 ID: Jxho + dPm0
It screams echoing in the dark night ...

129: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 21: 17.44 ID: kFB8uG310
It does not sing the light of the firefly and the other in this school

132: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 22: 35.63 ID: tCKSFBLN0
To Kondake mountain has become a hot topic in the world I dangerous
Self-responsibility Toka go to the night of the mountain

138: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 25: 01.25 ID: 8jdhUV / 40
You should go to the helmet wearing shooting of full-face

141: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 27: 02.90 ID: 0dMbuw800
I wonder wonder reverberation remain forever those who had heard this scream

161: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 37: 48.21 ID: fv32hO5B0
People who survive even 15m is survive

168: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 44: 43.15 ID: dugEQSV80
It firefly sightseeing is because it is dark and not put lights

172: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 48: 42.24 ID: cbRWFv4UO
Wonder that I could not see his feet because the dark,
But it did not fall if you go during the day.

181: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 01: 34.84 ID: TNRnUPyC0
>> 172
We've got to do to see the fireflies that are not shining in the daytime w

174: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 53: 04.86 ID: 7xDKrCZc0
Once upon a time, there was that old man has been dropped along with the scream when I was practicing in 1 floor seat of a golf driving range
It seems to have fallen from the third floor to Tsun'nome' trying Hiroo the rolling ball
Destroyed the second floor and the third floor of the falling objects net seems finished by the impact absorbed seems bruises and abrasions but

185: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 03: 48.83 ID: HG + / oyY70
You not take well even take firefly photo?

196: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 11: 38.49 ID: hBMN4iMV0
>> 185
Not if Utsura does barely taken a long time exposure

207: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 28: 41.22 ID: kjaqh7RJ0
It's a dark place I admire firefly
Fireflies's a manner that does not put (people also w to firefly taken with a long exposure) Akari light reluctant because of the artificial
So a person to be photographed is to ensure a safe place to shoot to go to among bright
Whether the accident in the dark streets of Kaerigiwa, I guess because the loose feel impressed to firefly during the shooting, such the

214: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 32: 45.16 ID: b3NjDmAi0
But was saved if the wearing of 4M if 5-point landing method.

215: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 17: 32: 51.66 ID: TWRFfZLo0
Why you will die soon as the firefly shooting?

243: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 20: 20: 44.97 ID: / MKv4kN50
"Because the teacher is coming back turned to fireflies.
Once you have entered a firefly in the classroom, I think it's a teacher. "

248: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 20: 32: 54.90 ID: RleicyyS0
I guess you did not take the passive because I had a camera in hand

302: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 22: 24: 34.36 ID: 77THS7xM0
I'm use a person to know the arrival of early summer I firefly

282: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 21: 57: 33.30 ID: dQhF / GjL0
Teacher children also it was healthy on Friday
I'm not in this world anymore I went school tomorrow
It would shock

108: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 16: 13: 31.40 ID: fbb6uHAq0
. · ° · (Roh Д`) · ° ·.
Tragic ...
Ni would have been lovebird

18: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2016/06/05 (Sun) 15: 49: 14.83 ID: bmp2wmcz0

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