
【AI】 Mitsubishi UFJ, work automation for 9500 people Size equivalent to 30% of domestic employees

('- `) .. oO (Before) 【Economy】 After 10 to 20 years half of all workers around the world will be deprived of the machine by machines ~ NHK Kurosu" work without world "feature reality I'm getting into it ...)

1: Lonely traveler ★ Life Owata \ (^ o ^) / Dame © 2 ch.net 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 09: 40.77 ID: CAP_USER 9
Mitsubishi UFJ, work automation for 9500 people 30% of domestic employees
2017/9/19 18: 58

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group President Nobuyuki Hirano said on Wednesday that it would "realize a reduction in labor equivalent of 9500 people" by automating and digitizing domestic office work. The number of people is equivalent to about 30% of Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank's domestic employees. While promoting automation, he said that he would turn employees into more creative work and "want to increase productivity at all row levels."

The Financial Services Agency and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun and others gave a speech at "FIN / SUM (Finsam) Week 2017" which is open in Tokyo.

Mr. Hirano said "As long as the long-term growth of the world economy and regulations are strengthened, managers of the financial industry are deepening the sense of crisis" as a preliminary step of labor reduction. "It is necessary not only for some departments but for the organization as a whole to work on reforming management with digital technology and to make existing work significantly more efficient." We emphasized the need to simultaneously advance cutting-edge technological innovation and efficiency of existing operations.

In May, Mitsubishi UFJ has established a post called CDTO (Chief Digital Transformation Officer).

By bold digitization of operations, we aim to boost the profit by 200 billion yen over the next seven years. Mr. Hirano said that out of this 200 billion yen, "two-thirds are due to the efficiency of the business process."

With the production age population declining, domestic megabanks have continued mass recruitment of new graduates every year for more than 1000 people each year. It is very meaningful to break the strategy on the premise of "minority elite".

Mr. Hirano emphasized through employee re-education, "I will redirect employees engaged in relatively simple work to more creative work." Even in banking business, I think that there is much room for improving productivity by clearly separating the work that people do and the work that is replaced by machines.

Mitsubishi UFJ Bank's Triennial Concluding Observer also launched a policy this month to "thoroughly advance automation by introducing artificial intelligence (AI)". For example, if it is possible to fully automate the acceptance work of housing loans, it will result in a reduction of 2500 hours of labor per year.

However, it is not easy, because there is psychological opposition to seek employees who have adopted it as a person in charge of a specific task and ask them to demonstrate their abilities at other jobs. Delicate consideration is required for how to use 'floating human resources' in digitization.

32: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 22: 17.49 ID: 7vVHqqL10
> While advancing automation, he said that he would turn employees into a more creative work and would like to raise productivity at all row levels.

What is a creative job at a bank ...?

35: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 25: 21.34 ID: rMZuyAfc0
>> 32
Debit card solicitation

Invitation for card loans

110: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 08: 46: 36.81 ID: W4RHTiGE 0
>> 32
Distribution of tissues

183: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 year anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 59: 53.30 ID: KMPjTEfM 0
It is often said that automation, automation
There is work necessary for preliminary preparation for automation
I have a hard time at the bottom, but ignore all that at the top.

4: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 11: 01.05 ID: qVP + rbtr0
It's restructuring.
I understand

395: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 09: 38: 39.28 ID: ck4xZeV30
>> 4
It's different, it's wrong.
Even if 9,500 people drink tea a day they will be paid

7: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 12: 22.06 ID: UYN 5 ts + y 0
> Dedicate employees to more creative work

Is it work around banking companies' business?

Is that such a creative work?

200: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 09: 04: 58.05 ID: l8xT410x0
Yaitaro of AI robot adopts and restructures personnel affairs, so most people will not enter.

282: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 09: 21: 02.37 ID: / yVgfCSQ0
('· Ω · `) Variable annuity sold at the end of the bubble period I will resume sales of life insurance. That was akane ...

429: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 09: 44: 26.34 ID: javUUl1I 0
9500 people in compiling company history

9: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 13: 43.19 ID: Oh / fK20a0
I mean I do not need the bank itself
If you create an account of all citizens in the BOJ and manage it with AI

15: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 16: 19.16 ID: ZDw6Sk / P0
Thirty percent of the people in the bank will automate those people who are doing only jobs that are out of work !!
Sayonara, bank ... Welcome to the IT industry or the transportation industry Hijikata.

16: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 16: 22.71 ID: aCByod7N0
I do not need measures against declining birthrate anymore

209: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 09: 07: 01.86 ID: yln8fEak0
>> 16
The declining birthrate is a problem that the absolute number of excellent people decreases
The international competitiveness drops

223: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 09: 09: 53.74 ID: TPeRSca 10
>> 209
Excellent people are in Japan before the war with a population of 80 million people.

Incidentally, the population of Japan exceeded 100 million since the 1970s w

31: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 22: 03.53 ID: R5 + p1foE0
I do not need people like floor guides. Well, it might be a contract contractor or part.

33: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 08: 24: 08.94 ID: / iqGcrk70
If you reduce one banker you can put three guards

155: Abe Niki Hunter 2017/09/20 (Wed) 08: 54: 56.38 ID: euhyrRmf 0
Inauguration ceremony of Mizuho's newly hired employees


It is not uniform this self suits w

It seems to be an army w

Creative w

456: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 09: 51: 40.92 ID: gPnlw5yy0
The top of the work that disappears within 10 years started to disappear

Work rankings that are likely to be robbed by machines rank 1 to 50!
Accountants are also dangerous! Field of drastic change in occupation and education
ttp: // diamond.jp/articles/-/76895? page = 2

Accounting industry is impossible for AI even on 2 chan
A lot of opinions that there is no substitution for AI or a robot
Although I had been laughed until just two years ago as I can not have a job list that disappears within 10 years
I realized it easily

533: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 10: 15: 01.74 ID: 2 DIVCL 9 d 0
30% of the work of the bank disappears with AI
Goldman Sachs, there are only two stock traders who had 600 in automation.

583: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 10: 34: 39.64 ID: q4dKWrJr0
Even if 1/3 disappears, if you can earn as much as ever, productivity of individual workers is about 1.3 times
So if you can make even more profit there, 9500 people you truncated may have worked negative

There is a possibility that further profit will be raised if 10000 people are additionally added
Because it is irrelevant to the rise of earnings to cut anyone, because only the compactness of the organization is relevant
If the means to make the organization small (reduce the number of constituent members) here is IT, IT is right for management

In short, profit is raised just by cutting human beings and cutting it down and cutting down the organization to an "optimal" size by IT
Anyway, it will be "200 billion yen in the next seven years"
At the same time that the remaining two thirds earn equally, will IT machines earn that much? ..., it is doubtful,
So the less you have the number of constituents, the more money you earn

660: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 11: 29: 34.52 ID: YOPWPp6T0
>> 583
Rather, I have contributed to employment until now w
Because I was hiring staff that I do not need originally

The benefits of labor saving are not reflected in labor productivity
Wondering whether the bonus will increase even with wages at all costs

621: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 10: 57: 48.12 ID: Gu8HGhPT0
>> 583
Because it is replaced with a machine
It's not a negative labor, right?

632: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 11: 06: 55.84 ID: q4dKWrJr0
>> 621
This is the most obvious negative labor at the bank

Former employee of Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ, arrested for deposit clothes "To live a luxury" ... It is 11 billion yen from 33 accounts - Sankei News

Then, credit goes down simply by human beings, credit goes up simply by making it into a machine
Credit itself is the source of earnings, and in recent years, since credit keeps falling slightly just by placing humans, it is that the clerk was doing negative labor without knowing
Being human beings themselves produced negative labor, which is a phenomenon unless you leave a machine

588: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 10: 37: 36.55 ID: fxDHW / r30
Increase the number of people sticking to the ATM corner by 20,000 more
I will transfer money on behalf of the elderly.

593: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 10: 42: 14.34 ID: 5k KIlO 1 o 0
>> 588
That is because it is old people.
I will not wish to live a decade if I do not know how to transfer money.

599: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 10: 44: 47.84 ID: FHVajbay0
>> 593
Make the procedures and functions more complicated.

For that purpose, creative personnel are required for creativity.

655: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 year anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 11: 25: 58.07 ID: 2 DIVCL 9 d 0
"No matter how many bodies there are missing" leaving in the personal computer Hospital employees of national players committed suicide
Accident work accident overtime Over 100 hours

Does not overwork death decrease?

6: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 08: 11: 59.47 ID: + jgXNftS0
If the smile is nice, at the reception desk

675: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 11: 49: 37.59 ID: B 55 x lt 2 I 0
Do this by 4 o'clock in the bank

589: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 10: 38: 14.95 ID: kWpm3Ty00
And there were so many

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