1: rock seaweed Johnny ★ 2017/09/19 (Tue) 06: 10: 50.47 ID: CAP_USER 9
【September 19 AFP】 North Korea strongly condemns the additional economic sanctions imposed on the country by the UN Security Council "strongly innocent and inhumane," and the sanctions are nuclear weapons I just warned that it only accelerated the development plan. The state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on 18th.
North Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement by KCNA on North Korea's new sanctions that the US authorities estimate that there is a possibility that it could lead to a revenue reduction of more than $ 2 billion (about 220 billion yen) Hostile act to kill ".
Furthermore, we warned, "As the US and its followers forced the sanctions on North Korea to stick to pressure to put pressure on it, our speed of spinning to the end of nuclear strength will be even faster" .
The effect of sanctions largely depends on whether North Korea's ally and China, the major trading partner, will complete it.
19 days to the United Nations (UN) in the Donald Trump that are ahead of the speech of (Donald Trump) US President is 18, I went to telephone talks with Xi Jinping (Xi Jinping) Jintao of China. According to the White House, the two leaders agreed to work together to "maximize pressure on North Korea". (c) AFP
North Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement by KCNA on North Korea's new sanctions that the US authorities estimate that there is a possibility that it could lead to a revenue reduction of more than $ 2 billion (about 220 billion yen) Hostile act to kill ".
Furthermore, we warned, "As the US and its followers forced the sanctions on North Korea to stick to pressure to put pressure on it, our speed of spinning to the end of nuclear strength will be even faster" .
The effect of sanctions largely depends on whether North Korea's ally and China, the major trading partner, will complete it.
19 days to the United Nations (UN) in the Donald Trump that are ahead of the speech of (Donald Trump) US President is 18, I went to telephone talks with Xi Jinping (Xi Jinping) Jintao of China. According to the White House, the two leaders agreed to work together to "maximize pressure on North Korea". (c) AFP
17: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 06: 18: 41.86 ID: Fo 02 x Sc 70
Accelerating nuclear development leads to nuclear arms of Japan
Accelerating nuclear development leads to nuclear arms of Japan
391: Bamboo 2017/09/19 (Tue) 09: 14: 20.18 ID: Rb6MpIYO0
Still more.
If there is room for acceleration
It will accelerate with or without sanctions.
Do not lie behind you, General, generals.
Still more.
If there is room for acceleration
It will accelerate with or without sanctions.
Do not lie behind you, General, generals.
10: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 06: 15: 29.29 ID: eyei7e8w0
Say by yourself w
21: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 06: 19: 55.77 ID: LloItx6M0
So, how about finishing a nuclear bomb?
Once completed, I do not think that economic sanctions will be lifted,
Once completed, I do not think that economic sanctions will be lifted,
223: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 07: 51: 33.90 ID: Z3SQfhGN0
>> 21
There is no complete economic blockade etc
Or, even now there are many countries with diplomatic relations with North Korea
Because we sell weapons we developed to say so
North Korea is more profitable than everyone thinks
There is no complete economic blockade etc
Or, even now there are many countries with diplomatic relations with North Korea
Because we sell weapons we developed to say so
North Korea is more profitable than everyone thinks
382: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 09: 07: 38.49 ID: + IjFmpmS0
>> 21
Do you sell to ISIS?
Do you sell to ISIS?
47: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 06: 27: 18.10 ID: 6 // sEkES0
But if you do not sanction it will accelerate more?
48: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 06: 27: 49.02 ID: dONwE / 090
>> 47
That's it already.
That's it already.
102: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 06: 51: 10.85 ID: QM1LCPQS0
In Kuwait North Korea, "Not accepting ambassador's presence"
Spain's North Korean ambassador to "deprecate people" to leave the country
In Kuwait North Korea, "Not accepting ambassador's presence"
Spain's North Korean ambassador to "deprecate people" to leave the country
111: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 06: 53: 48.34 ID: Db5wYGZT0
As I thought, rocket man has oil forbidden
> https://jp.reuters.com/article/northkorea-missiles-squeeze-idJPKCN1BP0ST
> Angle: Fuel price soared due to the influence of sanctions on the North Korean economy
> "Even if the United States announces the Pyongyang bombing plan, the North Koreans will not be bothered.
> But if China, for reasons of missiles and nuclear tests
> If we announce that we are considering cutting oil exports to North Korea, it will be a big fuss. "
> Angle: Fuel price soared due to the influence of sanctions on the North Korean economy
> "Even if the United States announces the Pyongyang bombing plan, the North Koreans will not be bothered.
> But if China, for reasons of missiles and nuclear tests
> If we announce that we are considering cutting oil exports to North Korea, it will be a big fuss. "
297: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 08: 19: 15.59 ID: wk76MY520
North Korea's UN expulsion desirable = US Senate
347: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 08: 46: 28.74 ID: c7pVC04m0
[North Korea sanctions] Prime Minister Abe "Even if calling for dialogue, it must end in vain" Unity action by North Korea sanctions [09/18] [Unauthorized \ (^ o ^) / Prohibited] © 2 ch.net
> Prime Minister Abe contributed to the New York Times in the US paper before attending the United Nations General Assembly and will respond to North Korea to accelerate nuclear and missile development
> "The international community has united and must sanction perfectly."
> In addition, "I must end up calling for a dialogue, which could be a reflection on the eyes of North Korea that foreign countries gave in."
> The electronic version of the same paper was released on the evening of 17th (Japan time 18th morning).
> The prime minister warned that "North Korea is now a serious and imminent threat to the entire world" with a contribution entitled "Solidarity with the threat from North Korea."
> "Now is the time to maximize pressure and it is not allowed to have a momentary delay." He urged strict implementation of sanctioning resolution adopted by the UN Security Council.
> Prime Minister Abe contributed to the New York Times in the US paper before attending the United Nations General Assembly and will respond to North Korea to accelerate nuclear and missile development
> "The international community has united and must sanction perfectly."
> In addition, "I must end up calling for a dialogue, which could be a reflection on the eyes of North Korea that foreign countries gave in."
> The electronic version of the same paper was released on the evening of 17th (Japan time 18th morning).
> The prime minister warned that "North Korea is now a serious and imminent threat to the entire world" with a contribution entitled "Solidarity with the threat from North Korea."
> "Now is the time to maximize pressure and it is not allowed to have a momentary delay." He urged strict implementation of sanctioning resolution adopted by the UN Security Council.
429: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 09: 58: 22.50 ID: Ft6qLc7y0
Spain's North Korean ambassador to "deprecate people" to leave the country
In Kuwait North Korea "Not accepting ambassador's presence"
While I say such a thing I'm getting better and more isolated
In Kuwait North Korea "Not accepting ambassador's presence"
While I say such a thing I'm getting better and more isolated
272: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 08: 08: 31.16 ID: c7pVC04m0
> Haley, the United Nations ambassador to the United Nations announced on 17th that the UN Security Council announced that options for North Korea deterrence had run out,
> The US said it might be forced to leave the North Korean problem to the US Department of Defense. I mentioned in the CNN program.
> The US said it might be forced to leave the North Korean problem to the US Department of Defense.
> The US said it might be forced to leave the North Korean problem to the US Department of Defense. I mentioned in the CNN program.
> The US said it might be forced to leave the North Korean problem to the US Department of Defense.
283: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 08: 12: 06.52 ID: c7pVC04m0
> Mr. Haley said that there is no objection to entrusting the North Korean problem to US Defense Secretary Mathis after saying "I have done what I can do with the Security Council."
Maddog! It will be a turn!
287: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 08: 14: 33.07 ID: tYvPIUQ / 0
North Korea's UN expulsion favorable = US Senate East Asia Small Committee Chairperson
US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Republican Gardner Republican Party Chairman East Asia etc. Rep.
We urged China and other 20 countries to cut off diplomatic ties with North Korea,
We requested North Korea to cooperate for expelling the United Nations.
US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Republican Gardner Republican Party Chairman East Asia etc. Rep.
We urged China and other 20 countries to cut off diplomatic ties with North Korea,
We requested North Korea to cooperate for expelling the United Nations.
485: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 11: 58: 27.36 ID: unKcUeFQ0
There are military choices without Korean sacrifice
US Defense Secretary in North Korea
ttps: //this.kiji.is/282632730112836705
US Defense Secretary in North Korea
ttps: //this.kiji.is/282632730112836705
499: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 12: 07: 23.78 ID: LSOgbtvj0
I have not done any development
Russia is Ukraine, India, it is Pakistan
I just showed it as if I were buying a nucleus from such a place and experimenting
Russia is Ukraine, India, it is Pakistan
I just showed it as if I were buying a nucleus from such a place and experimenting
505: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 12: 09: 32.09 ID: GrA / Ii7z0
>> 499
You only have to say if you have a finished product w
You only have to say if you have a finished product w
506: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 12: 10: 24.34 ID: IZGWAecY0
>> 499
Normally it was not grasping the nuclear material derived from to some extent
Normally it was not grasping the nuclear material derived from to some extent
498: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 12: 06: 28.57 ID: dKR + yJAh0
It will happen even in the coup daughter who cries dead mortality and frozen deaths in the winter
198: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 07: 38: 51.60 ID: LWN / EqGQ0
If the rocket man becomes thin, the world thinks that sanction is great.
501: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 12: 07: 52.40 ID: o / zbaw 3n 0
If you have time to skip missiles for other countries
Take down the candy's rain to the planting child in your own country
Take down the candy's rain to the planting child in your own country
Aichi Makino
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