
【Biology】 Sakasakurage, there is no brain, but sleep? Confirm sleep state by experiment

('- `) .. oO (just like calling" resting to rest your body for not just the brain but "sleeping" ...)

1: rock seaweed Johnny ★ 2017/09/22 (Friday) 07: 14: 43.19 ID: CAP_USER 9
A research team such as the California Institute of Technology said on Thursday that the jellyfish who is in the tropical ocean, for example, is in a state of drowsiness and sleeping at night. Sleep is a physiological phenomenon common not only to animals such as mammals but also to insects and the like, and it has been thought that there is a purpose mainly to rest the brain. There is no central nervous system such as the brain, even more primitive jellyfish has been confirmed that the common theory seems to cover.

A paper was published in the American magazine "Current Biology". The research team kept observing 23 fellows of Sakasakurage who live on the sea floor with their tentacles facing up through day and night for 6 days. As a result, the action of opening and closing the umbrella part was 1155 times per 20 minutes during the day, while it was 781 times at the night, about 30% less.

When you measure the time to lift the jellyfish at the bottom of the aquarium and return to the bottom, you usually swim and return to the bottom immediately, but if you are in a sleeping state, after 5 seconds of drifting, you suddenly awakened to the bottom as you awoke I started swimming towards it. Even once every 20 minutes, I also confirmed that if I make stimulus so that I can not make jellyfish sleep, I will fall asleep immediately even during the day. I judged that I was asleep.

Michael Abrams, a graduate student of the research team says, "Sleep suggests that it is an action that has been inherited from the ancient irrespective of the brain." In the future, I am aiming to clarify the function of genes controlling sleeping in jellyfish, whether there are sleeping states in other jellyfish, and so on. (Tetsu Kobayashi)




15: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 07: 37: 11.23 ID: cO1RlXrd0
Impact that the reality jellyfish existed.

25: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 07: 53: 48.29 ID: 42xsEZgt0
>> 15
I sold it to Donkei

33: Bamboo 2017/09/22 (Fri) 08: 05: 54.43 ID: OXLKoEwt 0
In short, I am tired.

9: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 07: 23: 15.86 ID: BtL + QraM 0
Dreams open at night ♪

11: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 07: 24: 00.75 ID: IUna0vCa0

65: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 10: 45: 11.53 ID: 9QqNDfiR0
>> 11

14: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 07: 34: 42.68 ID: HWvaotZ + 0
I normally wondered if I could sleep to rest all the organs of my body

48: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 08: 46: 54.12 ID: Qo 3FT 5 kN 0
Besides being drowsy, my body is also painful when I am awake all the time

17: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 07: 41: 48.81 ID: NptRWlpU 0
Regardless of the presence or absence of the central nervous system, since it is established as a single creature, there is a mechanism to integrate it.
Is it not only the difference whether processing is done collectively on the server, or whether individual machines process and cooperate?

18: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 07: 43: 53.47 ID: cWSxCTWm0
You also sleep.

19: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 07: 43: 57.68 ID: 08oNH / rR0
Even plants change behavior at day and night
Why did you think there was no purpose other than resting the central nervous system?

59: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 10: 24: 24.17 ID: wfLY88vp0
Photosynthetic organisms also have different meanings

20: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 07: 45: 03.46 ID: TkV1SNzw0
Although it is thought that if there is no central nervous system, control of the whole body will not be done
When we look at the phenomenon, the control of the whole body is carried out integratedly even in the sporadic nervous system
I think that it may be possible to capture the method of controlling the scattered nervous system by having a plurality of centers and keeping in contact with each other

21: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 07: 50: 20.39 ID: xeXtxvB70
Is not it premature to think that you are asleep?
Is not it just a change in the number of operations depending on the brightness?

23: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 07: 53: 13.46 ID: zW5SoEfd0
>> 21
For what?

30: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 07: 59: 44.11 ID: dCu / qN5o0
>> 23
Is not it to suppress energy consumption?

22: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 07: 51: 59.22 ID: PYHX2fMg0

46: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 08: 32: 40.34 ID: DHELeujy 0
>> 22
の Do you mean a teacher who is dressed in a hot spring mark pattern?

52: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 08: 59: 43.99 ID: IGpPue 2 I 0
>> 46
Is this hot sake mark a teacher's mushroom?

78: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 13: 37: 20.75 ID: 1C2xpCxC0
>> 22
It's a generation gap.

27: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 07: 57: 06.92 ID: i + LX4bPp0
In the night phytoplankton did not photosynthesize and was inactive (dispersed from the sea surface which was gathered).Zooplankton is also closed. Jellyfish has reduced the amount of activity as the trapping rate of plankton decreases.

28: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 07: 59: 00.61 ID: PUvxrr7g0
Without sleeping this world
A lot of defective organisms to die

29: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 07: 59: 13.27 ID: X20pvcii0
It's not a sleep but a break.

31: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 08: 00: 19.05 ID: SY3TnFwt0
I'm just reacting to the light

34: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 08: 06: 46.16 ID: SX3sDRNG0
Even though you do not do well, you will fall asleep.

38: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 08: 10: 56.97 ID: cHPGsebh 0
"Sakasakurage" really was.

40: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 08: 12: 48.29 ID: i + LX4bPp0
Sea surface
Phytoplankton photosynthesis
Zooplankton phytoplankton supplement

Supplies jellyfish plankton

※ Plankton explodes on the sea surface at noon and its density is high. Jellyfish feeding plankton is swimming and eating hard.
In the night, the plankton diffuses and the density decreases, so the collection rate of food decreases. We are reducing the opening and closing of the umbrella to suppress wasteful energy consumption.

54: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 09: 27: 20.14 ID: QHSC3aKG0
If you interfere with sleep once every twenty minutes, is there explanation of sleeping even during the day?

43: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 08: 23: 49.04 ID: 2MDJAJqj0
Because muscle is resting, you want to take a day off for nerve cells

44: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 08: 24: 33.78 ID: 70 QDONTF 0
Thanks to the brain, humans think only extra things
I am exhausting energy

Because Kuraze is a living organ for the whole body
It is like exposure AI · cells like brain
It is not necessary to separate them
You only need direct information processing
The role of sleep is to rest the whole body

I have learned at Yamagata aquarium
Jellyfish is the oldest newest creature from the oldest
I do not even have a stomach

45: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 08: 24: 50.48 ID: IWDbZfII 0
Sakasakuraga does not have a brain but dreams?

51: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Friday) 08: 59: 28.64 ID: S0ahqVo30
There are eye points in Jaco Kureha, and when blindfolded, it collides with obstacles.
It is not clear yet how the information processing is done by the mechanism although there is no brain.

55: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 09: 42: 13.92 ID: RoB5ZndF0
Before that, it is strange that it moves without muscle (mesoderm), is not it?

57: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 09: 49: 38.06 ID: Af5AfluK0
Crisp crayfish

61: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 10: 31: 12.04 ID: qT2SeIWe0
Sleep is said to mainly rest the brain, but of course it is not only to rest the brain
It is rather rather wonderful how we made the theory that it would not go to sleep because there is no brain
Was such a living thing observed abundantly

63: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 10: 33: 50.65 ID: gr62wbUt0
Sorry to be woken up once in 20 minutes

74: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 11: 35: 19.30 ID: cXCrifz50
It is torture w

66: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 10: 58: 13.16 ID: 0 LhcGJUk 0
Jellyfish is a plankton
Ethizenkura gets over 100 kg of body weight, but plankton
By the way sunfish also plankton

71: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 11: 17: 10.53 ID: d + 5yYytY0
You are just resting your body
Repair, supply, there are various reasons
Even insects are occasionally absent

72: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 11: 19: 13.25 ID: 9 vshdU 510
Is there a distinction that even deep-sea fish are day and night?

81: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/22 (Fri) 13: 41: 16.91 ID: X2xmTxp60
Hot Spring Maku was ordinary

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