1: Bad hamster ★ \ (^ o ^) / Dame © 2 ch.net 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 01: 12.68 ID: CAP_USER 9
A picture of a carrot as if she is seeking a handshake is posted to reddit on the US social website and calls for a hot topic.
The phenomenon that legs and hands grew on carrots and radish is called "crotch", and it often happens as a person to talk about, but this time, the topic became a carrot like a human hand .
Roots with gentle curves like fingers. It seems that it is definitely seeking a handshake to warp the portion like the thumb and the sense of depth of the back of the hand and wrist.
On the net "It is amazing." It certainly seems like hands, "The hands of Simpsons?" "I remembered the word of eerie valley", "Shaking hand with the left hand" "I bet the body should be buried nearby" I got it.
The phenomenon that legs and hands grew on carrots and radish is called "crotch", and it often happens as a person to talk about, but this time, the topic became a carrot like a human hand .
Roots with gentle curves like fingers. It seems that it is definitely seeking a handshake to warp the portion like the thumb and the sense of depth of the back of the hand and wrist.
On the net "It is amazing." It certainly seems like hands, "The hands of Simpsons?" "I remembered the word of eerie valley", "Shaking hand with the left hand" "I bet the body should be buried nearby" I got it.
40: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tuesday) 17: 13: 57.67 ID: 3F2WuV8W0
You will become a rabbit when you touch it
You will become a rabbit when you touch it
2: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 01: 35.09 ID: gCFCQnxM0
Nice to meet you.
3: Anonymous @ @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 02: 14.31 ID: 1zUQzStc0
Yakuza comes from me because there is not a little finger
8: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 04: 06.96 ID: JOMeLac 50
If you imagine cute it is raw and wowrota
45: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 16: 22.63 ID: HqNcifIF0
I'm afraid if I get out of the gap of the door this night
10: Anonymous @ @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 04: 56.16 ID: kD + V16yx0
Human nymphosa
11: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 04: 57.18 ID: J + IOgnLe 0
It is a hand of unidentified creatures
14: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 05: 34.29 ID: 4NPf8Ewl0
I'm an Aikara
69: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 30: 08.52 ID: dZuLBa + R0
24: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 08: 17.82 ID: 8 + Vpnv0N0
An eggplant like a face
http://68.media.tumblr.com/adcae772936aa5e09a9ebe7f609cf861/tumblr_inline_ny1sv7pskF1tghses _ 500.jpg
http://68.media.tumblr.com/adcae772936aa5e09a9ebe7f609cf861/tumblr_inline_ny1sv7pskF1tghses _ 500.jpg
64: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 26: 52.29 ID: wbDuPsil0
>> 24
It makes me angry.
It makes me angry.
48: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 17: 59.62 ID: XGB8 tlDb 0
106: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 18: 42: 25.20 ID: BCjwwYMP0
The first piece seems to be "everyone"
The first piece seems to be "everyone"
60: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 25: 24.43 ID: OZlTsUWI 0
There are people like this kind of pig footing
67: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 29: 03.62 ID: jDDYpdzw0
I scream when I dig like this
68: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 29: 20.01 ID: 3ECownM 40
Such a monster came out in Dragon Quest
75: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 34: 26.56 ID: CHkVm5FV0
People will gather when handshake meeting
83: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 51: 21.61 ID: fqy + 0 NZN 0
84: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 51: 37.50 ID: tb / 990sW0
It was a good hand of a hard worker.
85: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 53: 37.39 ID: BBYyplFW0
It is vegetarian dish or not rude to seek a handshake with the left hand.
86: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 56: 39.38 ID: tb / 990sW0
>> 85
It is rude after being born! Boeoo!
It is rude after being born! Boeoo!
88: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 17: 58: 57.53 ID: 2 mEqH 9 tp 0
>> 86
Please be patient ...
Please be patient ...
109: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/19 (Tue) 19: 20: 38.23 ID: 8jv8me / m0
Look carefully at the carousel
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