
[Kanagawa] "Inadvertent feeding" introduced in town Detection of foreign matter such as insects and hair has been found about 100 times in total

('- `) .. oO (It seems that there was still the cause of leaving behind besides looks ...)

1: trick ★ 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 07: 03: 03.65 ID: CAP_USER 9
Foreign items such as insects and hair in 'Bad head meal' ... Town survey (Yomiuri Shimbun) - Yahoo! News
9/16 (Sat) 6: 20 delivery

According to the survey of the town, it was found that foreigners such as insects, hair, vinyl pieces, etc. were found 100 times in total since January of last year at school lunch of two school middle schools which Oiso town agency of Kanagawa prefecture has entrusted to the contractor .

Over the meal service, there have been a series of voices such as "taste and bad appearance" from a long time ago, and abnormal situations in which more than half of the meals are left when there are many was continued. The town is considering countermeasures by considering the circumstances from the dealer, for example, considering contamination of foreigners as one factor of leaving behind.

According to the town's internal materials etc., meal service is delivered by a meal service provider in Tokyo making at the factory within the prefecture. Foreign objects were found from lunch box-type meals served at two schools in Oshimo in the town of Kokufu in the town from January last year when the town introduced the school meal system.

Nutritionists in the town staff are in charge of ordering ingredients and making menus.The town is commissioned to the contractor about 33 million yen per year, but from the beginning, there was pointed out that the meal delivered from the factory with a salt ahead of meals was "tasteless" or "side dish cold".

9: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 07: 08: 07.10 ID: fkq8JmzY0
>> 1 , 4
Is not it a complete incident?
Go ahead and move the police
Is it Kanagawa prefectural police?

119: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 07: 28: 53.13 ID: + bUQmAPQ0
Oka, if you are an ordinary food service provider, there is no way you can mix this foreign matter
What kind of company is it?

253: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 07: 48: 29.21 ID: C86lWIuE0
If you had insects, you should call the public health center
Why are not you called?

582: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 08: 29: 48.82 ID: foAu1kBL0
I read the morning edition with the same Yomiuri article, but I posted up to the residual ration rate, I clearly do not remember it was around 60%.
Because the nationwide average seems to be about 6%, Oiso Town is a terrible number.

I do not know how much this Tokyo trader is developing, but at least it is certain that this Kanagawa factory is abnormal.

704: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 08: 39: 35.81 ID: foAu1kBL0
Oh, this is it.


> According to the town, the "residual meal rate" indicating the percentage of leftovers is 26% on average, sometimes reaching 55%.
> It is prominent compared with the national average of 6. 9% of elementary and junior high schools studied by the Ministry of the Environment in 2015. 

However, whatever article you read, why is there not a single word of review of supplier selection among town measures?

4: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 07: 04: 17.31 ID: 1aLLDO / E0
Secure meal at Oiso's junior high school @ oiso_u
Lunch at Oiso's junior high school, not just cold and bad, there are various things in it. I can not eat it with this! Just grasping, there are 96 contaminants. It is said that the trader is also working hard, but I will not improve it. "Hair enough to protrude from the side dish." (Lower row) 1/4 page
DJs x Q z 5 V w A Abc b p (1)


27: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 07: 12: 12.26 ID: pWkmD3sl0
>> 4
Homeroom School Lunch Hair mixing too much haha
The moment of opening the lid is not the husband 's hair teacher mixing in? This

37: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 07: 15: 11.36 ID: jUio5m + c0
| 彡 ⌒ m
\ ('· Ω · `) I am talking about hair again
(| |) ::::
(γ /::::::
To do it

103: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 07: 26: 50.06 ID: hn9xAvrw0
Just being a homeroom teacher who confirmed

78: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 07: 22: 32.26 ID: skULRzyr0
>> 4
"Hair enough to protrude from the side dish"
Common things if it is a Japanese horror

148: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 07: 33: 05.44 ID: Sz 3 u 9 z Ik 0
>> 4
The hair that protrudes from the side dish is unclear

413: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 08: 12: 41.13 ID: tYGnwnDq 0
>> 4
Is the principal also finding it?
It seems difficult for students to intervene

668: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 08: 36: 33.82 ID: hb / mtKD00
>> 4
It is the same as this image, the internal material in the newspaper
I wonder if it is an internal accusation

695: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 08: 39: 08.70 ID: CopFUkn 10
But >> 4 , the principal is eating lunch as well
I wonder if she is paying school lunch fee properly

307: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 07: 57: 29.11 ID: U2DvHtGs0

324: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 07: 59: 54.26 ID: vmZb + 1 Xs 0
>> 307
There are too many things that insects flew

215: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 07: 42: 49.06 ID: eYBW 9 ZeQ 0
| 彡 ⌒ m
\ ('· Ω · `) No way that the turn comes
(| |) :::: I did not think ...
(γ /::::::
To do it

291: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 07: 55: 15.31 ID: U2DvHtGs0
Introduction of business operators

☆ Company name Angel Foods Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Kita-ku, Tokyo)
☆ Cooking Area: Sagamihara City Green Area (Oiso Town Middle School Lunches)
☆ 300 employees
☆ Project record
· School lunch (Sagamihara-shi junior high school meal service, Aikawa-cho junior high school meal service)
· Kindergarten school meals (private kimono kindergarten etc.)
· Industry lunches (Hachioji City Hall etc)
☆ About 53,000 meals / day provided
☆ Management philosophy
"Forestless unfinished meal creation"
I am working on business with today's tomorrow, day to day today, today than today, satisfied with my current meal. We try to make caterers that meet the needs of our customers.
"Make my child's meal" Always remember this thought, I devote my mind and make meals.
· Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Food Distribution Bureau Award (H 10.3)
· Social Cultural Achievement Award (H16.12)
· 20th Best Excellent Food Service Industry Award Comfort Food Service Division Minister Prize (H24.3)

Forecasting unfinished meals for eternity

It is our philosophy that we have been consistently holding since our founding.
We always have an inquiry, firmly anticipate the true needs (needs) and wants (customers)
By trying to make a better meal, I will support for the health and happiness of the children who will lead the future.

300: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 07: 56: 44.87 ID: U2DvHtGs0
Management philosophy

◆ Mission
For the health of all Japanese
For the health and healthy growth and happiness of children who will lead the future
(Through the provision of lunches and awareness about foods, the correct dietary habits
Retrieve, eat through, regain mental and physical health. )
Collect the smile of at least one child.
Encourage healthy diet
Through eating, we communicate the importance of meal, the delight of meals, enjoyment, and recommend Japanese tradition and food culture, better dietary habits.

◆ Management philosophy
Forecasting unfinished meals for eternity
From yesterday, we will aim for a better meal tomorrow than today, break down the mannered posture.
From concept of product out to idea of ​​market in
We will provide wisdom, enhance detailed service and operational system.

◆ Business policy
Ladence Vice, Rei Philosophy, Shamefulness (thesis)
(I will have this for the lunches, and if you bring this together, there will be stinginess,
We have a proper care and give priority to right and wrong rather than gain, and each one strives to improve the character.
In order to fulfill the social mission of contributing to the health of our customers, we aim to become a company that is trusted by customers, prospering employees and business partners, considering eating habits that deliver safe and secure smiles .

◆ Action Guidelines
1. safety first
2. Next, respecting courtesy
3. A professional must be an actor
1.2.3. Pursuit of efficiency after actions are achieved in the order of

14: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 07: 08: 51.93 ID: oHkch7Ni0
Most of the things that were mixed in the course of students' catering.

It is impossible for food professionals to mix hair and insects.
It is decided that an amateur junior high school student put in.

Why are only two of these schools extraordinary, although they do not report much in Angel Foods group elsewhere?

629: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 08: 33: 19.78 ID: SyNnhNr + 0
There was an Acrefuz incident
Because salary is so cheap woman who intentionally put a foreign object www
I did not intentionally put a cook who was dissatisfied with treatment

18: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 07: 09: 50.55 ID: j77XGdnh0

Yes, Refuge

776: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 08: 46: 34.59 ID: gqKRUsfq0
>> 18
Payang's factory is so dirty, just because I put a black cap to capture cockroaches on the floor


24: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 07: 11: 34.17 ID: ryfyO7CX0
I remembered the osechi of the bird cafe

756: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 08: 44: 38.93 ID: CopFUkn 10


2493271 jdm


http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/6 b/60/55532987324 da 82 db 3079 cfbc 2 d 6 a 481.jpg
55532987324 da 82 db 3079 cfbc 2 d 6 a 481

Cooking scenery of Angel Foods
Does your hair get inside?

770: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 08: 46: 02.78 ID: DE 2 bg 41 n 0
>> 756
If that's intentional, you can put anything

787: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 08: 47: 23.65 ID: / zysxonN0
>> 756
It's for shooting.
But how about going outdoors in this outfit?
2493271 jdm

793: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 08: 48: 04.91 ID: 93c6kXl40
>> 756
Indeed, it's deliberately not fault.

778: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 08: 46: 51.35 ID: CopFUkn 10
VYAAP-0 - .jpg
I wonder what is the opinion that "this looks bad"
It will be different for each person

804: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 08: 49: 14.85 ID: M7 OK Stx + 0
>> 778
That news for the press
It was more severe if it was a photograph inside the school which the student or teacher thought was taken

810: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 08: 49: 34.78 ID: XZ5c94g90
>> 778
Taste, better than it looks, if you enter insect hair it will not do.

1000: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 09: 08: 02.92 ID: FBhnupmLO
>> 778
It is Mosa Mosa of Passa Pasa that it is cold now ...

970: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 09: 05: 09.75 ID: CopFUkn 10
schoollunch 3




e 61192 f 8

With this, how about "I left it because it looks bad"?

994: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 09: 07: 01.44 ID: WmZcGOFv 0
>> 970
There is no flesh ...
Even meals of the elderly home have a bit more meat

314: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 07: 58: 41.94 ID: CopFUkn 10

I do not understand

If you just want to improve the taste, just add salt
Salt is modest and tasty, you can not make it

Salt is cheap, so bother to make it a salty modestly made to say not delicious
You had better put some salt.

In other words, I think there is an arrangement that should not contain salt
Regarding the problem of "bad", the core is there

369: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 08: 06: 18.07 ID: w3mk + I4K0
>> 314
What is the salinity of school lunch?
Of course discreet

331: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 08: 00: 56.20 ID: QMpyjJLV 0
>> 314
The vendor is making it according to the menu made by the nutritionist hired by the town.
Perhaps it is like a hospital food that does not have taste

341: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 08: 02: 35.89 ID: CopFUkn 10
>> 331
Then, even if a famous chef makes it according to the dietitian's menu, the result is the same
I want to try it.
I want you to do it on TV

38: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/16 (Saturday) 07: 15: 28.55 ID: J3BRqc3w0
Why are you paying this kind of fish?
It can not be free

979: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/16 (Sat) 09: 05: 46.88 ID: z78pUIKB0
I was a public primary and junior high school in a rural town, but in school there seemed to be a hospital's shop.
We are selling bread and cup noodles

Contamination of foreign matter - Shintarou Okabe Takanaka short edition
Contamination of foreign matter - Shintarou Okabe Takanaka short edition [Comic]
Shintaro Okabe

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