
【Company】 ToysaRus "The Decade Contract with Amazon" to the way of ruin by web development?

('- `) .. oO ( I feel like the excitement of going to buy the real thing will not be able to taste I am sorry ...)

1: Bird's ★ 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 13: 06.96 ID: CAP_USER 9
Toys R Us, once said to be a giant in the toy industry, filed for application to the US federal bankruptcy law 11 September 18 and failed. The debt total is about 5.2 billion dollars (about 580 billion yen) is reported.

While sales of toys in Amazon have expanded to $ 4 billion per quarter in 2016, Toys R Us has not been able to generate profits after 2013. However, Toys' R Us also had a chance to recover the ground. Such a result may have been avoided if it is striking a little earlier.

In 2000 when the world got into the dot com bubble, Amazon and Toys' R Us signed a 10 - year contract. This is an agreement that Toys 'R Us becomes a seller of only toys on Amazon, it was a mechanism to fly to Toys' R Us 's page in Amazon by making an official site of Toys' R Us (/ o o) /.

This initiative was originally thought to bring benefits to both Amazon and Toys "R Us.However, Amazon then began to invite other toys companies to the site on the grounds that Toys' R Us has not secured sufficient items.

Toizarus sued Amazon in 2004 and ended the 10 year contract. And in 2006 it launched its own website. However, the subsequent movement of Toys' R Uses was too late.

Bookstore Borders also made the same mistake. Borders also signed an agreement to let Amazon to sell online in 2001 and ended the contract in 2008, while Amazon took away the business of the web during that time. Analysts said that they handed over the future.

The target of the mass merchandisers did not fit in this trap. The target also signed a contract to leave Amazon to e-commerce in 2001, but canceled the contract in 2009.In 2011 it launched its own e-commerce site and declared to invest $ 2.5 billion annually in technology and supply chain. Target e-commerce sales are still slight, but sales via the web are growing at a 30% increase per quarter.

Meanwhile, in the case of Toys "R Us, in May this year, we announced that we will invest 100 million dollars over the next three years to rebuild the e - commerce business. However, they can only say that their efforts were too late.

Toys 'R Us which filed bankruptcy application is now aiming to survive the brand name of the company, but the trademark of "Toys' R Us" may be used as a sign of the arrival of other online traders from now on.

In the latest statistics, 90% of Americans are still enjoying shopping at real shops.However, in order to drive the retailer into ruin, it is enough for only the remaining 10% to stop purchasing in a real shop. In the United States this year, Payless Shoes Sale of shoe sales and Gimbalee of children's clothes successively broke down.

If Toys R Us is going faster and big investment has been made for the web, this situation could have been prevented. However, Toys' R Us has also passed the same ruin as the other retailers.

Delivery 9/20 (Wed) 12: 30
Forbes JAPAN

Related thread
【US / enterprise】 US Toysalus applies to the court to apply the bankruptcy bankruptcy law

73: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 15: 31: 44.34 ID: cMcS3F8q0
Amazon I was doing that
The impression was not good as it did not pay taxes, but it got worse.
It's like a kingdom
You are doing something similar in Japanese cartoons

38: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 24: 15.63 ID: MtWzIF220
> In the latest statistics, 90% of Americans are still enjoying shopping in real shops. But,
> In order to drive the retailer into ruin, the remaining 10% just cease purchasing at a real shop
> Is enough. In the US this year, the sales of shoe sales Payless shoes sauce and children's clothing
> Gymboree and others broke down one after another.

It would be great if we could cut 10% of the whole.

422: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 49: 57.73 ID: Wy4vRlJw0
>> 38
Of course it is a real store
I can not buy it because I am scared if I do not see the actual thing

Look at the actual thing at Yodobashi
Read the bar code of the box with the leader of the smartphone
Because Amazon makes a hit with google
If Amazon is cheaper compared to the price of Amazon Pochi
Here you are.

433: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 year anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 52: 30.01 ID: uABsrwLU 0
>> 38
Margin will be completely different
It is impossible for net retailers to earn profits that sell one, if it is a real shop, it is impossible not to sell about five pieces.

168: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 50: 28.94 ID: bxSpMcSa0
I do not understand this sentence, meaning However someone explained

> In the latest statistics, 90% of Americans are still enjoying shopping in real shops. However, in order to drive the retailer into ruin, it is enough for only the remaining 10% to stop purchasing in a real shop.

745: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 22: 39: 57.04 ID: TIBTDQMN 0
>> 168
Some 90% of Americans are still shopping at brick-and-mortar stores to the latest census figures, but that other 10% has been enough to put a dent in traditional retailers like Payless and Gymboree, who have also sought bankruptcy protection. 
Approximately 90% of Americans are still shopping in real shops, which is reflected in the latest census figures
The remaining 10% is a sufficient figure to influence retailers such as Payless and Gymboree, and these companies are also in the process of corporate reorganization law as well

Feeling like that?

806: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 23: 39: 44.23 ID: TijFKVMl 0
>> 797
>> 745
Although the influence of net mail order sales is declining, some companies are coming down
Still in the article that 90% are shopping at real shops still
1 is translation seems to be heavy

249: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 16: 07: 28.77 ID: Uvt2v5Ok0
I do not understand well
Why can not you do it just because the competitors are entering the Amazon?

286: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 16: 17.03 ID: TO1 / EpD30
>> 249
The system got used to customers as a system to make it available via Amazon
That's why the customer did not come even though we closed up Amazon store and started up our own website

Toys' R Us and Borders do not rely on Amazon, from the beginning on their site
>> 1 argues that it should have been a game

262: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 10: 50.90 ID: c00CIhj50
>> 249
Toys' r Us is not strong bargain selling separately
I guess there was not enough stock to secure it,

257: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 08: 44.04 ID: nH2rdXsw0
>> 249
I lent the eaves and took the main building.

264: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 11: 11.31 ID: abuf2dgC0
>> 257

271: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 16: 13: 22.99 ID: 7XJRiCxM0
>> 264
> Since then, Amazon is not able to secure sufficient items for Toys' R Us,
> I began to invite other toys companies to the site.
> Toys' R Us sued Amazon in 2004 and ended the 10 - year contract.
> And launched its own site in 2006. However, the subsequent movement of Toys' R Uses was too late.

279: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 15: 07.51 ID: nH2rdXsw0
>> 264
The world's largest toy retailer is Toys 'R Us, Amazon has partnered with Toys' R Us to a distribution network that deals with toys.
So, it is attached to difficulty and partnership is lifted. The customer firmly remembered the convenience to buy at Amazon.

517: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 17: 19: 37.69 ID: P3lIENMR0
I did not know that Gymboree collapsed
I remember a little while I was in Canada in a group of infant classrooms

962: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/21 (Thursday) 08: 21: 16.10 ID: UqeZ 8iV + 0
> In the latest statistics, 90% of Americans are still enjoying shopping in real shops.
> However, in order to drive the retailer into ruin, it is enough for only the remaining 10% to stop purchasing at a real shop.

Seriously! What?
A bit hard to believe a number

964: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/21 (Thursday) 08: 28: 02.29 ID: fwLqkhmt 0
>> 962
The profit margin of a real shop is usually low everywhere except for some exceptional places

Regardless of temporary increase or decrease, it is hard to constantly decrease by 10%
Moreover, there is no prospect of increase in the future and it will be reduced, and procurement of working capital will also be difficult

965: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/21 (Thursday) 08: 33: 41.75 ID: UqeZ 8iV + 0
>> 964

That is, as told by >> 1 , Toys 'R Us' s not focused on e - commerce
Yesterday my husband said that Toys' R Us is the forerunner of a large suburban store in Japan
After that the ion and the home center imitated one after another,
Comedy grass that Costco and Ikea are still crowded today

621: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 18: 45: 00.69 ID: UkhglrgD 0
The article title of this forbes Japan is arbitrary. The original title is
How Toys 'R' Us Neglected The Web
That's why "Toys' R Us ignored the Web" means.


826: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/21 (Thursday) 00: 20: 31.56 ID: + jeRExC / 0
This is the original article
How Toys 'R' Us Neglected The Web

Title of Japanese article Does not it have malignancy

85: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 34: 03.55 ID: b / nllZOo 0

69: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 15: 31: 12.62 ID: K22Ekbfb0
> In the latest statistics, 90% of Americans are still enjoying shopping in real shops.
> But in order to drive the retailer into ruin, it is enough for the remaining 10% to stop purchasing in a real store.

Business will end only by 10% lower sales
The total population of Japan will soon decrease by 10%
Are all the shops going away?


2030 Population 10% reduction Elderly people 32%
2040 Population 20% reduction Elderly people 36%
2050 Population 30% reduction Elderly 39%

Japan is over

82: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 33: 23.18 ID: 83R2se4g0
>> 69
It seems that the US continues to increase in population until 2050, about 500 million people

5: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 16: 11.60 ID: pbaerN1n0
A rice retailer in the USA!

193: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 54: 25.63 ID: fLXuToCt0
>> 5
When selling rice in the United States, the seller

490: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 17: 09: 26.55 ID: SubEC 0 So 0
>> 5
>> 6
Please please remember that you have an English (excellent) spirit in England once in a while.

6: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 16: 14.51 ID: s / tZkk 740
Rice rice mass retailers are strong

159: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 48: 08.26 ID: zXjGn / pV0
>> 6
Because it was about delivering to samurai as salary during the Edo period

8: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 16: 20.04 ID: TfilU5lZ0
Whatever is the fact that Toys' R Us is better than Amazon with bad assortment but it gets higher

571: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 17: 50: 46.27 ID: 3z7iLtP30
>> 8
Actual thing

11: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 17: 00.37 ID: 11oe QO 300
Because you can not put effort into web sales if you own lots of real stores

495: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 17: 10: 17.30 ID: D1 + POy8r0
>> 11
This is a lot of real stores and fixed expenses increase so even on the website
It will not be possible to make it to such a low price
Well Website Mainly real stores are like product experience places
Is it better to do? Of course at a small store

13: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 17: 36.23 ID: ifXEgzma0
Late Samas

22: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 20: 17.06 ID: A7Btp11d0
Shopping mall like 'Graveyard' full of America

178: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 52: 07.05 ID: lfVv2ea / 0
>> 22
A lot of zombies are likely to occur

272: Abe Chung Hunter 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 13: 57.86 ID: zflt6uwq0
>> 22
Even in America with a good economy

This is it?

607: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 18: 26: 07.52 ID: WV5BUhD30
>> 22
Where should you run away when a zombie occurs ('· ω · `)

70: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 31: 18.74 ID: GOx9Gk5l0
>> 22
America will follow Japan

719: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 22: 02: 54.19 ID: iZQG3vds0
America's follow-up is Japan
The state of the United States now is Japan after five years

24: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 20: 30.60 ID: OppAemji 0
Because producers and consumers are tied directly on the net
From now on the intermediary will fade away

52: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 27: 12.49 ID: CXpohmtV0
>> 24
It's not right.
AMAZON is in between

661: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 19: 36: 36.97 ID: pN8hcQwg0
>> 52
Ultimately you do not need an Amazon if it comes to direct manufacturers.
It may be natural to compare what products are on the net shop and go to the manufacturer's site and buy it.
It's the manufacturer that can be the cheapest

662: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 19: 40: 45.05 ID: f8gNweqL0
>> 661
There is nothing
Amazon's biggest strength is to be able to buy things of different genres in bulk
If each maker direct sale is trying to order household appliances, underwear, vibrators, cosmetics and conductive drills, five will be corrugated
It's useful if you send it all together on Amazon

There are many things that Yahoo and Rakuten are cheaper than Amazon if only price

679: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 21: 04: 24.85 ID: v725sR6D0
>> 661
It must not be so troublesome to enter an address and credit number

36: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 15: 23: 49.11 ID: mWOAETW00
In fact, there is only one Amazon
The bookstore in the neighborhood Although it is bad, it takes a week to get the book
Since there is no reason to use it, I closed it in the spring when I ceased to go there
You can crush and crush

199: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 57: 03.11 ID: ZYwmSM1AO
>> 36
Since books are very diverse, it is impossible in the space of a book store
I want a book of old martial arts but it can not be in a local bookstore. Click on Amazon if you click

287: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 16: 20.07 ID: SHNz 3 JKB 0
>> 36
It has been around 10 years since books and CDs were able to be ordered in stores in about a week?
It seems that it was normal for one month before that. Even contact with no stock was delayed.

606: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 18: 25: 59.91 ID: WcnH 3 bDp 0
>> 36
It is good now
What will happen if you monopolize the market

25: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 20: 42.92 ID: 2JAEz / hq0
> Total liabilities are about 5.2 billion dollars (about 580 billion yen) 
The maintenance cost of Amazon 2nd Head Office is $ 5 billion (about 553.5 billion yen)

32: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 22: 52.90 ID: wznjYrmc0
Twenty years ago it was not internet selling or general

41: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 15: 25: 00.88 ID: CnTGYidW 0
Surrounded by favorite toys ~

454: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 59: 38.93 ID: A + ZoisCo 0
bankruptcy! ! !

45: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 25: 41.71 ID: F0SXPknI0
Because I still want to buy Japan while seeing the actual thing

50: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 year anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 15: 26: 53.17 ID: 53 DnpR / 90
I think that it is big that the digit of the movement kilo number in shopping is different

63: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 29: 21.67 ID: plVsjwLm0
Were not the top sales of Amazon in Japan the top in the world?

66: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 15: 30: 30.35 ID: 3ukiG5h30
As Japan is aging advanced, mail order and co-op sales are the best in the world

68: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 15: 31: 08.52 ID: Vh 5 baiw 10
What do you really need real stores?
Both bookstores, rental videos, games, supermarkets, clothes, mobile phones, insurance, banks and real estate agents, can essentially all be completed with the net?
I need something like a restaurant or a real store.

593: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 18: 10: 06.63 ID: gaD / fKur0
>> 68
Food and beverage, beauty barber, customs, fresh food

283: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 15: 35.59 ID: ZYwmSM1AO
>> 68
Super is not eroded by Amazon. Shopping at the local supermarket is within 30 minutes
I can not win with Amazon

371: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 16: 31: 22.76 ID: In + DPRS + 0
>> 283 
I can not tell if it is possible to suppress suppliers to amazon

amazon keeps items that can be surely sold on a regular basis with amazon dash
If the local supermarket becomes a match with goods which do not know whether it can sell or sell
It will be very worn out
For example, milk and eggs will definitely sell but accurately grasp the amount to sell
If you do not raise the precision of ordering and unsold goods are squeezing business

When handling fresh items, Ross always brings out amazon
If amazon fails, it will be useless in ordinary logistics inventory management
It is accompanied by gambling and it is not as common as trying it with a single book

If amazon succeeds it will be questioned the existence of existing supermarket

499: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 17: 12: 26.27 ID: / ooPAADfO
>> 68
Petrol station "We do not feel like losing"
(There is a strong restriction on the transportation of dangerous goods such as gasoline by law.)

530: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 year anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 17: 23: 22.27 ID: UtvAdcV30
>> 499
The underground tank is out of service and there are many outages.

107: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 38: 37.02 ID: pH175J3A0
I do not know what will become of the Amazon Amazon say after ten years.
A new company may be appearing.

116: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 40: 06.54 ID: Dmd 2 + 8 www 0
>> 107
Because the flow of the economy is getting faster,
May be revolutionized in 5 years · ·
It's getting lost more and more

119: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 40: 37.44 ID: ZClCNhYY 0
>> 107
The IT industry is changing fierce
The Amazon has a huge financial strength and excellent talent
Do you create something new or decline past another

152: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 47: 00.94 ID: mAC32pAS0
America can feel free to return after purchasing
So if you do not like it after opening the bag of goods, return immediately
It is not necessary to see the real thing at a real shop

I saw it on TV the other day

172: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 51: 04.66 ID: rkgalSxP0
>> 152
Thanks to its consumer protection system, weak and small capital retailers were culled
It will be that if capitalism advances in Japan
There is no sign of protecting consumer rights at all

202: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 57: 50.15 ID: ehiRYvll 0
Looking at the screen with the child Pochochiki Searching for toys
It is better to look around while seeing things and touching them
Overwhelmingly the child is pleased.

You may still be able to go even if you focus on the low age among kids

220: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 02: 03.32 ID: gJnbNUye0
>> 202
If there is something to aim for, it is on the net,
Whether you take it in your hands or looking over it, both the toy shop and the bookstore
It is a real store.

235: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 16: 05: 27.40 ID: c1J5UPCM0
>> 202
It is the scenery of the holiday that you enjoy shopping slowly with your family with your family
However, we can not maintain a real shop in a rattling day on weekdays

246: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 16: 07: 04.65 ID: F9Sor9rR0
>> 202
That's right, you do not have chairs, you do get tired
Once in a while it really is Try

452: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 16: 58: 34.86 ID: bSGF0aOa0
Toys' race which was the only locale closed up.
My child's birthday went to find gifts with my child.
For children who want to go out, Toys' R Us is playing as if going to an amusement park.
I do not understand now I am a liquor store and sorry.
It would be cheaper to buy on Amazon, but I am looking forward to going shopping.
I am spending money on that pleasure, so I do not think that it is unnecessary.
It's too boring to be too convenient.

463: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 17: 01: 13.75 ID: hPbFwTH 10
>> 452
If only you buy it online, it will not be a fun memories of parents and children ... ('· ω · `)

465: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 17: 01: 59.66 ID: CejNN + Fc0
>> 463
You should watch Amazon together

471: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 year anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 17: 03: 32.07 ID: RT8b27Fn0
>> 465
Memories I saw together Amazon ww

481: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 year anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 17: 06: 45.17 ID: 20 Fsf WVI 0
>> 465
Do not go on a trip and watch a movie of sightseeing spots on the net
It's like something to say

478: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 17: 05: 27.27 ID: aQXTDKsP0
>> 465
Among them, when you see the Amazon site on VR, the product will be displayed in front of you

506: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 17: 14: 55.82 ID: lfVv2ea / 0
A bookstore was crushed by Amazon and shoplifting
. . . But there are many such things like books you want to buy are not in the shop front
It's easier just to search for something on the Amazon
Besides, neither the bookstore nor the toy store will be gone

514: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 17: 17: 43.37 ID: + 53 MNY 4 j 0
>> 506
There are few people who draw attention with this thread
In real stores, the impact of shoplifting damage is also great.

522: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 17: 21: 00.80 ID: 92 + FAtzp 0
>> 506
A real shop will not win if it is not possible to give the customer a satisfaction feeling not on Internet mail order

· You can actually check the number of pages and the size
· "This is my book" will be introduced
· It is fun just to brush the inside of the store

I guess if I could do it

706: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 21: 51: 59.28 ID: rtp / D + HT 0
[Economy] Amazon CEO sold its own shares equivalent to 1 billion dollars - The shareholding ratio declined to 17% 2 ch.net
Ex Thread http://egg.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/bizplus/1494140493/

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.com, has sold approximately US $ 1 billion worth of its own shares.

As part of the asset disposition plan, the third-ranked richest man, the world's third-largest CEO, announced last month that it intends to invest $ 1 billion a year to its own space development company Blue Origin.

According to a document submitted to the US securities authorities on the 4th, Bezos will sell 1 million shares at around 935-950 dollars per share from 2nd to 4th this month.

With this, the Amazon shares held by him are 79.9 million shares, which is equivalent to approximately 17% of the total number of outstanding shares. By the end of 2003 it had reached 83 million shares.

Mr. Bezos continues to sell Amazon shares to fund investment in Blue Origin, which was established with the aim of providing short-term space travel.

707: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 21: 52: 19.32 ID: rtp / D + HT 0
【International】 Amazon, with suppliers abolished the lowest price contract Antitrust Law survey received 2 ch.net
Ex- creative thread http://egg.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/bizplus/1496137438/

Amazon Japan (Tokyo · Meguro), a leading e-commerce (EC) company, reviews contracts with suppliers of handling products such as e-books and ensures prices and assortments equivalent to competing EC sites

The MFN Clause (MFN) clause "was strengthened. Regarding the clause, in August last year, the Fair Trade Commission had entered the entry investigation on suspicion of violating the Antimonopoly Act.

The European Union's European Commission was investigating with similar suspicion.

762: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 22: 56: 11.26 ID: sSdVAjvE 0
I am afraid of Amazon alone and can not use it
Details of the product size etc. are not listed
Because there are many exhibitions from foreign countries
Even if there is a problem with shipping or goods, it can not be contacted
There is no such a terrible mail-order site

763: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 22: 57: 00.28 ID: khx4m9y80
>> 762
I just use it

764: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 22: 57: 53.01ID: sSdVAjvE0
>> 763
But it's too confusing

766: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 year anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 23: 00: 43.75 ID: TijFKVMl 0
>> 764
Search on the net to find out the same product
Because there are many goods that only Amazon's explanation is missing
The credibility of the store where Maketepu is opening stores is a problem after that

770: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 23: 02: 56.26ID: sSdVAjvE0
>> 766
It is strange that you do not know the details unless you examine it at other sites?
There are so many goods that only appear in Ama
That's because it's usually from abroad
No matter how good I am, I am afraid and I can not get out of hand

792: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 23: 31: 00.83 ID: fF6SMFNn0
>> 762
You can narrow down to Amazon direct sales
You do not have to buy the cheapest items that the strange shops sell

930: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/21 (Thursday) 05: 02: 43.12 ID: xE2Z4pAP0
Toys' R Us
It is hard to get stuck first

938: Anonymous @ @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/21 (Thursday) 05: 19: 24.69 ID: nyZI1M0s0
"Toys' R Us" is a notation of a Japanese corporation
In the case of a U.S. corporation, "Toys' R"

721: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 22: 06: 42.83 ID: Hc4PFAml0

730: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 22: 22: 40.79 ID: dfwfmg5jO
>> 721
It grows grass too much and becomes a dense forest ww

40: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wed) 15: 24: 24.30 ID: HQerEo + A 0
I'm looking forward to where Amazon will arrive.

288: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/20 (Wednesday) 16: 16: 30.27 ID: l44dsMpu0

Amazon and Logistics War (NHK publication new book)
Ryoichi Tsunoi
Published by NHK

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