
【History】 Analysis of famous Viking warrior, actually DNA of female remains - Sweden · Birika

('- `) .. oO (This may be a female gift that was not known until now ...)

1: Red Azuma ★ \ (^ o ^) / Dame © 2 ch.net 2017/09/17 (Sun) 11: 24: 54.35 ID: CAP_USER 9
A famous Viking warrior, in fact a woman
Ideal tomb that buried weapons and horses, DNA analysis of remains
(Please watch videos · images · full text at publisher)


People who wear helmets, chain luggage and reproduce the form of awesome Biking.

More than 1000 years ago from now, wealthy Viking warriors were buried in the city of Bilka, the southeastern part of Sweden.
A worthy grave was accompanied by a sword and an arrowhead, and two horses were buried together.
It is the ideal grave for Viking guy ...... Most archaeologists thought so.

However, when researchers analyzed the DNA of the remains, unexpected facts were confirmed. The Lord of the grave was a woman.

The research results were published in the journal "American Journal of Physical Anthropology" dated September 8.
Surprises are spreading among archaeologists about the medieval sailor who has made trade and surprise over hundreds of years throughout Europe and the way that Viking is held.

"To date the Bilka tomb has been thought of as the grave of Viking's" ideal "of a male fighter," said David Zori, an archaeologist at Baylor College.
"This research findings touch the heart of archaeological interpretation, which means that we have always applied our interpretation of role sharing by gender."
Mr. Zori has nothing to do with this study.

The tradition of Viking had previously suggested that warriors were not the only men.
In the early 10th century Irish literature, a female warrior named Ingen Roua (red daughter) led the Viking fleet to Ireland.
Mr. Zori also pointed out that "a girl with a shield" will fight with male fighters in many of the story of Viking including "Borsunga Saga" of the 13th century.

However, there are also archaeologists who think that the description of these female fighters is simply a mythological adaptation. It is a view of the vikings reflecting the role of men and women expected in the present age.

■ For many years, warriors who have been thought of as men

Since being excavated at the end of the 1880's, archaeologists have seen the remains of "Bilka warriors" based on this fixed idea.
In the textbook this grave was marked as male.
However, it was not understood from the bone itself. Archaeologists thought that this was a warrior, that is, a male tomb, because the remains were found with swords, arrowheads, spears, and two horseman horses.

As reported in the Viking feature of the National Geographic 2017 March issue, Mr. Anna Shellström, a biological archaeologist at the University of Stockholm in Sweden, reversed its estimate.
He analyzed the pelvis and lower jaw of the remains for the first time in detail.The result is consistent with dimensions typical of women.

The analysis result of Mr. Shellstrahm was announced at the academic meeting in 2014 and published in academic journal in 2016. However, general reactions were not so much, and criticism was received from some archaeologists.
Because the excavation of the cemetery was done more than 100 years ago, it might be that the label was mistakenly attached, or that another person's bones are mixed.

So, the research team of archaeologist Charlotte Heddensigna-Johnson of Uppsala University in Sweden returned to the bone survey and retrieved the two types of DNA.
Because mother's child's mitochondrial DNA is inherited from mother to child, it should be able to judge whether there is only one or only a few bones.
And we thought that fragments of nuclear DNA should reveal the biological gender of "warrior".

The result was obvious. No Y chromosome was detected from the bone, and all the mitochondrial DNA taken out from the bones agreed. The remains belong to one person, and that person was a woman.

Hedens Tina - Johnson et al. 'S research team says that this woman is probably a warrior and yet a respected tactician.
In a previous interview, he said, "There was a game piece on the knee."
"It is suggesting that she is tactical and was the leader."

(Hereinafter omitted)

50: Kyoto people Pelican document 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 40: 01.21 ID: BBFF gdl 7 0
This image good! Like a scene of RPG game (^ ^)

If such a blonde woman pops out suddenly on the battlefield, you will hesitate to descend the weapon you have!
A bit cowardly (> _ <)

583: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 26: 25.34 ID: zXxKDv 260

There are cases of three conquests of conquest.
No wonder no matter if a woman is in the military.

781: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 27: 12.80 ID: 7MXGx1Ed0

970: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 16: 38: 26.62 ID: Km1 / + b020
It is enemy my friend to the attraction of Tomoe

106: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 51: 40.93 ID: AescL 7 w Z 0
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160: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 02: 38.50 ID: zWmxl8QT0
∧ / \ ∧
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l === l

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i. ^ i
(6 - (III) (III) Vickey!
ヽ '◇>

7: Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 28: 23.84 ID: JV1el7We0
Biket · · ·

438: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 57: 56.20 ID: GC / 6 Hrt Q 0
Anime Bicke, I miss you
I thought that I am a girl because I am long hair, I became an adult and it was a big shock

440: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 58: 13.30 ID: K4YTuieZ0
I watched it as a live-action movie recently, but it was so funny that the best movie of my life changed to Kore!

820: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 47: 06.68 ID: kKQu6mtj0
>> 440

I wonder why it is unpublished in Japan ... ('· ω · `)


13: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 30: 33.40 ID: fk9OMabO0

892: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 15: 26: 59.22 ID: VOWTMPsn0

4: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 27: 26.39 ID: WxtBqPdq0
A woman who leads a rough girl is like a gorilla.

101: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 50: 03.80 ID: Ryup / MVi 0
>> 4
Every man wants to devote himself if you are a man
It might have been a pretty pretty girl

"Ooooooooo, betting life to protect the captain"

720: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 02: 11.01 ID: BAiBId 9 W 0
No, no, if it was a Babaa like a mass of obsession like an enya girl ...

177: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 06: 16.87 ID: WFUw5sQA0
>> 4
There is an example of a woman who is Tomoe Godama who received the love of Kiso Yoshinaka so it is not necessarily a gorilla woman

495: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 05: 50.38 ID: oW2P8W0b0
>> 177
I wonder if that was not real

552: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 17: 03.45 ID: bhgZvZHg0

666: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 46: 26.99 ID: ipRjRhKz0
>> 4
What if Nausicaa?

795: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 34: 12.32 ID: b5 mW 3 Pc 50
>> 4
I feel like Laputa's Dora
Mother who everyone can rely on

847: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 15: 01: 57.89 ID: / h + khTMj0
>> 4
How is it?
Actually, women are participating in the Mibu Ron group, the predecessor of Shinsengumi
It is almost a thing to be omitted since it becomes a lie when you make it a story

875: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 15: 12: 39.64 ID: nZ4 + R8sJ0
>> 4
I am in a story before.
A woman who was watched over and made a grandfather was the leader of the bandits

5: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 27: 50.29 ID: 5 Ze 5 + GOX 0
I saw it at the sea Ellmaro
Sea Jewel Ermalo (7) (Heroes Comics)
Ito Fukuhachi
Shogakkan Creative

14: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 30: 39.24 ID: fObor 6 uO 0
Well then it's a bi-queen

369: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 43: 33.72 ID: mH / 38 mb H 0
No, it is not.

630: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 36: 10.10 ID: PTiJHMLp 0
Viking (Viking) means a person living in the bay (vík) (-ingr)

15: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 30: 44.17 ID: 2YIGF 9S00
In Japan as well, there are Oshimae-sama and sister castle principals.
I was in Yae.

27: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 34: 05.93 ID: SRdWQYuM0
>> 15
You forgot Tomoeagi
A woman who is a strong woman who "throws away the neck and throws away"

23: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 32: 07.87 ID: IZildLCV 0
Already with a character of Soshage

347: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 39: 25.30 ID: lUTo9C8b0
>> 23
Farris FF 5 something far before Soshage gets out is also set as a female pirate boss.

363: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 42: 34.67 ID: 8yS85yHl0
>> 347
I had Leila once in 2

24: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 32: 35.20 ID: 8zGjrzXt0

28: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 34: 11.37 ID: r2sM5WlJ0

319: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 33: 42.11 ID: 86DzxwM10
>> 28
I was a pretty girl when I was young!

31: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 34: 47.32 ID: x53nAKos0

800: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 35: 49.08 ID: Pxcrdjrk0
Oyoo, I was looking for a dad that there is no lid of a well

32: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 35: 02.76 ID: 5 Ze 5 + GOX 0

192: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 08: 24.31 ID: HwyISBgQ0
>> 32
You can find the image of the lower person w

368: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 43: 25.06 ID: J3svgNG90
>> 32
Did you have such a fat person in the Middle Ages?
Because Europe was barren land until potatoes came from the New Continent
People who are not overweight are not malnourished
So it is imagined that Caucasians have seeds that are easy to gain weight

956: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 16: 24: 29.33 ID: aFLrbssL0
>> 32
In ancient times the food is not ample and rich enough to see the present age
Surely the first half slim

957: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 16: 26: 00.70 ID: n1aS4kta0
>> 956
Norwegian proverb
How can you be loved by your husband? Stay eating steadily and get fat

958: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 16: 27: 54.19 ID: PG1pxKTd0
>> 956
In other words, being fat is a status

40: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 37: 34.17 ID: KFN5 tfvT 0
What if you were a slave filled with a horse that was seen as a hero?

274: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 23: 12.69 ID: nx8ctIBZ0
If it's such an ancient thing, it can be thought that someone took out the tomb and replaced the bones
It can be considered a special case like >> 40

I can not understand just by looking at the bone that came out

542: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 13: 38.16 ID: zTlGVhpF0
>> 274
Do not know by overlapping state of burial items

246: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 16: 41.59 ID: vCTK6oif0
The remains of the person himself was put on a ship and lighted a fire, and a woman who was a martyrred was a burial item (put burial in a tomb, without the remains of his / herself)
There seems to be some culture to make, maybe it was, there was a person who said on Twitter

109: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 51: 58.74 ID: WZwgl2eL0
There is also a case in Northern European tradition that she sneered men to son-in-law.

Historical fact, the chief of the buffet came to the plunder of money
Pick up the son of a local French nobleman and daughter with her daughter,
After getting back to the site again,
"Give way home to his father, and let us relocate to relatives"
It will be a story without a dream or romance, but w

259: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 19: 52.87 ID: nRU 1 t 3 G 0
>> 109
Speaking of deprivation Vikings and pirates were kidding a beautiful woman
A weak woman died or committed suicide and disappeared without descendants
It seems that there are also results of leaving a lot of women's genes that make a lot of children by taking coarse bastards as coasters
Even now, women in the area where Vikings and pirates lived have good appearance but they tend to be rough

307: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 31: 11.75 ID: QYEDLrdr 0
>> 259
Basically the woman is strong in fishermen's town because we need to protect men with females just because they are not fishing

114: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 53: 00.27 ID: 5 Ze 5 + GOX 0

123: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 11: 54: 41.91 ID: 0 Oso Sgq 0

168: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 03: 41.03 ID: IUzMELoq 0
I saw it at Vineland Saga

183: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 06: 48.52 ID: LwJMR9cC0
>> 168
I wish to go

260: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 20: 15.02 ID: wOuKkEcO0
>> 183
It's a build

While the hero suffers from atonement and nightmares, it is a living aim for mercilessly chasing.

406: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 50: 51.70 ID: XlIDAD 680
>> 260
I saw this when I saw this thread first

428: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 56: 07.44 ID: 6 + q HqXVR 0
>> 406
It is Yurva's sister or wwww

171: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 04: 26.01 ID: nRU 1 t 3 G 0

297: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 28: 06.49 ID: iKuybllm 0
>> 171
Russian mother's living tree

175: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 05: 45.17 ID: 5Ze5 + GOX0

202: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 09: 37.16 ID: 9wh + G4aE0

205: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 10: 19.14 ID: 5 Ze 5 + GOX 0
Because Tomoe is also being used
Female fighters are useful for Femi

320: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 33: 48.46 ID: cLXR4hSY0
>> 205
Nevertheless, even though the modern conscription system "forced only to men"
"Women have births" or excuse excuses ...

Recently, a woman came up with a draft of a draft like Norway
Even if the president becomes a woman in Korea, only a man is mandatory for military service

380: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 45: 56.62 ID: xBj9jE20O
>> 320
General age for recruitment = age of childbearing ~
A woman who is single and does not have a boyfriend may be a good encouragement to encounter.

395: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 48: 48.50 ID: xkhEnKRx 0
>> 320
When a woman is put in a unit, a men soldier can not overdo it, so the rate of wear increases instead
It is not told that it is not good on actual operation

403: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 50: 39.27 ID: xBj9jE20O
>> 395
If it's a gay fighter it's going to be stronger. why?

491: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 05: 13.64 ID: GC / 6 Hrt Q 0
>> 395 Looking at the corpse of a female soldier, even if you do not know a man soldier is upset and unstable
If a man is a dead body a friend can endure as well
I was doing a report on what the US military did over 10 years ago

247: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 17: 16.00 ID: u36ReC3g0

254: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 18: 58.00 ID: uk3mewGm0
Famous female warlords

Jeanne d'Arc
Mary Lead

282: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 24: 21.88 ID: 4u2sz2bGO
>> 254
Queen of the lost country somehow in the UK

294: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 27: 32.04 ID: IU4TUhKd0
>> 282
Boadicare (BOODICA)
British version of the gate

328: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 34: 48.62 ID: wwAsGtnS0
Is this also a pirate?

335: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 36: 47.45 ID: qrE0XW7K0
>> 328
Although the hero team is a shipping company that also operates piracy, the essence is a tondemo mafia contestant thing, I'm complimenting

337: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 37: 16.62 ID: OwfXgMoH 0
>> 328
I guess it's a carrying shop.

Everything is getting into the shop at the end

338: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 37: 45.86 ID: wX3uJm510
Is this the legendary female pirate Arvida?
I wonder if that model

546: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 14: 10.99 ID: wuKvaj6S0

574: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 22: 32.14 ID: u36ReC3g0
Speaking of female soldiers, the Soviet Union of World War II

Movie "Batalion Russian Ladies Dying Corps VS German Army" Trailer

592: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 28: 10.59 ID: 73 N 2 a GE / 0
>> 574
In the communist country there is no gender Sakai.
After delivering T34 which is made from the factory to the battlefield,
As it is, there is a story of a woman tank unit that was brought into full battle and wiped out.
German soldiers who saw the body of a woman who came to military uniform during Battle of Clux
There is a record that it received a considerable shock.
After that, because it is natural sight, kill or be killed
Such a feeling has gone, but it is.

636: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 37: 27.94 ID: S7HERQVX0
>> 592
As I read it like a Soviet military research paper
It seems that women are more suitable for sniper.
Do not know when you will come Wait for the enemy
It seems that women are better at shooting when they come.

664: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 45: 53.77 ID: 73 N 2 a GE / 0
>> 636
The report of the Soviet Union is less reliable.
It is unknown whether the truth is true whether it has a number etc in the propandander and it is true.
Even now, even in Kurdish troops and the Bosnia-Herzegovina conflict
Since female snipers are active, I guess there are qualifications.
However, during this time, Kurdish women sniper, three people because it is an urban area, one team
It seems to be moving, I brought it to a hiding place such as a radio cassette and was doing it in a friendly atmosphere ...
It was a surprise to this.

695: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 53: 37.99 ID: u36ReC3g0
>> 664
Kurdish female soldiers who fight Muslim countries

A woman sniper is about to end a war death
Female Kurdish sniper cheats death at hands of IS-BBC News

Women Sniper
Female Snipers Fighting ISIS | Hell on Earth

Female Fighters of Kurdistan
(Part 1 of 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_0kg8VlxkE

(Part 2 of 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGVkQtMjDk8

(Part 3 of 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLxniHLkMM0

665: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 46: 22.82 ID: bYpN + RRv 0
>> 636
Lileya in simulated battle with an excellent female pilot
An unreasonable flying way that a man temporarily faints
Even then the woman will not be fainted, just judge the shot down
Since I was eaten over and over, the pilot was a woman's
Are you facing? At that time the pilot's
I heard that there are comments in the record.

700: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 55: 38.80 ID: 73 N 2 a GE / 0
>> 665
African star Marseille is not African front,
There is also a story that if I was assigned to the Eastern Front, my score would have been more than doubled.
That seems that the quality of the Soviet army pilot was low.
However, the situation will change better with actual combat.
In the current US Army, I think there is no difference between men and women because there is usually a female pilot (fighter plane).
To the end, I doubt the record of the Soviet Union, because it is not about the gender qualities.

643: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 38: 34.69 ID: 6yvpLoRO0
In the fabrication of Norse mythology Valkyrie (Vulcurea)
The figure of a real woman Viking has a big influence



644: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 38: 38.29 ID: L8b0LHeD0
My grandfather is better than a woman.

Ryuzoji family cum is 92 years old and wears armor and has a spear and is going out

645: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 39: 23.14 ID: 5Ze5 + GOX0
Artemisia. Fifth century BC. Greek pirates

Signature sister. 1st century. Vietnam

BOODICA. 1st century. Celtic

Queen Tamar. 12th century. Georgia

Agustina de Aragon. 19th century. Spain

Rani of Jhansi. 19th century. India

659: 603, 147 210, 775 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 43: 31.82 ID: u36ReC3g0
(゚ ∀ ゚) Ahaha hachi no shi wanno no keno / / / /

Wonder woman's battlefield scene of the First World War was good

No Man's Land Scene | Wonder Woman (2017) Movie Clip

Wonder Woman - End Credits 1080p

667: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 46: 44.37 ID: gyvOJooj0

677: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 13: 50: 18.11 ID: 5Ze5 + GOX0

721: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 02: 25.79 ID: 73 N 2 a GE / 0
>> 677
The British Navy was forced to wear dress under orders.
However, in order to sink the U boat,
It is a story of a Q boat armed and disguised it.
This is the best cost-effectiveness, even onboard and U-boat, even with each other
German people suffered a lot of damage, many were done during the First World War.
At that time, since the torpedo was high in the U-boat, after having evacuated and recommended evacuation to the merchant ship
It was a way I made it because I saw the occupant 's accusation of completion and was sunk by a bombardment.

729: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 04: 36.44 ID: 0 + LSFj 1 b 0

780: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 27: 05.03 ID: 5Ze5 + GOX0

817: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 44: 59.34 ID: 5 Ze 5 + GOX 0

832: Nanashi @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sun) 14: 52: 54.24 ID: 14 ​​/ HKmPe 0

867: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sun) 15: 09: 18.22 ID: 5Ze5 + GOX0

329: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 35: 48.15 ID: OwfXgMoH0
Because I died in battle, I could not collect the bodies
I just buried my wife or mistress instead.

336: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 37: 15.62 ID: 6 + q HqXVR 0
Muscular school / muscle Morimori Macho woman get fame by combat strength
There is no fighting power to gain support of warriors with beautiful beauty and beauty and beauty, degree of taste
Get support from a heterosexual, priest or shrine maiden predictive by fortunetelling etc
Brains and military brains genius intelligence strategy strategy overturning their friends one after another

What kind of pattern was it?

376: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 45: 16.11 ID: uk3mewGm0
>> 336

The armor which the boss of the pirate of Otisujima "Grandmaster Tsuruhime" actually used was used
I am surviving in Otasima, and when I look at it, I can see that it was a very small woman.

396: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 12: 48: 57.58 ID: YdDXR05A0
>> 376
I have been to seeing
But since armor is heavy
I guess the trunk was well trained

798: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st Anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 35: 39.04 ID: Conr + R 730

I think that it is a domineering theory that Japan is also fighting against women in Japan alone, but this can be denied because there is detailed material here.

812: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 42: 11.59 ID: BICIzZ0Y0
>> 798
Emperor of the Emperor
It is said that the leader of Tsuchida in Kyushu was a woman
Today's Saga Prefecture Taku area has lots of women on the top of the mountain (Taku)
There is a place name transfer called Hizen Fudoki
In Hizen Fudo Kogyo there are many surging thorns who did surrender
They seemed to have fought and resisted

972: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 16: 38: 45.76 ID: wrLuM6fo0
>> 812
Oh, I was.
They seemed to have lots of female leaders
I guess there were also shrine maidens
It was like actually conducting battle and taking over diplomacy

835: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 14: 55: 22.51 ID: Ifx8A52k0
>> 798
Not only is the fight stabbing at the forefront with just a spear
For example, if the castle is attacked, a trained maiden wears armor in the war and has a spear
It is also fighting that the castle owner's daughter-in-law and a child's beside it.
Even if she is in a period of warfare or even if she is trained with a woman, it is not amusing
If you have weapons it is an enemy soldier at least from the enemy's perspective

906: Mr. Nanashi @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sun) 15: 37: 02.26 ID: VOWTMPsn0
tl 15588920

I put it as a substitute and put it in a tomb, and he was probably bye-bye.

965: Mr. Anonymous @ 1st anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 16: 32: 47.42 ID: mNcw9iYN0
Was it a woman? I'm telling you that it is traditional ethnic costume
↓ It was a pervert just like a girlfriend

997: Mr. Anonymous @ 1 anniversary 2017/09/17 (Sunday) 17: 00: 08.55 ID: WUqUAi / F 0
Manipulate things that are Kurimakuto ...

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